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Old 09-17-2008, 03:26 PM   #99
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Default Re: Banned for Wanting Grammar!

Originally Posted by Squeek View Post
translation: If igneous rocks write without perfection controlled timing gamer / spelling but International Treatise of Spelling still understandable snuff for Uganda two knowledge what Imps train to say igneous rocks really duplicate words done see the problem at all.

How do I know if you shortened a word or made a typo? How do I know some of the words you wrote aren't acronyms or just words you wrote without punctuation? Since I don't know, I filled in some of blanks as my mind saw fit.

If you've ever tried to translate a foreign language with a typo, here's a protip. It's impossible. So don't even give me that "English isn't their first language" bull. We have the sub-clause in place that says ESOL kids are the exception here, but I have never seen an ESOL kid purposely butcher a language he's learning just to "look cool" or "save time".

How, about, the, case, of, the, super, annoying, sentence, with, commas, after, every, single, word? Where, is, the, proper, comma, in, this, sentence? Is, there, one? Isn't, this, annoying, to, read? You, probably, think, this, is, just, a, joke. I, wish, I, never, saw, a, post, like, this, before, but, I, have.

Then I don't see why you don't respect the choice of the authority that runs these forums. The rule of spelling/grammar is just as arbitrary as the rule of no double-posting. It's a conduct rule. If you can't spell properly, you aren't 13. I absolutely cannot imagine a situation where an English-speaking user has any kind of excuse as to why they cannot write properly.

Why is that? Because this is a forum. It's not a chat room. You have literally all the time in the world to make a post. Pop it into Word! Use FireFox's spell-check! There are dozens of things you can do before you post anything that will automatically fix most of your errors.
You know damn well what that sentence said. Exaggerating doesn't make a valid point since I can do that with a proper sentence as well.

I'd like to call bs on your protip. If you have a proper understanding of the language, most of the time you'll know whether it's a typo or not. You can get a lot of information out of the context. I'm doubting whether you have ever tried to translate a foreign language. The "English isn't their first language bull", as you call it, is nevertheless very correct. If even native speakers make mistakes to it's/its and they're/their/there, it's unfair to expect from everyone that they don't make mistakes, and to some people it might seem very rude to correct every mistake they make.

As for the commas, I didn't really have a problem with it, but that's probably just me as I'm used to reading **** like that :P

And eh, I am respecting this forum's rule, however, this discussion is about other forums with different rules, and grammar freaks complaining about them. How would you feel if people would constantly run around commenting on your language. Maybe reading bad grammar is annoying for you, but having 10 posts after that with corrections is annoying for other people trying to read the thread.

Btw, here's a real protip: spell-check programs don't correct all mistakes.
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Originally Posted by MrRubix View Post
EDIT: Wow Magewout just slayed my riddles
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