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Old 05-17-2007, 04:15 PM   #20
A car crash mind
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Default Re: TGB Edition Of Hurt & Heal

Hey, you've actually tried. I like that.

Party words
Ya, you're right. At least the wall understands my pain.

You never hurt my feelings, I wouldn't care what you thought about me or said to me... You're just some random guy on the internet whom I'll never meet with which I probably will never actually talk to or be friends with. Your just some rude guy who has a problem with me for no reason at all and I know I don't really like that and I know some other people feel the same way.
Oh. So close but quite the contradiction. If you don't care then you wouldn't say "I don't really like that", because you wouldn't care. Also, people need to get it through their heads, I have no problem with anyone, I hardly show emotion in real life, why would I show any to the internets.


Anyhoo, stop trying to flame me. Not only is it pathetic and from how you are "flaming" it is obvious to see you have no idea what you are talking about and are probably not even mature enough to fathom what you are saying, but you are also boring me. So that'll be me. Reply if you wish and continue this flaming, but as I've said, I won't flame here. Take it to PM's if you really care.
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