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Old 10-13-2008, 05:46 PM   #120
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Originally Posted by Silvuh View Post
Ooh, I do!
This is not a baseless opinion. Say the person has come to an idea of what he finds to be nice weather through experiencing weather he finds unpleasant. "I prefer mild temperatures, because I don't like being too cold or two hot. I don't like full overcast, because dark days are too gloomy for me. I like a bit of wind, because it's cooler—but not so much that it blows my papers away. I don't like how dry weather flakes my skin, and I don't like muggy, wet weather, either. Today, the temperature is about 80 degrees, I can see the sun, it's not humid or dry, and I can feel some wind, so, yeah, it's a nice day out for me." is different from saying "The weather is nice today because I can't spread cold peanut butter."
I wasn't trying to illustrate a "baseless" opinion. Only an opinion. And, like I said it's "chit chat" not "Let me tell you why I love the weather today as oppose to those muggy days we have every year. No, this day is different. This is the day I will tell you why I like the weather although you had no intentions on directing this conversation about last weeks forecast." You didn't prove much of a point assuming that my example was dealing with "baseless" opinion. Ass. u. me.

This is not a reply to a baseless opinion or faulty reasoning, so it's not helping your argument.
This is a reply to an opinion the person is choosing to have about the weather. Same as the rebuttal would be an opinion itself. STFU, you have horrible social skills when it comes to "chit chat"

I'll go to the dictionary for this one (i.e. I'm pretty sure the definition in question is "1.sound; just; well-founded". If the facts and reasoning an opinion is based on aren't sound, just, and well-founded, then... Well, it's not that great of an opinion, is it?
I can see Russia from my house.
Well let's think about the term "valid opinion":

Opinion: a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty

Valid : well grounded or justifiable, pertinent; acceptable, proper or correct, relevant

Well, according to this it's more or less a paradox.
Can you have both? Validity and opinion. Sure. Can they contradict? Of course.
I think one should only use the term "valid" when they are dealing with TRUE STATEMENTS where THE VALIDITY CAN BE PROVEN BECAUSE VALIDITY IS A QUALITY OF TRUTH, NOT OPINIONS WTF?!
Want to know what makes any opinion "valid" aside from the quality of truth. If you believe it's valid, then it is. As an opinion it can not be tested for fault or truth. If you believe in your statement, it is valid. But, I am using the term "valid" VERY LOOSELY when it comes down to opinion, because I know not many people are going to find MY opinion valid. It's only going to valid for me.

I thought all this meant was "Because I can think, I exist." Not "Because I can think, my opinions are valid."
There is one key emphasis you are missing.
I. One more time. I. Let's recap. I. Are you getting this? I. I AM. I exist, don't I? I think, do I not? If I cherish my opinion, is that not the same as saying "I cherish, therefor I am."
Point? You are individual who thinks and is still entitled to an opinion no matter how wrong or right others may think you or your reasoning are.

This has been said before. It sounds like you're saying a person's beliefs can not be changed. Isn't a change in mind involved in things like maturing and converting?
Where did you even come up with this idea? Are you reading? "you can't TAKE AWAY" not "you can never change". As long as the person wants to hold on to the idea whether it is belief or opinion, you can not take that away. It is up to the person to surrender their idea or belief. Can you influence this? Of course, anyone can. You have a twisted notion of arguing. Like I said. Assumptions. Ass. YOU. Me

This has also been said before. Sounds to me like you're saying that just because of the fact that people make baseless opinions, we shouldn't tell people not to make baseless opinions—or that our attempts are futile. Just because A happens, you can't stop anyone from doing A. Is that what you mean?
"Sounds to me" is an opinion that is completely out of context with what I am saying. You obviously didn't read what I posted, and if you did, you didn't grasp the higher level thinking concept required to EMBRACE the fact. Just because A happens doesn't mean we can't stop it. We just can't control it, within context. You are starting to annoy me.

If B is an argument against A, and all you can do is use A to argue against B... It's a circle.
"Everyone's opinion is valid."
"Opinions need to be derived from fact to be valid."
"No, everyone's opinion is valid! "
By not contributing any new, relevant, and valid arguments, one throws himself in to the circle. There's more to this thread than the circle you're in.
I am not here to learn about circular argumentative fallacies. The thing about this thread is that no new, relevant, and "valid" arguments exists. It's all opinion. And that's all it is going to be. This statement was as useless as your post.

Maybe should get in to the differences between opinions, beliefs and arguments?
I think that's what OrganisM and you were doing. I just got pissed off at seeing it each time someone put their 2 cents in. Truth is, no one cares about difference in opinion when it comes down to it. You don't care why I think you're wrong (or right), nor do I care if OrganisM is either. Let people have opinions without being bashed in by CT when they were in this for small talk to begin with.
Originally Posted by jewpinthethird View Post
Are you has depression? Does you worry about things that are worryful? Does you want to escape the Earths? Just remember, you has a spicy life.
Originally Posted by Zageron View Post
Everything is Vistas fault. If your cat dies, it's also Vistas fault.
Originally Posted by [TeRa] View Post
I've come to the assumption that you are either Miley Cyrus yourself being you are not a young kid trying to defend her, or you are indeed Chris Crocker, you related her to Britney Spears...If you took this paragraph seriously, just quit the internet lol

Last edited by KA0Z R4VR; 10-13-2008 at 05:51 PM..
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