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Old 10-23-2010, 06:35 PM   #2304
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

lol D!LL you crack me up. First off I have a 69 hunter I leveled up to first before WOTLK came out. Once I got that I leveled up my Death Knight cause I felt like it.

As for the Night Elf Racials, and talents, yeah they suck. I didn't know the game that well when I started picking races for my DK I give you that, but the evasiveness is definitely amazing for a DK TANK. Not to mention, I'm a MAIN TANK that gets to Sindy at least every week. Again, unless you fully know the DK toon and understand its abilities to play along with anything else, you are a true moron. You know nothing of us DK players that love this class. i don't care what anyone's opinion is cause its an opinion. You like your characters and I like mine.

But, I would believe the next thing your gonna say is that Shamans are beefed up druids, or that warriors are lower than paladins, OR EVEN that mages are beefed up warlocks, again everyone has their own opinion. I'd ask you keep it to yourself and not poke fun at those that actually like the DK class. You can stay on your own little adventure doing what your doing, I will stay on mine. You never saw me sitting here bashing your character have you? And, for the record, 6200 gear scores is impressive, but if you wanna see a damn good player, look up cataclysmit or look up riddance, and look up belthozar. There all DAMN good players with above 6400 gear scores. OH .... there all Death knights too..... and every single one of them have defeated a paladin in the arena.... hmmm, i guess each player knows their own toons better than most.

For the record, my characters name is "Nabarus" as I have stated before. In case you don't know what that means or "in b4 "thats a gay *** name blah blah" it means the devils prophet/messenger. Aztec Gods ftw. Now, have a nice day.
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