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Old 02-29-2008, 12:28 PM   #14
Very Grave Indeed
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Default Re: Self-Publishing at very reasonable rates

When you post Content on Lulu's website, you keep your copyright, but you grant that Lulu will provide a service to post, display, copy, and sell that Content within the limitations you set during the online publishing process.
That sounds perfectly reasonable to me, they are after all a marketing tool as well as a publisher. I'm not seeing where the "shady" side of this comes in. You can use the site as deeply or shallowly as you want. You can put works there in such a way that only you can access them in -any- way, get only as many copies made as -you- want. Or you can have them listed in any place -you- feel comfortable having them listed (Say by having taken the time to actually read the User Agreement) it isn't like once your content touches their website they can just run away with it.
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