Thread: Lunia
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Old 05-10-2007, 08:36 PM   #18
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Default Re: Lunia

I downloaded and played this when it opened and i must say it is really great.

The problems you guys are having with the text not showing up for descriptions is something to do with your computer and there is a manual patch for the text problem somewhere. Only seems to happen to some computers. Mine was absolutly fine with the descriptions and everything.

And lol there is no exit for the town silly. you press the start button to enter a stage or pvp etc. That town is just a town for getting your party and selling and buying junk.

The game is pretty much a beat em up. each stage has a poorly done cutscene made in flash with speech bubbles that don't fix the text. You pretty much justt get from one place to another with friends or random people and try to survive your way through hoards of monsters and the usual boss at the end and sometimes a midboss to accomany it.

It's what you would expect from a beatem up with rpg elements. You can do dashes and your physical attacks are A for normal attacks and D for "power" attacks and space bar for your hit em while their down atacks. You can do a various amount of combos and such with these buttons and your skills are also assigned to your hot keys which you can mix in with your combos.

I actually really like this game due to the fact that the hit detection for attacking your character is spot on. you can actually dodge attacks and shiz without that annoying "invisible hit" type thing.

This game has alot of problems and is really not worth playing yet until the open beta as the closed will proberly leave a bad taste in your mouth.

The main reasons would be the lag and the disconnections. the lag has been making moving and hitting extremly clunky and somtimes you will move into the same position as you were before moving because of this lag.

Another is the fact that the server disconnects you all the time seriously i play 3 stages and i usually get disconnected. When you get disconnected everything is like you never even played the stage you started. so if you leveled up or got some rare ****ing loot like i did. Tough **** you lost it.

The "story" cutscene and gameplay text is also pretty unreadable at some point due to the text not fitting the bubbles and some clashing with the background.

So yeah i stopped playing this at level 8 so i could fully savor the experience without remembering this annoyance leaving a bad taste.

The game itself is brilliant and i love it but sadly it is not really playable at the moment with such a crappy server. I will definatly play the game but not until open beta when hopefully shiz is sorted out. Also the fact it's in closed beta means that your character is gonna get erased at the end of may.

Save yourself from the annoyance of the closed beta test but definatly start playing when the open beta starts.
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