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Old 10-31-2004, 08:49 PM   #175
Posts: n/a

Moogy: Tasselfoot, Kilgamayan, djshox, QreepyBORIS (4)
Tasselfoot: Moogy (1)
No one (no penalty): Kenzya (1)

Moogy is bound in ropes and taken up to the gallows. He is unable to figure out why the elder is laughing softly to himself. Tasselfoot binds Moogy in the noose.

"Elder? What's wrong?" asks djshox.

"Nothing is wrong," says the elder. "Everything is perfectly allright."

The moon waxes, the sun wanes. The eyes of the elder turn bright red like embers. Moogy's eyes widen as he suddenly realizes what is happening and lunges to escape with all his might, but he is powerless to escape the noose. Tasselfoot quickly knocks down the stool with a smile and a growl, and Moogy begins to gag and choke.

"You've done well, my children," the elder says. Tasselfoot leaps off the gallows and lands on all fours. His hair begins to thicken and claws sprout from his fingers, his teeth becoming ever sharper by the second. Moogy is nothing more than a lifeless ornament at this point

QreepyBoris and djshox are gripped with fear and start to run. They are arrested by Kenzya and Kilgamayan, who are undergoing the same transformation seen in Tasselfoot. With the wolves' arms around their throats, the comparatively weak Qreepy and djshox are completely unable to move.

"We didn't kill...a...single one of you..." says Qreepy.

"Quite an astute observation, says the elder, who now lies on all fours on the ground, having lost all appearance of his humanity. "Sounds like you should have listened to all those poor friends of yours who you killed when they told you they weren't wolves. But it seemed like you were quite agreeable fellows - after all, you simply voted for whoever the wolves coaxed you into voting for. Maybe you should have thought for yourselves."

"How're a wolf?" asks djshox.

"You're too young to remember that I was not born in this town. I was adopted! When the nearby town of Bemastyl encountered a werewolf problem not too long ago, I was ushered out of the town as a baby and brought here. Bemastyl, of course, was completely overrun by wolves at the end of their ordeal. My adoptive parents knew nothing of the nature of the curse I had, the curse they had accepted into their home, and sheltered me from the outside world so that no one in the town could know I was a wolf. Despite being of a werewolf bloodline, I had a serious physical malady that made it hard for me to walk. When in wolf form it's even harder for me to move - meaning if I wanted to claim this wretched town in the name of the wolf-lord, I couldn't do it myself. I waited until all had died who knew of my adopted history, and then decided it was the time to strike. I knew it was time to bring the curse to Flarev. The night of the lunar eclipse was the proper appointed time. I invited Kilgamayan, Tasselfoot, and Kenzya to my home, where I served them wine mixed with my own blood, transferring the curse upon them. As a result of the dark forces present, the well filled with blood. Don't worry, though, they're more than happy to be my servants now. They were even nice enough to kill their friends and relatives for me!"

The elder nods at Tasselfoot, who sprints into the distance suddenly.

"Bastard..." says djshox.

"Oh, don't worry," says the elder. "I told you they were quite happy, didn't I? And now you get to be quite happy too!"

Tasselfoot returns carrying a bucket of the tainted well-water in his jaws.

"Force this down their throats," says the elder. Qreepy and djshox struggle and resist, but are unable to stop Kilgamayan and Kenzya from doing so. Soon they are writhing on the ground, undergoing the same terrible metamorphosis as they saw Kenzya, Tasselfoot, Kilgamayan, and the Elder experience. They are screaming in agony as their free wills are sucked away from them and their humanity lost to a terrible double-existence. Soon their writhing stops, and they rise as new creations, having lost their old identities.

The elder speaks to the five wolves now gathered before him, smiling, licking themselves, and growling.

"There are still humans about who need to be converted," says the elder. "Let everyone in the village drink of the corrupt water tonight, whether they like to or not. Add more numbers to our ranks, male and female. Then, let us multiply and spread from this pitiful village. From here we will start our conquest. From here we will rule the country. From here we will eradicate humanity..."

Game over! A complete shutout for the humans. You guys lost, big time.

Game winners:
Tasselfoot, Kilgamayan, Kenzya

Game results and everyone's true identities:

Aleco (lynched on Day 2)
CypherToorima (murdered on Night 4)
djshox (lost at end of game)
Flypie (murdered on Night 3)
Guido (murdered on Night 2)
ImEric (SEER, lynched on Day 1)
Kenzya (WOLF, won the game)
Kilgamayan (WOLF, won the game)
Lightdarkness (lynched on Day 3)
Moogy (lynched on Day 5)
MrESqueek (GUARDIAN, murdered on Night 5)
Qreepy (lost at end of game)
SleeplessDragn (lynched on Day 4)
Tasselfoot (WOLF, won the game)
The Q (murdered on Night 1)