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Old 01-31-2008, 05:43 PM   #102
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Default Re: TWG LVIII - A Very TF2 TWG

Okay let me clear a few things up now (for pnt, manti, and makilz):

I'm :not: the sniper.

The plan of pretending to be seer, by trav, was actually a great idea. Although, his intentions with the plan were totally bogus. As I explained earlier, using the sniper's skill, the sniper will be able to get in contact with the wolf thus hopefully forming an alliance. The Sniper could then be another MW, being able to seer green. The only problem is, the sniper can go either side of the game and is, in whole, unreliable. I expect the wolves to feed the Sniper false information in order to really prove loyalty, but that would just take too long either way.

Now, back to trav. I used his idea against him and posed as the sniper. I really didn't think it would work, as interrogation plans are almost complete failure nowadays and he's a bit more experience. Here's the log (you can skip this):

Litodude (8:13:40 PM): hahahahaha
Litodude (8:13:45 PM): ahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Litodude (8:15:19 PM): my pm is saying
Litodude (8:15:23 PM): you're not wolf
Litodude (8:15:24 PM): right
Litodude (8:15:29 PM): hahaha
Litodude (8:15:33 PM): uhm
RBennie362 (8:15:40 PM): I have just as much suspicion on you my friend
Litodude (8:15:54 PM): do you know why i immediately said your plan was stupid?
Litodude (8:15:59 PM): about being the sniper?
Litodude (8:16:06 PM): should i tell you?
RBennie362 (8:16:17 PM): sure
Litodude (8:16:28 PM): i'm the sniper man
Litodude (8:16:30 PM): lmaooo
RBennie362 (8:16:40 PM): that would explain a little
RBennie362 (8:16:48 PM): it still wouldnt devalidate my plan
Litodude (8:17:10 PM): true
Litodude (8:17:21 PM): but the sniper is biased toward the wolves
Litodude (8:17:31 PM): i mean
Litodude (8:17:36 PM): i already know you're red
Litodude (8:17:40 PM): it says it in my pm
RBennie362 (8:17:46 PM): as the sniper?
Litodude (8:17:47 PM): and it's also saying
Litodude (8:17:59 PM): that you received the pm saying i'm sniper
Litodude (8:18:00 PM): no
Litodude (8:18:09 PM): i have the pm saying you're red
RBennie362 (8:18:21 PM): uh huh
RBennie362 (8:18:50 PM): So let me get this straight
RBennie362 (8:18:54 PM): you are telling me
RBennie362 (8:18:57 PM): that you are the sniper
RBennie362 (8:19:05 PM): and you "scoped" me
Litodude (8:19:17 PM): no
Litodude (8:19:28 PM): i scoped the player that was probablyi going to get wolfed
Litodude (8:19:32 PM): and i was successful
Litodude (8:19:41 PM): meaning that i got to see a random wolf
Litodude (8:19:44 PM): and *sing*
Litodude (8:19:48 PM): my suspicions were correct
Litodude (8:19:49 PM): it's you
Litodude (8:19:52 PM): er
Litodude (8:19:54 PM): you're one of them
RBennie362 (8:19:55 PM): unfortunately
RBennie362 (8:20:00 PM): what you are saying makes no sense
RBennie362 (8:20:06 PM): i know it doesnt even make sense to you
Litodude (8:20:15 PM): obviously you don't know the role of sniper clearly
RBennie362 (8:20:23 PM): Sniper will "scope in" on a chosen player's house, where if is wolfed will spot a random wolf. The wolf will be informed he's being spied upon by the sniper.
Litodude (8:20:36 PM): pretty much rondbox has it set up so that the sniper will go to the wolves most likely
Litodude (8:20:38 PM): but i'mnot
Litodude (8:20:43 PM): Sniper will "scope in" on a chosen player's house
Litodude (8:20:46 PM): on a chosen player's house
Litodude (8:20:55 PM): if that person is wolfed
Litodude (8:21:09 PM): then i see who one of the wolves are
Litodude (8:21:16 PM): great skill really
Litodude (8:21:34 PM): posting this later
Litodude (8:21:37 PM): down to 2 wolves
Litodude (8:21:38 PM): ^^
RBennie362 (8:21:42 PM): no
RBennie362 (8:21:44 PM): you are BSing
RBennie362 (8:21:52 PM): and im just sitting here listening to you
Litodude (8:21:57 PM): yea i am bs'ing lmao
RBennie362 (8:22:00 PM): because what you are saying makes no sense
Litodude (8:22:03 PM): actually
Litodude (8:22:07 PM): what i'm saying makes perfect sense
RBennie362 (8:22:09 PM): No let me talk now
Litodude (8:22:16 PM): i've already had this interrogation set up
