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Old 05-31-2009, 04:25 PM   #1466
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
Edit: Three cheers for poorly explaining myself.

My whole issue is "Players who brag about how incredibly skilled they are because of their raiding accomplishments amuse me because they almost universally are using multiple outside addons to make the accomplishment as easy and straightforward as possible"

I have no issue with using mods like DBM, Omen, Grid, Clique, Healbot whatever. They DO make the fights a lot easier, and since generally what you're looking for is a) Credit for killing the boss and b) Gear from the boss, anything that makes getting those things easier is a Good Thing(tm)

My issue is that using all of these things -does- make the fight easier, and so I'm -amused- (That's all, amused) when I see arrogant pricks bragging about how amazing they are because they've killed something you haven't, when part of the progression process is engaging as many outside aids as possible to make it as easy as possible to do.
I know you're not targeting me, but at the same time, it's not like DBM is really making it easier. It's just making it more convenient.

I could just use Power Auras to custom-generate images or text just like DBM's whose sole purpose is to flash the buffs/debuffs at me in a clearer way than Blizz's "hey we're just gonna stick this thing over here and hope you notice". Once I realized that, I did. I spent several hours customizing every encounter I knew to just basically show me things I was supposed to see already if Blizzard had spent more than thirty seconds generating a decent UI. On a fight like Hodir, my NPC buffs aren't mixed in with 30 other buffs. They're clearly shown directly over my character's head, separate from the rest of my unimportant buffs (yay +550 ap!). When you have a buff that doesn't work immediately (sunbeam) or a buff that has a maximum capacity that they don't mention to you (toasty fire) or one you'll never ever know that you actually have (power spark) then it's helpful to have a heads-up warning that you've got those buffs rather than spend the entire fight looking at your buffs (Which are constantly changing due to raid-wide procs and such).

I do agree that the game is POSSIBLE without any mods, as I know several people who do not use mods, but the game is made much more CONVENIENT with these addons. The fact that blizzard has never once mentioned a problem with deadly boss mods indicates that they do not think it is cheating. It is simply a program like power auras that is programmed to track when an event occurs and show a warning to the player--just like blizzard's actual raid warnings (except much more accurate).

As for the failures, their problem wasn't really that they didn't know they had the bomb. The problem was that they didn't know how to run away with it. It's much easier in Uld10 because you have a lot more room to work with and there are fewer bombs. With 25 people around him in a half circle, it can sometimes be hard to get away, I guess. Though it really isn't, since I had no problems running away ever.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you can't make a bad player good just by giving them DBM.
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