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Old 12-16-2009, 02:35 PM   #122
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Posts: 204
Default Re: TWG XCII: Welcome Back, Wolfy!

You guys all seem that the assumption that all the wolves are inactive is absolutely correct. I'm not too sure about this whole "let's lynch vic and then the psychic will tell us if we should keep aiming at inactives." Honestly from what I've seen, this plan works entirely on the assumption that at least one wolf will be dead by then, and hopes that there will be two dead. No one seems to have addressed that maybe none will have died and the psychic will have 3 people in the pool that he can't trust.

I'm not saying inactivity is a bad argument for the lack of wolf night one. But honestly if I recall there were only three or four that seemed to be inactive that night, and a couple have mentioned they at least logged on for a little while, AC being one. I'm not dismissing the possibility that the wolves didn't wolf night one in hopes of causing this kind of situation where we are only looking at the inactives. It also seems that whenever our attention starts to shift slightly, like how the group chat a couple nights ago started looking at Iggy after BDN got wolfed, something happens and we're back looking at the most inactive again.

also @ temote
I thought I was being decently least on AIM anyways. Its rare for me to have thoughts that seem important enough for a big post on the thread.

Anyways that's enough of my rant. I'll be back on later after my calc final, and this day of cramming, napping, and disorientation is over.
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