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Old 12-17-2009, 03:40 AM   #1
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Default MrRubix's Thread of Epic Fight Scenes

All of these scenes are awesome in their own right, and if you disagree, you're retarded.

Drunken Master - Jackie Chan kicks Ken Lo's ass... probably my favorite scene. The energy and choreography is amazing
Tom Yum Goong - Tony Jaa kicks ass in one shoot
Tom Yum Goong - Tony Jaa breaks... a lot of bones
Tom Yum Goong - Final battle with Goliath
Oldboy - Banhammered, so to speak. One continuous take.
Kill Bill - Beatrix kills the Crazy 88, in color + more fighting
Star Wars VI - Luke versus Vader
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Black Knight battle, heehhe
The Matrix - Neo versus Smith
Matrix Reloaded - Neo fights a bunch of Agent Smiths
Matrix Revolutions - Neo's final fight against Smith
Ong Bak - Ting pwninates Bear, a guy with crazy hair named Toshiro, and Mad Dog
The Princess Bride - Sweet battle
The Terminator - Final Battle
Return of the Dragon - Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris!
Enter the Dragon - Bruce Lee WUUTAAA's O'Hara pretty badly...2:29 for epic LOL... just look at that extension
From Russia with Love - A classic battle between two secret agents
The Karate Kid - lmfao final battle
Fist of Legend - Jet Li versus Billy Chow
The One - Jet Li fights himself
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Indy goes up against a Nazi, gives him a haircut
Raiders of the Lost Ark - The infamous improv Indiana Jones fight
Happy Gilmore - Gilmore versus Bob Barker
Equilibrium - Final fight (Gun kata!)
Star Trek - Kirk dominates some lizard thing
The Transporter - Statham versus ****ing Everyone
Bloodsport - Just watch it, you'll be glad you did


Last edited by MrRubix; 12-17-2009 at 10:06 AM..
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