Thread: On Drug Use
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Old 05-14-2007, 07:18 PM   #67
(The Fat's Sabobah)
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Originally Posted by Izzi View Post
Wow i think you totally misunderstood where i was coming from there. You are way to quick to jump at stuff like that. Also that was only a 1 liner how do you get all of that out of it. How am i acting like i dont know what you are talking about? My statment wasnt even an arguement against anything you said. I was just throwing it out there. Please, calm down sir.

If you think about what i said the situation would be more like this.

"Hey i think im going to try cocain" "lets research it because it might be dangerous!" "Omg, its addictive and can ruin your life, omg" *does it anyways*

Please dont take this into a huge arguement. I read your post and this isnt an attack against you at all.
Sorry bud, but this is Critical Thinking. If you say something inflammatory like that, you better back it up with something good. As Chrissi pointed out You didn't, and your e-ass was raped for it.

Originally Posted by flawofhumanity View Post
drugs like "opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, and certain depressants like GHB" can be physically addictive (I think, if I'm incorrect someone call me out on it) which can lead to the detriment of others not abusing said drugs.
I actually had to look this up just now, but GHB is addictive (I, for some reason, didn't think it was). It's fairly mild when taken as a low dose sleeping aid, but it's deadly when taken at recreational doses. It's more commonly known as the date-rape drug and it can put you in a coma and even kill you. More dangerously, it can made from common household cleaning agents. But some people like take it because it gets you hella krunk, ya know wut i m sayin?
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