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Old 05-12-2009, 05:30 PM   #90
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Default Re: TWG LXXXI: Dark Cloud 2

Originally Posted by Viccica View Post
he was going to seer pnt because of the big voting catastrophy first night. Manti already has/had me confirmed as a human, or he wouldn't have still been talking to me.
oh really

DarkManticoreX2 (10:13:04 PM):I seered sc red, but didnt come out with it right away DarkManticoreX2 (10:13:15 PM):because i wa trying to suck info from him DarkManticoreX2 (10:13:24 PM):i think him and vicca are wolves merlonifan28 (10:13:32 PM):logs? DarkManticoreX2 (10:13:33 PM):read these logs merlonifan28 (10:13:38 PM):ok DarkManticoreX2 (10:14:02 PM):DarkManticoreX2 (12:13:14 AM): hey sc
Sam97379 (12:13:19 AM): hey
DarkManticoreX2 (12:13:34 AM): what up in twg
DarkManticoreX2 (12:13:41 AM): you'vr been kinda lying low
Sam97379 (12:14:07 AM): I've been busy with other stuff
Sam97379 (12:14:14 AM): my old laptop doesn't work anymore
Sam97379 (12:14:17 AM): I got a new one
DarkManticoreX2 (12:14:26 AM): sweet what kind
Sam97379 (12:14:29 AM): so I need to get my files back
DarkManticoreX2 (12:15:08 AM): what type of laptop sc
Sam97379 (12:15:09 AM): HP
DarkManticoreX2 (12:15:24 AM): nice
DarkManticoreX2 (12:15:33 AM): talk to anyone so far?
Sam97379 (12:15:57 AM): yeah
DarkManticoreX2 (12:16:08 AM): who
Sam97379 (12:16:28 AM): vicc, tupac, and bolth
Sam97379 (12:16:40 AM): forgot if I talked to anyone else
DarkManticoreX2 (12:16:42 AM): anything suspicious?
Sam97379 (12:16:49 AM): nope
DarkManticoreX2 (12:16:59 AM): game's getting inactive, we need to get something done
DarkManticoreX2 (12:17:24 AM): could i see your logs with those three if you have em
DarkManticoreX2 (12:17:35 AM): especially with bolth
Sam97379 (12:18:20 AM): I was on meebo for AIM before I got the new laptop, so I only have stuff after that
Sam97379 (12:18:35 AM):Bolth Mannn (12:03:41 AM):any clue as to whos a wolf?
Sam97379 (12:03:52 AM): nope
Sam97379 (12:18:45 AM): ...
DarkManticoreX2 (12:18:55 AM): just one line?
Sam97379 (12:19:03 AM): yeah
DarkManticoreX2 (12:19:20 AM): how bout tupac or vicca
Sam97379 (12:19:31 AM): don't have those two
DarkManticoreX2 (12:21:42 AM): ok maybe i'll ask vicca for hers
Sam97379 (12:23:50 AM): oh yeah
Sam97379 (12:24:03 AM): don't seer vicca this phase
DarkManticoreX2 (12:24:11 AM): y?
Sam97379 (12:24:18 AM): in case vic's human, then the wolves could get the two kills thing
Sam97379 (12:24:54 AM): do it during another phase if she's still alive
DarkManticoreX2 (12:25:29 AM): well thats kinda why i posted it last phase
Sam97379 (12:25:34 AM): oh
DarkManticoreX2 (12:25:36 AM): trying to get her wolved
DarkManticoreX2 (12:25:46 AM): i think she's a wolf
Sam97379 (12:26:11 AM): k, wasn't sure if you knew about it
DarkManticoreX2 (12:27:37 AM): what do you think bout vicca
Sam97379 (12:28:12 AM): no idea
DarkManticoreX2 (12:45:51 AM): oh i meant to ask why you didnt have the logs
DarkManticoreX2 (12:45:59 AM): completely slipped my mind
Sam97379 (12:46:14 AM): I already told you
DarkManticoreX2 (12:46:23 AM): the comp?
Sam97379 (12:46:25 AM): yeah
DarkManticoreX2 (12:46:35 AM): wasnt sure if they were connected
DarkManticoreX2 (12:46:39 AM): ok
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DarkManticoreX2 (3:53:53 PM): hey sc
Sam97379 (3:53:58 PM): hey
DarkManticoreX2 (3:54:01 PM): bolth or pnt
DarkManticoreX2 (3:54:09 PM): who would you rather lynch
Sam97379 (3:54:35 PM): not sure
DarkManticoreX2 (3:54:55 PM): pro's or cons of each decision
DarkManticoreX2 (3:55:12 PM): paint probably wont do that vote thing again
DarkManticoreX2 (3:55:27 PM): however he accidentally or intentionlly caused an insta
DarkManticoreX2 (3:55:43 PM): and then bloth bandwagoned with no apparent reason
Sam97379 (3:55:52 PM): he gave a reason
Sam97379 (3:56:01 PM): and I just talked to zananok for his reason
Sam97379 (3:56:08 PM): don't really agree with any of them
DarkManticoreX2 (3:56:33 PM): well who do you find most suspicious
DarkManticoreX2 (3:56:50 PM): since theres 3 candidates
Sam97379 (3:57:16 PM): can't tell
Sam97379 (3:57:23 PM): bolth and zananok are new
Sam97379 (3:57:42 PM): and pnt I think always plays like that
Sam97379 (3:57:54 PM): he was blue in a game, but I vigi'd him thinking he was a wolf
Sam97379 (3:58:11 PM): so you got a green again?
