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Old 02-5-2007, 10:10 PM   #96
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Default Re: The official "There's this girl" Thread

Please allow me to get my two cents in before you get carried away.
The most common argumentive posts I see from people who have 2000+ posts and god complex and all that are one's that have "You clearly don't know what you're talking about"
When you say this, you're basically speaking for the person, and maybe what your interpretation of their verse is NOT what they intended. When this happens, it's no big problem... anywhere else but here. When there's a misinterpretation here, whoever misinterpreted it acts like a smartass and offends the other person, which starts a gay little fight. In the end, friends come along and take sides without any solid reason, the one with the most allies goes out for chocolate frosties and does it another time cause he likes the taste of victory.
The loser creates a bias against the victor and his little clique.

This place is just a TERRIBLE arguing point, so I try not to take sides.

I believe love though because it's something that I have felt and can see daily. I feel sorry for those who don't believe in it because they haven't felt it before and close their eyes to it.
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