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Old 12-21-2008, 06:52 PM   #746
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Default Re: Ingame Songs/Stepfiles Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Shashakiro View Post
I don't get why people think keeping the "proper" full song is preferable to not getting bored while playing the game (for widgets of course it's necessary but otherwise not really at all).

By the way, aside from that I will say that from what I've played it seems like most of the newer files are extremely well made, especially the 10's and 11's, so the judging process is still as great as it ever was (although I'm sure people are still whining constantly about it, just like when I was a judge).
Look to answear why you don't get it. Is simply because people actually want the full songs because that is what they listen to in real life. They don't want no cut up hack job of a song that can't do the original justice. All that personal feelings crap aside. Dance music is ment to be very long in general. Trying to shorten a dance song is like wrestling an alligator. You MIGHT MIGHT win but in the end your not leaveing without bumps, bruises, and cuts, etc etc etc. So dont insult the original artists and play the full length song. Another thing about you personally. Your lame as hell if your gonna get bored playing the same song for more then 4 minutes. What is 3 and 1/2 minutes fine and exciteing but 4 which is just another 30 f''in seconds longer just too long. I absolutely dispise people like you. I bet you get pissed off at your microwave whenever it takes longer then 30 secondes to cook ya hot dogs. roflmao. When you mature enough to realize 5 mintues isn't 5 hours you can post again on this forum. Untill then stop whinnin like a lil baby and go get some ADD and ADHD medicine.
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