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Old 12-5-2010, 07:35 PM   #15
The 40% Iron Chef
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Default Re: What is happiness?

In my opinion, happiness is finding what you're good at, what you love to do, the people you love, and keeping the things you love most happy as well.

There's no one thing that happiness can be seeing as it's really just a release of dopamine. Being a genuinely nice person, brings genuine happiness to me and the people around me, even if it's only temporary.

If you fail to achieve you have to consider, are my standards too high, or did I not try hard enough? Usually in my case, it's because my standards are FAR beyond what they should be to any situation, because given chance of success the reward becomes much greater, therefore, more happiness. If you became lazy and didn't strive, then the question to ask am I just happier being lazy, or do I want to better myself to make myself happy?
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