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Litodude 02-11-2009 09:07 PM

TWG LXXV - Postgame
Sullyman2007(Sheriff): Once per game, you can obtain a state warrant to search the house of any player. Your men storm the house overnight, searching for any indication that the person living there is a cultist. Functionally, this gives you a one-shot seer power, but only for colour. You will only know if the person is a cultist or not a cultist.

travman301 (Chemist): You've recently perfected a very powerful caffeine supplement, but you've only synthesized enough to make three doses. Using the supplement, you can easily stay up all night, preventing yourself or someone else from being killed that night by cultists. Functionally this gives you three nights of guardianship, and you can elect to guard yourself.

tupacodaman (Criminal): You're (secretly or not) a hardened criminal, you've done time, and the jailhouse doesn't scare you, and besides, given the circumstances, nobody will bat an eye if someone else turns up dead. You are a Vigilante Once per game, at night, you can kill any player you choose.

argo15 (Techie): You've got the highest of the high-tech everything anyone could want. Your pride and joy is your high-end security closed-circuit camera system. If you get killed by a cultist, there will be video evidence discovered by the police. This means that the post describing your death will include the name of the person who killed you (this isn't that broken, just keep reading)

BDN (Doctor): While your medical skills are useless to those who are already dead, your connections inside the coroner's office can slip you some information now and then. You can't ask too often, before you might become a suspect yourself, but twice during the game, you can find out whether the person who was lynched during the day was a cultist or not. Functionally this gives you two shots of the power of a psychic.

FoJaR (Unemployed): You, unfortunately, have no job. As a result nothing from your job will aid you in tracking down or identifying cultists. However, since you spend all day sitting on your ass watching TV, you are able to identify the actor, just from the sound of his voice. If you're still alive when the techie dies, if he was killed by the actor, you will be contacted and informed that you know it was him. Also, twice during the game, you can invite a buddy over to hang out. If the person you invite is a human, you are both guarded for the night, if the person you invite is a cultist, well, they get a free kill on you. Functionally you're a hopped up guardian for two nights, unless you die from picking poorly.

Temote (Researcher): You have an interest in things of the occult, though you'd never dare to meddle in the kinds of dark matters the killers are. Your insight leads you to being able to identify who the cultists are by observing things like arcane pendants, or hand signs, or messages in speech that might tip you off. As a result, twice per game you can ask at night time "Is person X a cultist" and receive a correct answer from the host. However, since you are interested in occult matters, a search of your house would turn up incriminating documents. You seer red to the sheriff, but not the preacher.

LifeVirus7 (Reformed Cultist): You've given up your dark ways, and everybody knows it. You're under no suspicion of being one of the killers, but you still have your connection to the powers that be. In exchange for having given up your dedication to the powers of darkness, the powers of light have given you an extreme gift. Once per game, during the night, you can bring back from the dead any player who was killed by man's inhumanity to man. You can bring back any Lynched player, though not those killed in the night by cultists or the criminal.

sc969 (Preacher): Drawn to the scene of the crimes by a righteous fury and fervor, the Preacher will rest at nothing until these wretched sinners are brought to justice. Like the High Priest, he is influential and able to sway the masses. Pending the existence of phantoms, the Preacher's lynch vote counts for 1.1 votes (Intended solely as an automatic tie-breaker, I can adjust the number if I need to.) Further, he has the sight, and once per game can pray for divine insight into the identity of one player. His one-use seer power reveals precisely who he has selected, including both colour and role.

However, the cultists are people just like you, they have day jobs, and like you have abilities that will benefit their task of destroying all the humans.

pntballa18 (Actor)Actor: As an actor, you have access to a great variety of makeup and costuming supplies. As a result, when you are the cultist sent to kill somebody, you can impersonate someone else while you do so. This is entirely irrelevant unless you kill the techie, as he will have film evidence pointing to his killer. Thus, you are the only wolf who can kill the techie without being outed, and can implicate someone else while you do so.

jump_the_bullet (Cardinal): You're the head of the cultist outfit in this area. They do your bidding, at your command. However, cognizant of your position in the community, you painstakingly hide any evidence of your misdeeds. You are functionally the master wolf, and if the Sheriff searches your home, they will find nothing. You read as human. Further, you have a great deal of ability to sway the people of the area. They trust you, they follow your lead. As a result, no matter who you vote for in a lynching, you can once per game have 1 additional vote applied to anyone who has already received one vote, via PM during the day segment of the game. (You'll have to PM during the day whether you are or aren't applying your vote, so I know when to end the day early if your vote makes an insta)

DarkManticoreX2 (Magician):Unlike many typical parlour tricksters, your magical powers are real, and not to be reckoned with. It's no wonder you fell in with the cultists in a bid for more dark powers. Your mind is sensitive. You will be aware when any seer or psychic uses their powers, though you cannot tell who the person is, just that the act has been carried out. You can also commune with the spirits of the dead. If you are the wolf who kills the reformed cultist, the criminal, the sheriff or the researcher, you will be informed that they are who you killed. They have a strong enough spiritual connection to their work for you to tell even from their corpse.


All Night 1 actions are real-time which means any power that was used will get an immediate response from the host, excluding wolfings. Only applicable on the first Night.

Night 1 actions:
Temote(Reasearcher) seers LifeVirus7(Reformed cultist).
Above seering returns human.
Cultist DarkManticoreX2(Magician) chooses Sullyman2007(Sheriff) to kill.

