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Old 01-23-2009, 01:07 PM   #142
Very Grave Indeed
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Warrior tank or Paladin tank?

Also, Grandi, exactly. There's a marked difference in WoW lore between gods and Gods. Anything with worshippers is a god, and killing those is no huge deal.

You'll also notice on the "killing godish things" front, that out in Shadowmoon Valley, the Arrakoa (I think) were trying to summon up "A powerful and evil force" which looked suspiciously like C'thun or at least a C'thun-like being, and as a PC, you put the kaibosh on that pretty easily (I think it's a solo quest even)

Also, the fact that power creep makes an older fight much easier needs to be sort of glossed over in terms of looking at how "powerful" a being is supposed to be. Sure you can 5-man AQ40 -now- but it was still supposed to be a 40-man raid by the standards at the time, so a boss like C'thun should be considered in the "league" of "40-man raids" even though the curve means not-40 people can do it.

By that token, Ragnaros being a 40-man raid means that Neptulon (Who is more powerful than Ragnaros) could absolutely be an expansion-central boss. I'd still rather see them do something with the Emerald Dream though. Archdruid Staghelm totally needs to be a raid boss.
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