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Old 09-10-2009, 08:49 PM   #77
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Default Re: Impossible to answer?

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
So that space extends out for an infinite distance in all directions? That means that outside the current outer reaches of where matter actually is, there is just an infinite stretch of void space that the universe's matter is expanding into?
Ehhh, not exactly. The universe is all the space and matter and everything else that exists, and it is expanding. It does not expand into anything, it just expands.

Originally Posted by Shaydow View Post
I understand your folded space analogy, but your talking about it being infinite from OUR point of view. Someone used the universe as a cup analogy before, said yadda yadda yadda its filled with all our stuff and that's it, lets bend it so it becomes a mobius strip or what have you and tada now it's infinite! . . . . ya, to US. However, it's still in existence somewhere, we just can't see that place from our own perspective. Something exists on the outside of that cup, and if we reach the end of that and there is a barrier, then something is on the other side of that.

I know it makes you feel much more insignificant and meaningless when you look at it that way, but I don't see how logic can dictate things just STOP. Logic would dictate to me that things never stop, they go on in all directions for ever.
If there is something on the other side of this hypothetical barrier, than obviously that barrier was not the edge of the universe, since the universe is everything that exists. If things go on forever, than there is no barrier anyway, which was what I was saying. It's impossible to go beyond infinity.

Last edited by insanefreddy926; 09-10-2009 at 09:02 PM..
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