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Old 10-23-2008, 01:27 AM   #19
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car?

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
Technological shifts don't displace workers, they unite and create them. While it hurts those with specialized oil knowledge in the long run, it does create new jobs. The internet changed up a lot of ****, and destroyed some fields of work. That's a moot argument.

The real problem is that electric cars are expensive and less useful. Or were, that is. Now they look like the most viable paradigm shift. Don't believe me? Check out the TESLA Motors Roadster and the Chevy Volt. One is effective and one is cheap (relative).
Thank you. You touched on all the bases that I would have talked about.

For those that are deterred by the theories of electric cars being pansy cars with no balls, the TESLA car is capable of 0-60 in 3.9 seconds. Also, take into account that electric cars are still in a relatively infantile stage. With another 50 years of development under their belts I would be willing to bet that they can perform every bit as good as the gas-powered vehicles of today.
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