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Old 09-4-2009, 10:01 AM   #1983
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Man do I love the new 5-man and the Conquest-from-all change.

I was leveling an alt before 3.2, but resolved to stop it at 60 due to the changes in leveling for that level. I hit 80 in about a week of offtime while not playing my main. I had intended to make this druid feral/feral (cat/bear), but mainly cat.

About 3 runs through Heroic and 10-15 runs on Regular ToC, along with several other heroics and being carried through a Naxx or two, my druid is now a 31k hp unbuffed bear tank with 40% dodge and crit. Hit-capped and at 35 expertise. It took about a week.

This is excellent, because our guild has run out of spare tanks. We have one main tank and a bunch of characters who prefer DPS but will tank when they have to. Now we have two tanks who are Naxx25/Uld10 ready and it only took a week or two for both of us (Tsugo is the other one, by the way).

This wouldn't be possible without these changes, and that's why I was looking forward to them so much. It's wonderful being able to play an alt at 80 and get it caught up with the new content as soon as possible. I hear Tsugo offtanked Koralon after Wintergrasp last night, but it was pretty damn hard for him =p

Also, I hate cat DPS and I resolve to never do it again. In the heroics that Tsugo's warrior tank and I did together, we just both stayed tank. Our healer was a resto druid and just DPSed in resto gear because there wasn't a point in even throwing a heal out. Sure, it takes a little longer sometimes, but chain pulling with two tanks or just having one tank pull a DPS pack while the other tank charges past and starts threatting the next pack is just fun. The most fun I've had in a long time was having competitions to get to the next mob in CoS (I tended to win due to cat form + dash between long pulls--ended up pulling one about 15 seconds before the healer showed up once).
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