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Old 04-10-2007, 09:13 AM   #44
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Default Re: Homosexual Marriage

Originally Posted by Wlfwnd91 View Post
Alright, time for me to make my statement and leave, cause just like slipstrike, I don't want to turn this into another "Snickers controversy" thread which spun around in circles, which this will more than likely invariably do.

Now, before I get started I would like to say that I am bi, and also follow Satanic philosophy to a great extent, however I shall be as unbiased as I possibly can be in the rest of this little rant that I'm going to go on.

First of all, I don't believe that 1 in 4 of every students is gay/bi in any way, and I think that if it was a legitamit study it should be disregarded immediately, because first of all, a lot of high schoolers are either just confused, or trying to piss their parents off, I can't count how many guys have hit on me, and I'll get a crush on them and they immediately "Don't swing that way". I do believe there are more gays than we know about, however to quote a student study is kind of rediculous.

Marriage IS a religious institution and should NOT be controlled by the government in any way. And by this I mean that marriage should not have ANY benefits with insurance or taxes, it's simply rediculous. Then you have to take into consideration. What is "The church"? The Christian Church? The last time I checked, The Church of Satan was a certified church by the government, and the Church of Satan supports gay marriage 100%. It should be upto the church which the 2 people (or possibly more?) Chose to be united under.

The Church of Satan does hold marriage cerimonies, and you want to know what? The people being united don't receive any benefits whatsoever. And that's the way it should be. If you're getting married for benefits then you need to look at your relationship. If a sect of Christianity choses to let gays be married, then it shouldn't be condemned.

Now onto the whole homosexuality thing in general. I'm bi, and I hardly see how me kissing another guy affects a straight man or woman's life in any way. If I know a friend of mine is straight, I don't hit on him, plain and simple. I'm not going to go "Raping" some guy just because I'm gay. That's the MOST ignorant thing I've ever heard. And I love it when straight people say "You chose to be gay!" without even knowing what they're talking about. If you're not gay, you can't possibly assume something like that.

To end it off, I'm very happy being bi. And though it will never happen, we should stop judging people based on sex(ual orientation), race, religion, or anything like that. It's all a load of crap, but humans are too imperfect to accept differences.
I'm too lazy to read this book right now, I saved this on my word pad for later reading.