DarkManticoreX2 (3:58:29 PM): yeah, it's neither of those 3
DarkManticoreX2 (4:00:43 PM): personally im thinking bolth
DarkManticoreX2 (4:00:52 PM): ive had 1 or 2 people say pnt though
DarkManticoreX2 (4:01:02 PM): most people dont really think zan's a wolf merlonifan28 (10:15:20 PM):logs with "1 or 2 people say pnt" DarkManticoreX2 (10:15:40 PM):made it up for cover merlonifan28 (10:15:44 PM):bs merlonifan28 (10:15:44 PM):logs DarkManticoreX2 (10:15:54 PM):4srs DarkManticoreX2 (10:16:07 PM):viccas log says pnt though DarkManticoreX2 (10:16:14 PM):which i sent merlonifan28 (10:16:23 PM):yeah how did that log show vic as a wolf merlonifan28 (10:16:25 PM):i only got one DarkManticoreX2 (10:16:38 PM):didnt get me and vicca DarkManticoreX2 (10:16:39 PM):? merlonifan28 (10:16:46 PM):no merlonifan28 (10:16:48 PM):only sc DarkManticoreX2 (10:16:56 PM):MMViccica (12:17:49 AM):So are you convinced?
MMViccica (12:18:18 AM):Or did you not seer me?
DarkManticoreX2 (12:18:25 AM): i seered you
DarkManticoreX2 (12:18:38 AM): =o
MMViccica (12:18:52 AM):=p Now can we get stuff done? Lol
DarkManticoreX2 (12:19:37 AM): ill be completely honest i didnt seer you
DarkManticoreX2 (12:19:44 AM): i was trying to get you wolved
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DarkManticoreX2 (12:21:02 AM): hey
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MMViccica (12:24:16 AM): Sorry my mum kicked me off.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:24:53 AM): bleh sc said he talked to you do you remember what it about
MMViccica (12:26:09 AM): Mostly about the bandwagon votes and how you're obviously seer since there wasn't a counter claim.
MMViccica (12:26:29 AM): What did you say before i switched?
DarkManticoreX2 (12:26:52 AM): i didn't seer you honestly
DarkManticoreX2 (12:27:16 AM): i was trying to get the wolves to bite on an attempted 2 for 1
MMViccica (12:27:50 AM): Explain?
DarkManticoreX2 (12:28:09 AM): well I had the guard guard you last night
MMViccica (12:28:15 AM): And who did you sees then?
MMViccica (12:28:34 AM): Seer
DarkManticoreX2 (12:28:39 AM): a green, nothing important
DarkManticoreX2 (12:28:52 AM): but i dont tell unconfirmeds
DarkManticoreX2 (12:29:02 AM): that way my army of confirmes grows
DarkManticoreX2 (12:29:16 AM): while the pool shrinks
DarkManticoreX2 (12:30:19 AM): i was hoping to get the guard to hit the wolf
MMViccica (12:30:30 AM): What are your thoughts on pnt? is he always this much of a pain?
DarkManticoreX2 (12:30:39 AM): yeah, he i
DarkManticoreX2 (12:30:41 AM): is
DarkManticoreX2 (12:31:06 AM): im a little suspect of him
DarkManticoreX2 (12:31:18 AM): but im more supicious of inactives
DarkManticoreX2 (12:31:49 AM): like sc and zan
MMViccica (12:32:47 AM): Human pool currently consists of you me guard emy gun and i'm almost positive zan is human he's just clueless. i've talked to
MMViccica (12:33:10 AM): Him. he's just a novice.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:33:17 AM): well my human pool is me guard 2 greens
DarkManticoreX2 (12:33:34 AM): so it's 4/9
DarkManticoreX2 (12:33:43 AM): with 3 confirmed humans
DarkManticoreX2 (12:33:55 AM): its possible 1 is mw
MMViccica (12:34:14 AM): Sc and pnt i'm suspiciousof.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:34:39 AM): why
MMViccica (12:34:55 AM): I intend to vote on him unless something drastic is discovered.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:35:24 AM): on who
DarkManticoreX2 (12:35:30 AM): sc or pnt
DarkManticoreX2 (12:35:33 AM): and why
MMViccica (12:35:54 AM): Well sc hasn't contributed aside from agreeing with what i say or repeating what i've already said.
MMViccica (12:36:39 AM): And pnt i want to vote for because every time i talk to him he causes useless chaos.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:36:48 AM): lol
DarkManticoreX2 (12:36:56 AM): sc has one post
DarkManticoreX2 (12:37:02 AM): a safety on emerald
MMViccica (12:38:01 AM): And i don't care how funny you think it is if you're human you don't generally put a second vote on someone on a whim.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:38:22 AM): bolth?
