Thread: Rock Band 2
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Old 07-13-2008, 05:51 AM   #114
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Default Re: Rock Band 2 Official

Originally Posted by dore View Post
It's an extra 350 for the brain, FYI. I'll probably get a real kit before this.
Wow, that sucks. If the additional cymbals can be attached to the standard issue set, I might just get one of them instead. If the quad formation is still bugging me that much even with the cymbals added, I'll mod my own formation.

$300 for better pads,
The standard set will also have better pads, and will likely retail for less than 100$.

3 cymbals
The ion kit only comes with TWO cymbals. You can add a third, but it's a separate addition.

a better (stock) pedal(maybe, I'm guessing)
The standard pedal is metal reinforced too. In fact, I think I'd prefer the standard issue kick pedal, because the Ion kit one is free floating, and relies on velcro or something to stay in place.

and a electronic drum set, is a pretty good deal
Like I said, you can get a quality basic edrum kit for about 700$. Compare that to this, which is:
  • 300$ for pads and 2 cymbals
  • 350$ for brain
  • unknown amount for 3rd cymbal and 2nd foot pedal

Compare that to what you'd be getting for 700$ for a kit purposed as an instrument instead of a controller:
  • same amount of drum head pads, presumably same or better quality than RB2 pads
  • 3 cymbals
  • the hi hat cymbal is functioned to appear and work as a hihat would, unlike the RB2 one which will be physically identical in functionality to the ones you would use as ride or crash
  • a 2nd foot pedal for the hihat is a given
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