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Old 03-27-2007, 09:39 PM   #46
Join Date: Feb 2007
Age: 34
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Default Re: Paranoid Parents & the Internet

It's usually best to keep parents who don't use computers or know much about it on a need to know basis. The media has pretty much blown up everything making adults scared of this new age technology.

I never have a problem with porn or anything. I'm a man, my hentai folder is in my documents and my porn is in a folder on my desktop called Bittorrentdownloads.

I guess my mum respects my privacy and everything. But then again this is my computer and nobody ever goes on it anyway.

The whole rated M and such are guidelines and are really up to the parents to decide if their child is mature enough to purchase it. Purely the parents fault if something happens and they make a misjudgment, it's not exactly hard to flip over to the back of something and read a paragraph to see if it's suitable for young sharp object obsessed Jimmy.

If your parents happen to find out about something and they don't understand it it's usually best to explain it with some hard facts. We are more likely to get raped attacked molested etc just walking outside normally then someone finding out the town you live in. What stops any person kidnapping you in cities etc. It's not like shiz is going to make any diffrence.
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