RBennie362 (8:22:28 PM): 1. you have had it out to me from the beginning for no reason
RBennie362 (8:22:48 PM): 2, the player getting spied doesn't get a PM if they are human
RBennie362 (8:22:53 PM): No PM buddy
RBennie362 (8:23:00 PM): this was a really good try
Litodude (8:23:05 PM): no
Litodude (8:23:11 PM): you're so wrong on the sniper's role
RBennie362 (8:23:14 PM): but it will only work if the person is a wolf, and bad at this game
Litodude (8:23:21 PM): the sniper gets to pick a person
Litodude (8:23:24 PM): ANY person
RBennie362 (8:23:32 PM): i got that
Litodude (8:23:33 PM): and watch the person in the night
Litodude (8:23:34 PM): now
Litodude (8:23:40 PM): if that person gets lynched
Litodude (8:23:43 PM): i mean
Litodude (8:23:44 PM): wolved
Litodude (8:23:47 PM): at NIGHT
Litodude (8:24:09 PM): then i will receive a pm saying one of the wolves
RBennie362 (8:24:10 PM): You know what's funny
Litodude (8:24:14 PM): hm?
RBennie362 (8:24:21 PM): None of this is in the role description
Litodude (8:24:28 PM): yea
Litodude (8:24:33 PM): it's not
Litodude (8:24:37 PM): i guess you didn't figure it out
RBennie362 (8:24:39 PM): and you know why its not
Litodude (8:24:40 PM): more like
Litodude (8:24:42 PM): you wouldn't know
RBennie362 (8:24:46 PM): because you are lying
Litodude (8:24:57 PM): or because i am the sniper and i know what my power does
Litodude (8:24:59 PM): anyway
Litodude (8:25:01 PM): did you get that?
Litodude (8:25:10 PM): 1. i pick a person to look at
Litodude (8:25:21 PM): 2. during the night, if that player is killed, i get to see a random wolf
Litodude (8:25:22 PM): simple
Litodude (8:25:23 PM): easy
RBennie362 (8:25:27 PM): You should stop trying so hard to get me out
RBennie362 (8:25:33 PM): and focus on finding wolves
Litodude (8:25:34 PM): ask roundbox
Litodude (8:25:35 PM): ask him
Litodude (8:25:41 PM): this is my skill
Litodude (8:25:46 PM): you are a wolf
Litodude (8:25:51 PM): we are down to 2 wolves
Litodude (8:25:56 PM): thunder was a wolf as well
Litodude (8:25:59 PM): one of your comrades
RBennie362 (8:26:09 PM): I found out thunder was a wolf from emerald
RBennie362 (8:26:36 PM): And I've already talked to roundbox about the roles in the very beginning of the game
RBennie362 (8:26:55 PM): he told me that there would be no additional info than other than what's posted
RBennie362 (8:27:17 PM): RBennie362 (8:23:33 PM): None of this is in the role description
Litodude (8:23:41 PM): yea
Litodude (8:23:46 PM): it's not
RBennie362 (8:27:22 PM): thats how i know you are lying
Litodude (8:27:46 PM): holllyyy shiiit
Litodude (8:27:49 PM): assssk roundbox
Litodude (8:27:54 PM): this is the skill of the sniper
Litodude (8:27:58 PM): i found out you're the wolf
Litodude (8:28:01 PM): end of story
Litodude (8:28:05 PM): now it's 2:14
RBennie362 (8:28:06 PM): Ive already had an extensive conversation about roles
Litodude (8:28:12 PM): yea okay
RBennie362 (8:28:17 PM): so sorry lito but you are lying to me
Litodude (8:28:18 PM): you obviously didn't get the right information
RBennie362 (8:28:45 PM): obviously you are trying really hard to try to knock off a good human
RBennie362 (8:28:53 PM): its not going to work
RBennie362 (8:28:59 PM): i wont let you simply set me up
RBennie362 (8:29:19 PM): i understand why you flipped out when i told you my original plan
RBennie362 (8:13:51 PM): well hello
Litodude (8:13:54 PM): *points and laughs*
Litodude (8:13:59 PM): ahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha
RBennie362 (8:13:59 PM): i see that
Litodude (8:14:03 PM): lmao
Litodude (8:14:07 PM): do you guys feel good
Litodude (8:14:08 PM): ?
Litodude (8:14:15 PM): i don't know who the reast of you are but lmaooo
RBennie362 (8:14:19 PM): do us guys geel good?
Litodude (8:14:24 PM): feel*&
RBennie362 (8:14:40 PM): what are you talking about
Litodude (8:14:41 PM): so
Litodude (8:14:43 PM): one quesiton
Litodude (8:14:49 PM): why did you send in that kill?
RBennie362 (8:14:57 PM): Im not a wolf lito...
Litodude (8:15:00 PM): was it just some random lynching?
Litodude (8:15:03 PM): wolfing*
Litodude (8:15:07 PM): ......
Litodude (8:15:09 PM): what
Litodude (8:15:10 PM): what
Litodude (8:15:14 PM): you're not wolf
Litodude (8:15:14 PM): right
RBennie362 (8:15:15 PM): I was the one who figured it out with emerald

