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Old 01-3-2005, 12:20 PM   #20
FFR Player
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Location: Small town, TN
Age: 37
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Sheep, nice one. It seems to be true from what I can see, but I can only really see parts of what others do. I, for the record, never fully trust Tass. In this game I was uneasy telling him that I was guardian, but I knew that if he was a wolf he wouldn't kill me. I didn't even tell him that I told Afrobean, I just said "I told somebody else, so don't try anything." I told Afrobean that I told Tass, however, and I figured if I died then it had to be Afrobean because Tass wouldn't even have anybody to lay the blame on (since I didn't tell him who I told).

Also, in TWG5 where Tass was pretty much the ringleader, I didn't trust him until Alain admitted his defeat. If Alain hadn't admitted to being wolf I still would have thought that maybe Tass and LD were trying to screw us over and that they were wolves. I've never trusted Tass completely except then when Alain was stupid and messed up :P.

Oh, and Tass, some have raised concerns that your grammar/capitalization/stuff isn't so great, and they would be kinda angered if you hosted, for that reason. Hence, if you do host, you must promise that you will go through and proofread the story and all before you post it.

And blah, I didn't agree with Tass hosting 3 games in a row. I'm just saying that we need to stop doing the same old game. Tass has his idea, Cypher (I think) has his idea that would be a major change, and I'm sure there are others. Like, I thought it would be cool to have more wolves (5, maybe) and 2 seers, and the Master Wolf can be seen as a wolf only if both seers view him. I'm not running for host, though, I just figured I'd throw that out there to see what people think.

Speaking of which, may be we should make a thread about TWG ideas? New roles to incorporate, ways to balance it out with new roles and different numbers of people. I'd like to see, all in one thread, how people think TWG should be run. Then we can pull the best of those ideas and incorporate them into TWG, with the sketchy ideas being put into jTWG perhaps. Just a thought, though.
So I've gone completely slack-ass and haven't done any work on creating games. =(

In less-depressing news, I got a job for an online business (which sells non-electronic games, of all things!) which has taught me a lot about marketing online and all that jazz.

So now I'm on Twitter @NoahWright.
And I write the blog for their website.

Plus I do cool programming in-house that you'll never see. =O
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