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Old 03-28-2009, 09:40 PM   #794
The 40% Iron Chef
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by rade0110 View Post
First day back, did arachnid quarter and got the Gemmed Wand of the Nerubians. Not a bad upgrade from the blue I had. My rotation is totally screwed up though. My overall was about 3100 dps. I would probably be closer to 3400 if I wasn't recasting scorch early or living bomb before it finishes. Guess it'll just take a few days to get back in the swing of things.
I'll suggest something to you right now with your rotation.

Only cast living bomb when the fight first starts. It really doesn't add much dps, and it's a waste of a GCD.

Also, if you use fire blast AT ALL on any fight that requires you to just stand and dps don't do it. Yes, it's an instant cast, but then it's 1.5 seconds til your next cast, in which time you could have gotten through more than half of a FFB which hits harder than your fire blast can crit.

Make absolutely sure you never miss an instant pyro. Also, if you proc a pyro make sure that you use it as if you were doing a pvp shatter with frostbolt icelance. Because if you crit with FFB then Pyro if your next cast crits there's another pyro for you.

With scorches, you should have the improved scorch glyph so you only have to cast the spell twice. Then you should be putting them up every 28 seconds. Which is probably around 8 or so FFB's.

Exceptions to those rules would be on fights where you have to move somewhere, in which caste throw up a living bomb maybe even a fire blast while running. This is especially important on Loatheb if you move to a spore to pop. Casting fire blast will keep ignite up, and if you do that fight right, you can keep an ignite ticking the entire fight which does 40% of total critical strike damage. In which case you can have ignite ticks for over 30k even if your spells only crit in between 9-15k

/mage rant
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