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Old 08-26-2008, 10:56 AM   #27
Zageron E. Tazaterra
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Default Re: What defines you?

I'm going to be a little self centred to explain my view on 'the definition of one's self'.

I'll make this short and sweet.
I'm a guy, I'm average hight (5"10'), I have brown/red hair and brown eyes, I'm white.
Now what would you define this person as? You can't, because you don't have a visual of their face. Now I can't describe my features, because I was never good at that, but do I really need to? How can you define someone by how they look? I'm positive I know at least 5 big mean looking guys that are the nicest people in the world!

Alright, so what about actions?
I swear but not at others, I don't give people the 'middle finger', I roll my eyes a very frequently, I hang around a few of the 'cool kids' but only when they aren't around the 'ass hole cool kids', I use computers way to much, I'm the smartest in my school with computers, I'm very gentle (and it's annoying as hell but I'm also emotional -_-), I play the piano and the saxophone as well I'm a natural at music.

Now, how would you label that?
I, personally, would call myself: a laid back teen who hangs around the people he likes while completely shunning anyone he doesn't like (or causes him problems). He shares his knowledge and tries his hardest not to gloat or brag about it (sometimes fails). I could go on. But generally speaking it would be a 'good, polite boy'.

But as said before in the thread, you can't vouch for yourself. Now I KNOW what I'm actually like, no matter what I think I should be like. My sense of humour is awesome (IRL not TGB), and if I'm the slightest big hyper (oh god if I was drunk) I tend to over exaggerate or say very stupid things. Now usually I'm good about it. But sometimes I'll say something totally random and unoffensive and someone will get 'holy ****' offended. Only afterwards when I really think about what I said, in that situation to that person, do I realize it was offensives. To many I also come across as rude and offencive, obnoxious even. Where I thought I was innocent and polite, and actually an annoying bastard?

Sure, why not?
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