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Old 10-14-2008, 06:56 PM   #776
tha Guardians
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Default Re: 2nd Unofficial FFR Tournament - Round 6

Originally Posted by Biff_tech View Post
I wanna break my god damn hand seriously I can't even begin to describe how bad i'm doing on this song now like CHRIST I can't believe how bad i'm doing i'll triple A the song all the way up to the 1000 combo and then get raped completely raped after that because it's {firestorm} x6 it's so god damn annoying not to mention my sound only works half the time and i'm using a g15 GAWD DAMNIT GRRR aIHFLK:AHSGNLK


&The complaints I've heard on why I shouldn't be allowed to move up a division is it wouldn't be fair to the people in the new division. I thought it would be more fair that if I decided to move up a div that I would be required to play on that higher level, and not just avoid the song.

So in this case, may I play Silence and have that count as my {Frozen} score? You could grade it simply by PA, as you've been doing. If I get a blackflag, then I would move on (given the current scores).

That definitely seems fair to me. I hate to see people (other than myself and including myself) go out solely because they got a bad song.

My fingers can't do this. If I could play spread, this would be soooo much easier D:

Big letters so you might actually read and consider this post

Originally Posted by sonic-fast-fingers View Post
can someone clarrify what QFT means my friend told me its quit ****ing talking, but im not 100 percent sure

Originally Posted by Synthlight
I need a car that drives itself completely automated and I want it for free and it needs infinite gas mileage.


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