kay stop skipping nao
So yes, I used the "skill" of the sniper to lure him out but was unsuccessful. I predicted that.

The next part was entirely all on his own, I just gave him a little push.

Litodude (8:29:22 PM): AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Litodude (8:29:27 PM): trav you can calm dow now
RBennie362 (8:29:28 PM): you were trying to frame me for the first lynch
Litodude (8:29:34 PM): i don't tihnk you're a wolf :3
Litodude (8:29:40 PM): btw i'm not the sniper
Litodude (8:29:45 PM): it really is a good idea though
RBennie362 (8:29:52 PM): So....
RBennie362 (8:29:56 PM): You just took my idea
RBennie362 (8:30:04 PM): and tried to use it against me?
Litodude (8:30:08 PM): yea pretty much
Litodude (8:30:08 PM): lmao
Litodude (8:30:12 PM): but you had a flaw
RBennie362 (8:30:14 PM): i hate you
Litodude (8:30:18 PM): your plan wasn't accurate
Litodude (8:30:23 PM): everything i just said was true
Litodude (8:30:30 PM): that's the real role of the sniper
Litodude (8:30:46 PM): Litodude (8:25:10 PM): 1. i pick a person to look at
Litodude (8:25:21 PM): 2. during the night, if that player is killed, i get to see a random wolf
Litodude (8:30:51 PM): the part i left out is
Litodude (8:31:00 PM): 3. the wolf knows i am looking at them
Litodude (8:31:04 PM): him/her*

I explain my moves.

Now this is where I set myself up as the sniper, with a pretty reasonable idea why I should (don't skip):

Litodude (8:52:17 PM): okay
RBennie362 (8:52:26 PM): well thats not true
Litodude (8:52:26 PM): i need to set up an alliance with you
RBennie362 (8:52:30 PM): unless they are confirmed
Litodude (8:52:43 PM): i need you to do something for me, since i think i can do "your" sniper idea better
Litodude (8:52:57 PM): i'll tell you the details if you want
RBennie362 (8:53:10 PM): you need me to do something to do my idea?
Litodude (8:53:18 PM): well
Litodude (8:53:19 PM): kinda
RBennie362 (8:53:24 PM): what?
Litodude (8:53:30 PM): would you like to hear it first before drawing conclusions?
RBennie362 (8:54:11 PM): ok
Litodude (8:54:30 PM): okay
Litodude (8:54:34 PM): i need to say something like
Litodude (8:54:44 PM): i need you to*
Litodude (8:55:21 PM): "Sniper, please don't use your power. This is for the benefit of the humans, and we can successfully accomplish your goal of surviving?"
Litodude (8:55:28 PM): oops not question mark
Litodude (8:55:56 PM): you can add in **** like, "there is already a blue alliance going on and we can protect you."
Litodude (8:56:23 PM): "Your role is only important to the wolve's win so please keep it to yourself."
Litodude (8:56:24 PM): now
Litodude (8:56:31 PM): here's where i can implement your idea
Litodude (8:57:01 PM): this is me: "I come out to you guys as the Sniper. Please explain you reasonings to me."
Litodude (8:57:05 PM): that's kind of stupid
Litodude (8:57:21 PM): but it would ultimately sway the wolves into contacting me first
Litodude (8:57:32 PM): "Please contact me as soon as possible, or leave pms."
Litodude (8:57:39 PM): the only problem would be counterclaims
Litodude (8:57:46 PM): and THEN it wouldn't be a problem
RBennie362 (8:57:52 PM): lol
Litodude (8:57:54 PM): because i would automatically say to lynch me
RBennie362 (8:57:59 PM): This could get you lynched
Litodude (8:58:02 PM): and lynch the real sniper
Litodude (8:58:04 PM): i don't care
Litodude (8:58:06 PM): i'm human lmao
RBennie362 (8:58:12 PM): alright
Litodude (8:58:24 PM): but i just eliminated the possibility of wolves gaining an upper hand
RBennie362 (8:58:30 PM): so basically im going to post why the sniper shouldnt come out
RBennie362 (8:58:33 PM): and then you post
Litodude (8:58:35 PM): yea
RBennie362 (8:58:38 PM): **** you travman
Litodude (8:58:39 PM): i'll post in 2 hours
RBennie362 (8:58:41 PM): im the sniper
RBennie362 (8:58:43 PM): wolves come
RBennie362 (8:58:49 PM): and then the real sniper comes out
RBennie362 (8:58:53 PM): and lynch
Litodude (8:58:54 PM): ill use the "this is why i thought your idea was stupid"
RBennie362 (8:59:12 PM): so this is basically a ploy to get teh sniper to come out
Litodude (8:59:24 PM): yeap
Litodude (8:59:39 PM): i only hope the real sniper didn't already use his power and contacted the wolves
RBennie362 (8:59:40 PM): its actually a good plan

