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Old 04-23-2009, 03:20 PM   #989
Very Grave Indeed
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Well, my overall point was more that the problem with people who just to go sites like EJ and MaxDPS which just tell you "use this gear, use this spec, use this rotation" is great in terms of getting high DPS trained monkeys.

I mean, yes, okay, most of the people who -do- take an interest in learning about the depths of their class mechanics and abilities -also- use those websites for additional information/comparison. I do, most of the people I run with do as well. My complaint is the people who are only concerned with just duplicating exactly whatever the website says is currently the best, without thinking about it, which is a surprisingly large number of players.

But as soon as any substantial change to the class goes in, these people become whiny useless QQers until EJ/MaxDPS catch up and provide the new best spec. Someone who took the time to figure out what the things actually do, and the best way for their playstyle to play the class have a much easier time adapting to the changes since they actually understand the intrinsics of what is underlying the powers.

I was probably one of the first 10 paladins on my server to realise that we simply didn't need a spellpower mace to tank anymore when echoes came out. I had adapted and switched before those websites had fully sussed out the change and gotten new builds up. In the meantime, the people who relied on those websites to tell them how to play their class didn't know what the hell was going on.

It's also the case that a lot of people I see who are clearly those cookie-cutter website builds insist on using that rotation 100% all of the time no matter what, and manage to fail to recognize cases where maybe they should switch things up circumstantially.

I've seen ret pallies grump and grouse about being told that they can't use seal of the martyr on Loatheb for god sakes. I just don't like DPS-obsessed people who won't do anything to jeopardize topping the list at the end of the fight, and it pisses me off. I've seen enhancement shamans and ret pallies on Kel'Thuzad who refuse the idea of taking a second to toss a heal onto someone frost tombed just to make sure they don't drop, and I've seen overtaxed or laggy healers fail to get to someone who dies, when someone else might have kept them up etc.

tl;dr: I'd rather have someone who understands the class and has made a personal choice that suits their style running with me, even if they are outperformed by someone has a cookie-cutter build that they learned from a website.
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