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Old 12-19-2008, 01:17 AM   #24
The Chill Keeper
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Default Re: A couple names their child....

Originally Posted by fido123 View Post

EDIT: Funmonkey...there were greater leaders than Hitler...yes it is "politically correct" to do so as you're simply exorcising your right as a citizen and you can make the BS excuse that you're naming him after him because of his leadership qualities. Nobody in the right mind is going to do it for the reason you're stating. Also the things he did aren't questionable as you try to make them appear...they were appallingly horrible on an international scale. Also a poor childhood isn't an excuse to do evil things. In that case everybody should be let out of jail because "It's not their fault, something has caused them to be like this". Something always causes people to act in a certain way and you have to hold the person accountable rather than what made him/her like that.
I am in my right mind and I fully believe someone could name their child this because of his leadership abilities.

And at what point did I say the things he did were good? I am simply suggesting that the name could have some value as an educational resource to inform the people of Hitler and his life.

Also, at what point did I say he did not deserve his fate? I did not say he didn't deserve it, I said certain things in his life pushed him to that point. While, in essence, he is responsible for his own choices, certain influences can persuade his actions majorly.

And lastly, who is to say what he did is wrong? I believe it is wrong, and I would support that claim, but you have no more of a right to say his actions were not the right actions than you have the right to say your religion is the right religion. You can present your ideas and attempt to persuade people of what you believe, but you can in no way prove that what he did was wrong other than what you believe from an individual moral standpoint.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I never said he was the best leader either. I said he was a good leader. BIG difference.

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