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Old 05-16-2008, 03:22 PM   #39
Very Grave Indeed
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Default Re: Overprotective parents?.....

My dad (fairly traditional Italian father) was very strict until I was 18. I always had to tell them where I was going, when I'd be back, call if any of that changed, reasonably fixed bedtimes (Not like "be in bed by X" but "We'll get pissed off and yell at you if you're up super late")

As soon as I turned 18, each and every restriction was lifted. The working theory was "We work hard while you're growing up to instill a certain sense of responsibility and maturity in you, and by the time you're 18 you've either learned it or not, but now you're an adult, so do what you like, and we'll just hope you learned the useful lessons"

Sure, I had lots of yelling matches with my parents as a teenager about how unfair all their rules were, but I seem to have turned out okay as a result.
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