So the reason why I pretended to be sniper was so that I could get one of the wolves to contact me, seeing as it's a plausible reason to. After all, the sniper is key in the wolves's victory. I told him to make an announcement in the thread telling the sniper NOT to come out.

Originally Posted by travman301 View Post
I need to adress this because no one else has.

The sniper needs to come to the human side.

For one, a wolf is already down. You going over to the wolf's side would simply be adding the work to an eventual and ultimate defeat.

Also, by coming over to the human side raises the chances of victory considerably for not only you, but the human team as well.

Don't use your ability until you have thought things over and have jumped over to the green side.
And now, me apparently being "mad" about trav, I tell him "u kno what scru u ***, i'm the sniper and i make my own decisions." Pretty convincing right?

The real reason I told trav my plan was to check if he was a wolf or not. Think about it: i claim to be the sniper, and there seems to not be a counterclaim; the sniper is almost nearly vital to the wolve's survival, so why wouldn't they contact me? Simple: trav was feeding the wolves information about my plan. Even a good wolf wouldn't pass up the chance to talk to me AT LEAST ONCE. I'm not saying people here aren't smart enough to figure out the trap, but it would take a lot more consideration in though, and that's what has not been happening lately in TWG.

So I caught trav feeding the other wolves information that I set up as bait. In fact, I tell him earlier (if you read) that the whole purpose of the plan is to have the real sniper come out. The problem with that is, the sniper has already gone to the blues and the plan I made was just a fake. There was no "real" reason for the plan except to fish out trav. With the seering successful, I now could say that I was correct in suspecting trav.


With pnt, it's more of a really good hunch. pnt was one of the first ones to contact me, other than trav, and was kind of open to talking.

merlonifan28 (4:28:13 PM): Blah
Litodude (4:28:37 PM): hey pnt
merlonifan28 (4:28:44 PM): hey
merlonifan28 (4:28:53 PM): what's the jist of that last convo
Litodude (4:29:06 PM): uh
Litodude (4:29:12 PM): pretty much the first part only
Litodude (4:29:15 PM): then some bickering
Litodude (4:29:20 PM): explaining what his plan was
merlonifan28 (4:29:46 PM): i get what the plan was, i think
Litodude (4:35:33 PM): ok

After I posted saying that I was sniper, it seems he was avoiding me, or not contacting me, even though he was on nearly the whole night yesterday and day before.

Litodude (7:59:50 PM): Hi. Are you there?
Litodude (7:59:52 PM): hey
merlonifan28 went idle at 8:11:53 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Litodude (9:26:34 PM): you there
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Litodude (3:35:04 PM): Hi. Are you there?

;_; I don't know why, but it just seemed fishy to me. trav could've contacted pnt at the same time I was talking to him, reaveling my strategies. AND, AFTER NOT COMPLETELY TALKING TO ME AT ALL, pnt decides to vote for me, even if he had never contacted me about coming out as sniper. He had ample time to talk to me, and I saw he was online.

When having a suspicion on someone, don't you try and contact him/her? Or operate thought a proxy and have a person contact him/her? He had ample time to talk to me, and only trav was the person to come contact me, besides the blues, yet he didn't type another line after that. Because of that correlation, I decided to vote for pnt, even though he's not a confirmed anything.
Originally Posted by t-rogdor View Post
i finally got a weed hookup again and i texted the dude asking where to meet him tomorrow and the dude just said "out west"

out west?
the fuck kinda location is west?
am i buying weed off a gotdamn pirate

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
remind everyone that i am an outed racist neo-nazi who no one in their right mind should ever interact with in any way whatsoever
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