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Old 07-25-2007, 07:40 AM   #1
FFR Player
Join Date: Sep 2003
Age: 35
Posts: 6
Default Fundamental problem with Skill Tokens

There is only one Flash Flash Revolution in the whole world. There are
other similar things of course, but only one FFR. It's something that has
brought joy into many, many people's lives, and for what it is, it's

But, it's far from perfect. Currently, an aspect of FFR is a source of
frustration in my life; a negative influence on my being. That is the skill
token system.

I really love the song Clash at the Mountains, a remix of a song from
Link's awakening, which was recently added to FFR as a skill token. It
would make my life a little bit happier to be able to play this song, and
I'm sure it would others as well, but the thing is it's really, really hard
to unlock. As I'm writing this, only 164 people have it, out of 1.2 million

I plan to continue playing FFR indefinitely, so hopefully I'll continue to
improve, but right now there's abolutely no possibility that I'll be able
to unlock and play this token.

I'm sure the people who put their time and effort into FFR want it be the
best entity that it possibly can be, and that it improve people's lives as
much as it can. So why deny people the simple pleasure of playing a song,
just because they don't have to skill to unlock it? It almost seems cruel.

Of course on the flipside of this is the perspective of those who can
unlock all of the tokens, I don't want to undermine their efforts, but
right now they're the minority.

One possibility is that when you pull off a skill token requirement, you
get a "token" honoring the achievement in your profile, and then you get
your choice of a song from the skill token list. Any other alternative
ideas are welcome. But I think that ideally, all songs should be available
to everyone in some way or another.

That's about it. I just hope that what I've expressed here will be taken
into account.


Last edited by TheMongoose; 07-25-2007 at 09:09 AM..
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