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Old 02-4-2007, 06:06 PM   #2
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Default Re: A big problem for Evolution?

I'm pretty certain 'random mutation' merely means that it occurs randomly, not that the results are random. The results are what 'natural selection' entails.

The entire concept is that the species mutates to better suit itself in nature. The actual result is better or worse, and it accepts the better results and ditches what didn't work.

By the way, I feel the need to mention this anytime someone talks about Evolution. Evolution is a fact. It merely denotes that species have changed over time, which is incredibly obvious to even the youngest of children. The process by which it occurs is what is being debated. This is where Natural Selection and Intelligent Design come into play.

The reason scientists continue to pursue the truth is because accepting Intelligent Design means there's no reason to study anything. Science is the study of things. To say "well, the solution is that it's something we can't understand no matter how hard we try" is against the rules of science. So, no matter what, this is going to stick around for a long, long time.

Last edited by Squeek; 02-4-2007 at 06:09 PM..
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