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Old 11-16-2009, 10:58 PM   #1
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Default TWG XCI: Waned Lichens

16 players

3 wolves
1 guardian
12 greens

A motivation for activity: any player who asks to be removed or substituted will simply be killed. Any player who fails to vote during the day phase will be killed. Only sign up if you truly intend to play, it doesn't matter if you end up as an apathetic green or a red trying to hide in the back; I expect activity from ALL PLAYERS.

No instalynches, meaning no abuse of saving people from phantoms. If everyone votes and a person has more than 50% of votes, then I'll end day early and that person will be lynched on the spot. This is basically the concept behind a instalynch, except that all players must have placed a vote for it to happen.

1. fiction (fikshonjunkshon)
2. freezinice (NEXGen33)
3. a2p (awesome lamer)
4. afrobean (afrobean16)
5. litodude (litodude)
6. freakysnots (freakysnots)
7. devonin (danielruffolo18)
8. tupac (tupacodaman)
9. emerald (emerald3x0)
10. manti (DarkManticoreX2)
11. Gun92 (james92Hoffman)
12. u84 (u84 77)
13. IggyMatrixCounter (Iggy911mc)
14. Makilaz (benderchan)
15. Temote (Sumote)
16. Viccica (MMViccica)

N1 has started!
Night1 will end Tuesday, November 17th @ 11:59 CST

{don't hate on the game name}
Originally Posted by ~jrodd View Post
keep ur head up or down whatevers most comfortable idk but ya i repsect u cuz u respect others and we all have opinions to share, so respect one another and keep being urself or someone else watever
Originally Posted by ~Tao of Dossar
I never self-reflect, and therefore, I have no negative thoughts about myself. However I am also aware about my successes.

Last edited by Syhto; 11-16-2009 at 11:13 PM..
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