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Crashfan3 10-21-2010 09:40 AM

Help me out real quick
I promised my sister I'd help her out with an independent study she's doing. She needs to get some answers to some questions she typed up for me from at least three people between the ages of 14 and 21.

There are fourteen questions. Do not ask for help from anybody, do not use a search engine or any other form of internet research. Use only your own knowledge to answer these questions. To make sure that you can't read another person's answers, do not post your answers, instead PM them to me.

It only takes about three minutes. Thanks!


First Name, Last Name Initial (ex. Jack Pearson = Jack P.):

1. How do you feel about Americans in general?
2. What language is spoken in Haiti?
3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish?
4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?)
5. What is the current form of government in Uganda?
6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border?
7. What country does Portugal border?
8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East?
9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I?
10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located?
11. Who is the Prime Minister of France?
12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds?
13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second?
14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality?

fido123 10-21-2010 09:54 AM

Re: Help me out real quick
First Name, Last Name Initial: Matt Palmer S.
Age: 19
State/Province: Ontario
Country: Canada

1. How do you feel about Americans in general? - Although I think the majority for the most part aren't so much like this, there tends to be a lot of die-hard Republican fanboys (teapartiers) who honestly don't have a single brain cell calling Obama some sort of Nazi Communist. America is a great country, but it's not the greatest for all. I prefer my own, but even more-so countries like Sweden and Denmark (I've been there, not just being a hipster)

2. What language is spoken in Haiti? - French

3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish? - Spain colonized the area.

4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?) - I believe it's average (Canada/US being rich). I think they're very self sufficient as I think gas prices there are like a couple cents a letre. but there's still quite a bit of poverty.

5. What is the current form of government in Uganda? - I don't know but I'll guess totalitarian?

6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border? - Mediterranean

7. What country does Portugal border? - Spain

8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East? - Gaza Strip

9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I? - Germany, Autrio-Hungary, Russia.

10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located? - Iraq, in the Middle East.

11. Who is the Prime Minister of France? - No Idea

12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds? - Sierra Leone?

13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second? - Haiti

14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality? - No Clue

lxDestinyxl 10-21-2010 10:09 AM

Re: Help me out real quick
It's strange that your sister would require external sources for her independent study, and that you wouldn't seek answers from friends or family whom are within that age bracket, considering that you require a minimum of 3 responses.

A bit of advice, you will gain the most reliable sources from friends, family members, peers or acquaintances.

DotKritic 10-21-2010 10:11 AM

Re: Help me out real quick

Originally Posted by lxDestinyxl (Post 3318181)
A bit of advice, you will gain the most reliable sources from friends, family members, peers or acquaintances.

Probably best to get it from random people. I'd participate, but I'm 22.

ICC 10-21-2010 10:22 AM

Re: Help me out real quick
Haha I would help you out but I'm English, I don't know any of the answers to those questions :3

Brikins 10-21-2010 11:29 AM

Re: Help me out real quick
First Name, Last Name Initial: Jane Doe
Age: 20
State/Province: OH
Country:United States

1. How do you feel about Americans in general? I find most Americans have good intent.
2. What language is spoken in Haiti? English
3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish? Probably the Spanish came to Central America and forced their ways (culture, language, religion) onto them.
4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?) Average
5. What is the current form of government in Uganda? Dunno
6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border? Aegean
7. What country does Portugal border? Spain
8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East? Iraq
9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I? Russia and some others.
10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located? Iraq. Middle East
11. Who is the Prime Minister of France? Can't even make up a name.
12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds? China?
13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second? Chile
14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality? Dunno.

Crashfan3 10-21-2010 11:34 AM

Re: Help me out real quick
By "First Name, Last Name Initial" I think she meant like if your name was Jack Pearson, you'd put "Jack P." but... oh well. She's not gonna read this anyway, so I'll just fill in names for people who didn't put one down.
Anyway, need at least one more. Thanks for the answers so far, guys.

Izzy 10-21-2010 11:40 AM

Re: Help me out real quick
Age: 20
State/Province: Kansas
Country: United States

1. How do you feel about Americans in general?
Not content
2. What language is spoken in Haiti?
Not sure
3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish?
Owned by Spain at some period of time?
4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?)
5. What is the current form of government in Uganda?
Not sure
6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border?
7. What country does Portugal border?
Can't remember
8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East?
Gaza Strip
9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I?
Germany, Japan, Italy (Axis Powers)
10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located?
Iraq, Middle east?
11. Who is the Prime Minister of France?
Not sure.
12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds?
13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second?
14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality?
Not sure

Superfreak04 10-21-2010 11:45 AM

Re: Help me out real quick
First Name, Last Name Initial: Eric, Herrera, E.
Age: 19
State/Province: IL, Tinley Park
Country: U.S.

1. How do you feel about Americans in general? Some are stupid, most need to get a brain.
2. What language is spoken in Haiti? No idea.
3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish? Most Spanish speaking families came to america, and it may be the easiest to learn, and most students take spanish class in school.
4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?) poor I assume.
5. What is the current form of government in Uganda? Not sure.
6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border? No clue.
7. What country does Portugal border? Not sure, I suck at geography.
8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East? I don't know.
9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I? Germany, Japan, Italy
10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located? Iraq/ Middle east.
11. Who is the Prime Minister of France? No idea.
12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds? South Africa
13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second? Haiti
14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality? No idea, and white?

Izzy 10-21-2010 11:48 AM

Re: Help me out real quick
White isn't really a nationality. It is more of an ethnicity, but even then there aren't really any common ethnic grounds that make up a white person.

