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Old 10-26-2004, 11:33 AM   #1
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Default The Werewolf Game - Signups

The Werewolf Game is a forum-based game consisting of two teams where both are trying to outwit the others.

Here are the rules in a nutshell: The game is played in two phases, night and day. 1/4 of the players are werewolves, chosen at random. They know who each other are. Every night they PM the host (me) and tell them who they want to kill. That person dies that night. The next morning, the humans wake up with their dead friend and try to figure out who the werewolves are through interesting forum conversation. They cast a vote on who to lynch, and that person gets lynched. Whether or not they were a wolf or a human, no one knows until the end of the game.

Votes can be changed during the daytime until everyone has voted and there is a 50% majority vote. If you fail to vote, you get a Phantom Vote against you at every lynching after that. Needless to say, too many Phantom Votes makes it a lot easier for you to be gotten rid of.

The humans have another tool - a "seer". During the night, the seer has a revelation about a particular player. The seer privately informs the PM the name of 1 person they want information on, and the host informs them if they are a werewolf or human. This is a powerful tool, but if the seer makes it obvious who he is, he's going to get wolfed.

There's also one more special role, a Guardian who can protect someone from the wolves. The guardian PMs the game host (me) with the name of the person they want to protect. If the person is the same as the one the wolves pick to kill that night, their kill is unsuccessful.

Needless to say, if you're dead, you're out. You can't post anymore in the game topic. Some last words are allright, as long as they don't relate to the game itself (no revealing your suspicions, etc.)

The humans win if they successfully lynch all the wolves. The wolves win if they whittle down the number of humans to the point where they're even, at which point the wolves can murder them all without fear of retribution.

This is in Critical Thinking because the game requires a lot of it. This isn't a stupid forum game thread like "one word war" or "post something about the previous person" or something like that. This is an actual game with actual rules and actual winners, which doesn't happen in the game thread forum. Also, posting in here keeps out the stupid postwhores.

Signups will be closed at 9 PM EST on Wednesday, and the first round will start at night. Night lasts until the wolves, guardian, and seer PM me their picks and I'm around to read it. Then day begins, which lasts 48 hours.

Only sign up if you are serious about playing this game and can check this thread at least every 48 hours. Don't sign up unless you actually want to play.

Full rules (a must read):

I'm setting the maximum number of players for this game at 15. Signups will be closed before 9 PM Wednesday if we reach the maximum number of players.

Good luck!

Players (ONE slot left):