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Old 07-16-2009, 03:11 AM   #34
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 92
Default Re: Impossible to answer?

Originally Posted by Afrombean View Post
This is wrong. You are right to compare and notice different sized infinities, but it is a fallacy to claim that the different sized infinities are equal.

You should be able to in a 4th dimensional figure. Think of the world. To represent it in 2 dimensions, we use a map. But what happens when one reaches the end of the map? You loop back around to the other side. Reason is that even though the two sides of the map appear to occupy different space within 2 dimensions, in reality, they coincide in the third. I suppose this is like the idea of faster than speed light travel using wormholes.

After writing this, I notice that insanefreddy926 talked on the same idea. However, I'd like to add that this idea of the universe doesn't seem very plausible to me as the matter in the universe is moving outward, and yet, we cannot record any instance of matter being recordable from two directions (which would be the case if matter had expanded beyond the "boundary" and begun "coming back" on the "other side").

Well isn't the 4th dimension supposed to be time? That really shouldn't be taken into account if you are imagining traveling through the universe because that does not affect the fundamental structure of the universe. If you imagine a three dimensional object, sure you can travel around it and come back to the same point, but you can also travel through it or away from it altogether. I agree with your point that it is unlikely that traveling indefinitely in one direction through the universe would bring you back to the same point.
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