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Old 11-6-2010, 12:41 AM   #332
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Default Re: Is it wrong to be gay?

Originally Posted by virus003 View Post
My dad has always told me being gay is wrong because it doesn't fulfill our role as humans, to reproduce, it doesn't matter if two guys love each other, there is no physical way for them to reproduce or anything. Making the point of being gay pointless and dumb, and disgusting. I'm not telling you to go die or anything, this is my opinion, MY unbiased opinion. I'm sure a lot of people are thinking this, others think gay people are just regular people in this world, but I am an average born American raised on these thoughts.
Would two heterosexuals who simply don't want kids, or aren't able to have kids just as guilty then? I agree a lot of gays are annoying but you can't just generalize just like how you can't just avoid black people for the rest of your life in fear they'll mug you, it's the same reasoning. Why is being gay "pointless, dumb, and disgusting"? You're telling us this without telling us why. In my opinion you find gay interaction repulsive, which is acceptable and understandable, but how come just because you are repulsed by such things they're wrong? Just because other's share your thoughts doesn't give them any more grounds for being "correct" such as most Germans wanting the extermination of all Jews. I think you just hold these opinions because you're uncomfortable with the idea of two guys doing things together. You don't have to be comfortable with it, I'm gay for the most part and I haven't shown any public affection, nor have I done anything on that list of things you hate about stereotypical gays which personally annoy me too. Perhaps you need to approach the subject with a more rational and open-minded view. Why is being gay wrong? Why does not having the ability to reproduce make any relationship "pointless"? What about just being in a relationship because you love somebody and want companionship? Living life just to pump out a few kids and die sounds kinda pointless to me.
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