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Old 10-21-2010, 09:54 AM   #2
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Default Re: Help me out real quick

First Name, Last Name Initial: Matt Palmer S.
Age: 19
State/Province: Ontario
Country: Canada

1. How do you feel about Americans in general? - Although I think the majority for the most part aren't so much like this, there tends to be a lot of die-hard Republican fanboys (teapartiers) who honestly don't have a single brain cell calling Obama some sort of Nazi Communist. America is a great country, but it's not the greatest for all. I prefer my own, but even more-so countries like Sweden and Denmark (I've been there, not just being a hipster)

2. What language is spoken in Haiti? - French

3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish? - Spain colonized the area.

4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?) - I believe it's average (Canada/US being rich). I think they're very self sufficient as I think gas prices there are like a couple cents a letre. but there's still quite a bit of poverty.

5. What is the current form of government in Uganda? - I don't know but I'll guess totalitarian?

6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border? - Mediterranean

7. What country does Portugal border? - Spain

8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East? - Gaza Strip

9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I? - Germany, Autrio-Hungary, Russia.

10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located? - Iraq, in the Middle East.

11. Who is the Prime Minister of France? - No Idea

12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds? - Sierra Leone?

13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second? - Haiti

14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality? - No Clue
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