MMViccica (12:38:24 AM): But there is that. and look who got wolfed...
MMViccica (12:38:47 AM): Emerald. lol.
MMViccica (12:39:22 AM): Night ended. emy died.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:39:48 AM): yeah, but i dont think you can connect the two
MMViccica (12:40:43 AM): Not really just a thought is all. i still suspect pnt though.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:41:02 AM): so who would you go for pnt of sc
DarkManticoreX2 (12:41:04 AM): or*
DarkManticoreX2 (12:44:42 AM): vicca
MMViccica (12:48:50 AM): Sorry i got a call.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:49:06 AM): sokay
DarkManticoreX2 (12:50:29 AM): pnt or sc who would you go for
MMViccica (12:50:34 AM): I'd go for pnt. ruritsu and i both suspected him. and he's causing too much trouble.
MMViccica (12:51:10 AM): Pnt.
MMViccica (12:51:20 AM): Your thoughts?
DarkManticoreX2 (12:51:47 AM): im thinking sc
DarkManticoreX2 (12:51:59 AM): hes just not doing nything this game
DarkManticoreX2 (12:53:18 AM): ill go grill pnt for a bit if hes there
MMViccica (12:53:24 AM): Yeah.. from what i hear that's just how pnt is. but it'd be a dagger to miss him if he's a wolf just because it's the usual.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:53:39 AM): yeah ill go talk to him
MMViccica (12:54:18 AM): I'm taking a shower. keep of posted i'll be back to read soonish.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:54:23 AM): ok
DarkManticoreX2 (12:54:28 AM): leave me pics
MMViccica (12:55:27 AM): Heh. you're a funny guy.
DarkManticoreX2 (12:55:35 AM): =]
MMViccica (1:11:34 AM): Yay. squeaky clean. DarkManticoreX2 (10:17:05 PM):get it? merlonifan28 (10:20:13 PM):yes merlonifan28 (10:20:19 PM):how does that show she's a wolf? merlonifan28 (10:20:19 PM):also merlonifan28 (10:20:22 PM):pretty sure she's ugly merlonifan28 (10:20:28 PM):why would you want pictures DarkManticoreX2 (10:20:39 PM):dont know is shes ugly or not DarkManticoreX2 (10:20:47 PM):plus i get boobies merlonifan28 (10:20:49 PM):oh merlonifan28 (10:20:53 PM):so now the wolf thing? DarkManticoreX2 (10:21:04 PM):see how both logs tell me not to seer viccA merlonifan28 (10:21:39 PM):no, actually merlonifan28 (10:21:42 PM):vics tells you to seer her DarkManticoreX2 (10:21:47 PM):plus it's a common wolf tactic to incriminate one of your freinds DarkManticoreX2 (10:21:59 PM):yeah but she says its a waste DarkManticoreX2 (10:22:06 PM):did you read my post on d1? merlonifan28 (10:22:11 PM):no merlonifan28 (10:22:15 PM):why did the guard come out to you merlonifan28 (10:22:49 PM):also, there's one green unaccounted for merlonifan28 (10:22:55 PM):you said you had 2 confirmed greens merlonifan28 (10:23:00 PM):but you seered a red merlonifan28 (10:23:05 PM):how does that work with only 2 seerings DarkManticoreX2 (10:23:16 PM):your reading into it a bit too much DarkManticoreX2 (10:23:26 PM):think of those logs from this perpective merlonifan28 (10:23:29 PM):not possible DarkManticoreX2 (10:23:38 PM):I'm suspiciou of both of them merlonifan28 (10:23:52 PM):oh **** dawg DarkManticoreX2 (10:23:55 PM):and i already know sc's a wolf when i start that log merlonifan28 (10:24:02 PM):"i told the guard to guard someone else" merlonifan28 (10:24:07 PM):he thinks you're gonna do it again merlonifan28 (10:24:09 PM):*she merlonifan28 (10:24:11 PM):oh ****ttt DarkManticoreX2 (10:24:24 PM):ok relax merlonifan28 (10:24:35 PM):no haha i mean that was a genius way of catching a wolf DarkManticoreX2 (10:24:36 PM):because i think both of them are wolves merlonifan28 (10:24:40 PM):if you did it on purpose that is DarkManticoreX2 (10:24:50 PM):yeah im giving both of them bad info DarkManticoreX2 (10:24:58 PM):intentionally DarkManticoreX2 (10:25:16 PM):you gonna be on in an hour or two? merlonifan28 (10:26:13 PM):maybe merlonifan28 (10:26:29 PM):i'm working on a exercise science and conditioning competency DarkManticoreX2 (10:26:44 PM):ok my dad's bitching at me to come down merlonifan28 (10:26:49 PM):ok merlonifan28 (10:26:50 PM):go for it DarkManticoreX2 (10:26:57 PM):ill prob be back in an hour or so merlonifan28 (10:27:04 PM):see ya then
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