MrGiggles 10-21-2010 12:03 PM

Re: Help me out real quick
First Name, Last Name Initial (ex. Jack Pearson = Jack P.): Spencer C.
Age: 20
State/Province: CT
Country: USA

1. How do you feel about Americans in general?
2. What language is spoken in Haiti?
French, I think they have their own language too
3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish?
Spain invaded the place back when England/France were focusing on NA.
4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?)
pretty poor, idk
5. What is the current form of government in Uganda?
Well, seeing as the name is "the republic of uganda", I'm going to guess a Republic.
6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border?
7. What country does Portugal border?
8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East?
Gaza Strip? West Bank? Well, all of Israel really.
9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I?
Germany, Austria, and one or two others. I think the Ottoman Empire.
10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located?
Afghanistan, one of the old USSR satellite states. It's bordered by *-stan.
pretty much everywhere
11. Who is the Prime Minister of France?
Sarkozy. Deport the roma~
12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds?
Ivory Coast?
13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second?
Was Haiti 2010? I'm guessing Haiti.
14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality?

Superfreak04 10-21-2010 12:05 PM

Re: Help me out real quick

Originally Posted by Izzy (Post 3318269)
White isn't really a nationality. It is more of an ethnicity, but even then there aren't really any common ethnic grounds that make up a white person.

Haha I realized that after I posted, but was to lazy to edit anything. xD

MrGiggles 10-21-2010 12:18 PM

Re: Help me out real quick
Hey guys.

World War ONE rofl

foilman8805 10-21-2010 12:32 PM

Re: Help me out real quick
Shocked at how little people know about the world around them. Ironic considering how much time these people likely spend on the world wide web.

Izzy 10-21-2010 12:33 PM

Re: Help me out real quick
Ah. You are right.

jewpinthethird 10-21-2010 02:31 PM

Re: Help me out real quick
Zack F:
Age: 23
State/Province: CA
Country: USA

1. How do you feel about Americans in general?
I'm thankful to live in this country, but I know it's not perfect. In general, I believe the American people are good people.

2. What language is spoken in Haiti?
French, but I cheated. I probably would have said Spanish.

3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish?
Most of Central and Southern American was colonized by Spain.

4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?)
I'd say average. I think most of Latin America has extremes of both poverty and extreme wealth.

5. What is the current form of government in Uganda?
Uganda? Hm...Oligarchy.

6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border?

7. What country does Portugal border?

8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East?

9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I?
Germany, Austria, Ottoman Empire.

10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located?
Afghanistan. It shares a border with Pakistan and Iran.

11. Who is the Prime Minister of France?
Pepe Lepew

12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds?
Whatever country Blood Diamond was set in. The Congo?

13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second?

14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality?
Michael Steele is the first African American to become a chairman of the republican national party.

flashpantss 10-21-2010 03:06 PM

Re: Help me out real quick
First Name, Last Name Initial Martin B
Age: 18
State/Province: Florida
Country: United States of America

1. How do you feel about Americans in general? They are greedy
2. What language is spoken in Haiti? French/Creole
3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish? Spain Revolutionized the area.
4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?) Poor
5. What is the current form of government in Uganda? Totalitarian
6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border? Mediterranean
7. What country does Portugal border? Spain
8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East? Gaza Strip
9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I? Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austri-Hungary
10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located? Iraq, Middle East
11. Who is the Prime Minister of France? Don’t know
12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds? Chad?
13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second? Haiti
14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality? No Idea

foilman8805 10-21-2010 03:43 PM

Re: Help me out real quick
Nobody seems to know that it was actually Chile that had that 8.8 magnitude earthquake. It just wasn't as well publicized because it only killed 300 people. Haiti earthquake was magnitude 7, but because of their horrible infrastructure and its location to populous areas it did a lot more damage.

Litodude 10-21-2010 04:00 PM

Re: Help me out real quick
First Name, Last Name Initial :Iseau, P.
Age: 69
State/Province: japan
Country: nipon

1. How do you feel about Americans in general? dumb lol
2. What language is spoken in Haiti? french lol
3. How did it become that most of Central America speaks Spanish? spaniard invasion hurf durf
4. What is the financial situation of Chile? (i. e. Rich, Poor, Average?) aren't they in a massive debt hole like usa
5. What is the current form of government in Uganda? REPUBLIC LOOOL
6. When the Romans ruled, what sea did most of their land border? mediterr. sea
7. What country does Portugal border?spain
8. What is the name of the disputed land in the Middle East? THE HOLY LAND OF JERUSELAM
9. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War I?germany, russia and the ottoman empire i believe with a proxy war in north korea and china as well but they didn't consider that as part of WWI also the duke of austria-hungary was killed they didn't actually "war" with A-H; i think
10. In what country is the U.S. currently fighting a war and where is this country located? north korea/china and it's located in north korea/china. there's a war against the al la la quidea in iraq and afghanistan (but most tropps are in afgan territory as of now). we're not actually trying to fight against iraq or afghans, just radicals.
11. Who is the Prime Minister of France? ****ing franz ferdinand idfk
12. What country is in economic despair due to the mining and sale of diamonds? south africa woot woot 7th grade geography class
13. What country recently (2010) had an 8.8 earthquake, said to have been so powerful it shortened the length of a day by less than a second? idfk hawaii?
14. Who is Michael Steele and what is his nationality? i'm pretty sure he's a black politician because my enlisted coworker has the last name steele and talks about himself a whole ****ing lot

Litodude 10-21-2010 04:04 PM

Re: Help me out real quick

Originally Posted by foilman8805 (Post 3318441)
Nobody seems to know that it was actually Chile that had that 8.8 magnitude earthquake. It just wasn't as well publicized because it only killed 300 people. Haiti earthquake was magnitude 7, but because of their horrible infrastructure and its location to populous areas it did a lot more damage.


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