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Old 11-4-2007, 07:42 PM   #5
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Question Re: KeyBoard Ultimix: Now Accepting!

Originally Posted by BEN.(SPEIRS) 7.5 View Post

Delta Beat
Heavy: + moches, this is your best file yet! I loved every second of it!

FF3 (Rock Mix)
Standard: +
Heavy: +
Oni: + Loved all 3 difficulties! The sync may need a sliiight adjustment though, but that's ok.

Heavy: + Haha that was so fun and random.
Oni: ? Felt like it was hard just for the sake of being hard... I would much rather just keep heavy =)

Mute City Remix
Heavy: +? Hard. Maybe a bit too difficult? Loved the ending!

Heavy: + I really enjoyed this! At first I thought it was far too easy, but things soon picked up! Nice, easier file =D

Procrastination on a Paper
Heavy: + Pitch relevantness is excellent! Really liked the song, and sounded like something from IIDX? Great nevertheless!

Super Nova
Heavy: + OMG I LOVE YOU. You synched it for me =) Steps were cool and very fun! And it got pretty hectiv near the end!
Originally Posted by SulferDragon
FF3 Boss - +? - Probably not...

I.S.D.K. - ? - If you're going to step a 60 second song, do more with it please... THOSE 24TH TRILLS ARE BS!

Mute City Remix - ? - The steps follow what again? Ah, well, at least it's not full of YNS, but no...

Namiki - - - Wow, wtf, oh my god... THAT WAS BORING! Put me to sleep, couldn't even finish it. Should be layered more, and I'm pretty sure some of those steps are 32nds. Just terrible stepping song.

Procrastination on Paper - + - Dude, this is the best file you've submitted to the pack. I like it. Some of the stream patterns could be better, as well as more pitch relevant, but okay.
Look, I'm not trying to bitch the judges out or anything. I'm just making notes to myself to fix this and tweak that.

Delta Beat- WHAT????I never stepped anything that had a name remotey resembling Delta Beat!

FF3 Rock- I fixed most of the problems.

I.S.D.K.- Just removed Oni.

Namiki-I wanted a easier file to balance out the 13-foot stuff. It's not for masters of SM like ArchOwl or anything. If you want, I'll make Oni.


Super Nova- Lol, this file was pretty crappy. I'll figure it out sooner or later.

Last edited by moches; 11-4-2007 at 08:31 PM..
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