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Old 05-14-2009, 05:12 PM   #1228
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

We've had a dilemma over loot rules for a while now, and we've come to a pretty good conclusion on how to do it (we think).

1) If the stats all line up for you and it's a main spec upgrade, roll on it regardless of whether you've won something earlier in the run.
2) Because we like to keep the loot spread out so one person doesn't win every roll, anyone who rolls against you with a lower number of "wins" will take precedence.
3) Regardless of when you enter the raid, these numbers apply.
4) Tier tokens apply as well (we just changed this rule--tier used to be a separate main spec roll)

We've had people come for just one fight, but here's how we look at it: You asked them to come, and they wouldn't have come if they couldn't get loot. Did you think they were just there to look at the pretty bosses? As long as they don't absolutely suck (read: disobeying the 10-yard rule on KT repeatedly), they deserve the item just as much as anyone else.

By the way, I hugely disagree with rolling on lower armor classes in your main spec roll. It's just not fair. Clothies can only roll on cloth gear. So, they get one set of possible loot. Leatherbies can roll on cloth and leather, so they get two sets. Mail on three, so three, etc. That means holy paladins get four separate loot tables to roll on in addition to being the only class that can roll on plate heal gear? That's not fair. Only let this happen if the main-spec person (aka priest) doesn't want it.

In other news, some weird stuff is going down on our server. Our guild leader has the networking skills of a god and managed to line up all the best people who weren't in raiding guilds to come with us. He has like 40 of these people on his friends list who are ready to come at the drop of a hat. So if we lose someone to "gotta go dinner bye" or "my guild wants to start a raid sorry", we just pop them out and pop someone else back in.

So anyway, these people eventually came to hate their own guild and love ours, or their guild disbanded, or something else happened. We didn't really want to expand, but in the course of just a few days, we've more than doubled our member list. We can do a full 10-man guild run now. Yay.

Last edited by Squeek; 05-14-2009 at 05:30 PM..
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