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Old 12-31-2007, 08:31 PM   #1
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Default TWG LV: Harry Potter Books 1-7: Postgame

Argo accepted the recruiting along with freaky and pnt so they won also.

1. argo15 (argo1516)- Vampire wolf- Voldemort
2. travman301 (RBennie362)- Seer- Ron Weasly
3. SethSquall (SethSquall)- Wolf- Wormtail
4. Brilliant dynamite neon (megamngtx) - human
5. litodude (litodude)- human
6. heavylee (heavyleah) -human
7. DarkManticoreX2 (Darkmanticorex2) - human
8. emerald000 (emerald3x0) - human
9. Einherjar_04 (Jeremy0416) - guardian- Dumbledore
10. makilaz (benderchan) - recruiter
11. thunderstrike687 (thunderstrike687) - Protector - harry potter
12. pntballa18 (Merlonifan28) - Wolf Seer- bellatrix lestrange
13. Halleys5thConcerto (Halleys4th ) - Rebel
14. freakysnots (freakysnots) - Master Wolf - Barty Crouch Jr
15. pyroshock (djpyroshock) - scientist
16. mattc16 (mattc16mcfc) - wolf -
17. meno_rocks123 (MenoRS123) Recorder - hermione
18. gnr61 (basketcase1161) - Executioner - snape
19. emocheergirl (bgurl99o0 ) - murderer - sirius black

MVP goes to emerald000 for his excellent choice in item usage and detection. Ask him about it because i don't feel like elaborating. LVP goes to einherjar for coming out as the guardian to the wolves. SC made that mistake in your first game as seer. I actually got the PM saying "kill the guard" with your name in it. No matter how close you're to a freind don't come out to them.

1. argo15 (argo1516)- Well played, you you should have tried harder to find out the protector and kill him before night 2 so your conversion would have succeeded. Or used kill power instead of vampire power.

2. travman301 (RBennie362)- You shoulda sent in the first nights PM for seering, you're lucky teh seering was random on thunder

3. SethSquall (SethSquall)- Stay alive longer!!! I want to see you play, but you played well for your longevity

4. Brilliant dynamite neon (megamngtx)- meh, not enough activity in your life

5. litodude (litodude)- peachy keen playing lito, i don't have much criticism to you

6. heavylee (heavyleah)- i thought for sure the wolves would try and kill you the first night with argo as a wolf, but nope =]

7. DarkManticoreX2 (Darkmanticorex2)- manti...I was hoping you wouldn't get all the wolves so quick so my game wouldn't go down the tubes lol, Wish you lived longer than the 1st night

8. emerald000 (emerald3x0)- your item usage was astounding. Rather than use raw information you used the items to gather little bits and pieces and put it al together

9. Einherjar_04 (Jeremy0416)- dude, i like you, your cool. But don't come out to anyone. Especially as the guardian. Stick around though, your catching on to the game quick

10. makilaz (benderchan)- nice recruiting, it was fhunny how you recruited emerald to the human sdie thought he alread was

11. thunderstrike687 (thunderstrike687) - it sounds like an exciting role, protector, but your abilities were more limited than either of us probably thought. Though well played, i think you liked being harry more than teh protector

12. pntballa18 (Merlonifan28)- we had our arguments but you didnt play so bad. I'm glad you won and look forward to playing with you more

13. Halleys5thConcerto (Halleys4th ) i was shocked when you joined the
wolves, I sort of expected it but not that much.

14. freakysnots (freakysnots)- how'd you like being a wolf? not so bad for your first time being one however, you should have acted more like the "paraniod" freaky we know as a human

15. pyroshock (djpyroshock)- you were very "iffy" about joining e3ither side but it looks like you made the right chioce huh

16. mattc16 (mattc16mcfc)- man i was pissed about that veriserum, though it's really good to see you active

17. meno_rocks123 (MenoRS123) - lol, meno, it was un to give you the lists. You used them well

18. gnr61 (basketcase1161)- I was so shocked that you never used your power!

19. emocheergirl (bgurl99o0 )- get a freaking ban. you and einherjar tie on mvp in my eyes.

To Everyone: Post your christmas items please, i couldnt keep up with all them. And, thanks for letting me host, I'll go for it again probably just NO CONVERSIONS, they confuse they hell out of me.

Originally Posted by darkshark View Post
Everyone sucks at this game. The second you think you're good is the second you stop trying to get better.
Originally Posted by aperson View Post
i had a mri the other day it was the best song i heard in years

Originally Posted by Sprite-
More of a joke than the time I deleted all the credits on the site.
Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
yeah my goldfish think im a riot they do this thing where they turn upside down and float to the top of the tank

i guess their alcohol tolerance isnt as high as mine
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