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Old 11-8-2007, 05:53 PM   #74
Very Grave Indeed
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Default Re: Religious people aren't as smart as Atheists

Originally Posted by Dark Ronin
When you look at it that way, it would be impossible for religion to affect it.
You seem to be under the misapprehension that I am claiming the possibility that being religious effects your intelligence. That is utterly backwards.

The implication I got from the data was that being an intelligent person makes you less inclined to be religious, not the other way around.

The people who have high IQs, and thus are generally more well educated, more prone to question, and analyze are then less likely to strongly support belief systems that are centred around faith.

-Obviously- this is not a universal case. I can point to several religious people on this forum that I consider quite highly intelligent (Chardish leaps to mind as a good example) and I know plenty of people on this forum who jump into religious discussions as an OMG ATHEIST who are, frankly, morons.

But what the data of this study suggested, to me anyway, was that the more prone you are to thinking critically, questioning, and analyzing the world around you, the less likely you are to be a strongly devout member of a faith-based religion.
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