Day 1 actions:
Sullyman2007(Sheriff) dies.
DarkManticoreX2(Magician) is informed that he has killed the Sheriff.
jump_the_bullet(Cardinal) decides to use his extra vote power on BDN(Doctor) but was a minute late on deadline. Null-void.
KitB between BDN(Doctor) and DarkManticoreX2(Magiacian) results in DarkManticoreX2 being lynched.

Night 2 actions:
Cultist pntballa18(Actor) chooses Temote(Researcher) to kill.
Brilliant Dynamite Neon(Doctor) decides to use psychic power on DarkManticoreX2.
tupacodaman(Criminal) decides to use his Vigilante power on pntballa18.
Temote(Researcher) decides to seer jump_the_bullet(Cardinal).

Day 2 actions:

Temote(Researcher) seers jump_the_bullet(Cardinal) and comes back green.
pntballa189(Actor) successfully killed Temote(Researcher) and took over his role as Researcher.
tupacodaman(Criminal) successfully vigi's pntballa18(Researcher).
BDN(Doctor) is informed that DarkManticoreX2(Magician) was indeed a cultist.
sc979(Preacher) uses his infallable seer ability on FoJaR(Umeployed).
jump_the_bullet(Cardinal) has been insta-lynched and humans win the game.


I would've liked to see more people use their powers and see how it could have unfolded. If there was an LVP for this game I would have to say it twas jump_the_bullet. If he didn't miss the deadline, have Manti alive and a psychic dead, it would've been interesting. Also, it was pretty unlucky of Manti to pose as Sheriff to the person who seers red to him (rofl).

Sullyman2007 02-11-2009 09:15 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
lmfao gj humans. Manti >=(

p.s hi im the sheriff


Sullyman2007(Sheriff) dies.
DarkManticoreX2(Magician) is informed that he has killed the Sheriff.
jump_the_bullet(Cardinal) decides to use his extra vote power on BDN(Doctor) but was a minute late on deadline. Null-void.
KitB between BDN(Doctor) and DarkManticoreX2(Magiacian) results in DarkManticoreX2 being lynched.

pntballa18 02-11-2009 09:26 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
**** that one minute i blame society for holding my PM until after deadline

Brilliant Dynamite Neon 02-11-2009 10:51 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
lol nice, I thought I was going to have to get hardcore.

yeah, I was disappointed that the game ended so quickly and uneventfully, especially since my own responsibilities barred me from experiencing what little game there was.

tupacodaman 02-11-2009 10:52 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
can I get co-mvp with temote for vigi'ing pnt and for starting the bandwagon on jtb plz? and temote got a bunch of **** lol

tupacodaman 02-11-2009 10:54 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
dirt on people*

tupacodaman 02-11-2009 11:09 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
triple post, can you put up host signups when you get a chance?

Sullyman2007 02-11-2009 11:17 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
Honestly I think this game has great potential, everything just got a little screwy... interesting roles and good people.

Temote 02-11-2009 11:27 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
XD I was actually starting to think Manti could be a neutral when he died, and I asked tupa to vigi pnt. Fun game, though.

I kept trying to spread that argo was the guard after he told me his role so that he would be wolfed and we'd get a free kill. <_<

EDIT: Wow, it's a good thing I died before I could say Bullet was seered green, though.
EDIT2: Also, I totally forgot Trav was even in this game when talking to tupa about who was left with what roles. x_x

DarkManticoreX2 02-12-2009 12:13 AM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
God, I'd have been set if I didnt have terrible terrible luck.

Give me some credit for creating an awesome and believable role in about 10 minutes and convincing people to get their votes off of me.

Temote 02-12-2009 02:38 AM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
This entire victory can be claimed by luck. XD

Luck that you came out to me when I was the only one that could screw you over.
Luck that Tupa's vigi on pnt (which was picked at random) went through.
Luck that bullet came out as preacher to sc, the actual preacher.

Seriously, it completely gave us this whole game. =P

P.S. Two guards and I was out in the thread as a seer, and I still died. ;_;

Also, having three seers, two guards, and a psychic all on the human side seems a bit odd. >_>

Litodude 02-12-2009 11:28 AM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
Above: Don't look at me, it was dev's idea.

I was actually confused on how everyone started bandwagoning on jtb since Temote DID seer him. I thought wolves would have had a chance at that point.

rzr 02-12-2009 12:08 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
Pretty bomb game looking at it now. Ever wonder how former mystery games would go hosted as a regular game?

Litodude 02-12-2009 12:26 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame

This game was originally proposed by devonin in FFYa, NOT as a mystery game. The problem with that was it was an immediate human victory due to everyone having a role. Simply put: if everyone comes out, the only people we would have to kill were the ones with two similar roles.

Originally Posted by chardish (Post 2089153)
Hey guys this game is broken anyway.

There are 12 of us. All of us come out publicly with our roles; clearly 3 people will have to lie, making the potential pool of wolves go down to 6.

Criminal kills one of the maybe-wolves and the wolves would be stupid not to kill someone who's not in that number, so we start Day 1 with 5 confirmed humans and 5 potential wolves.

Then we just insta one of those maybe-wolves, over and over again. Unemployed and Guardian can protect confirmed humans, leading to possibility of failed wolfings.

Eventually we win through sheer brute force, no matter what. Since the wolves can't create a scenario where there are more potential wolves than confirmed humans, ever, there's no way they could possibly win.

Sorry Devonin, game over.


Originally Posted by chardish (Post 2089255)
Devonin, dude, this is foolproof. Let's look at the absolute worst case scenario, that the criminal kills a human on night 1 and the humans are 100% wrong in their picks. So we have

Start of Day 1: 5 confirmed humans, 3 wolves, 2 unconfirmeds
Start of Night 1: 5 confirmed humans, 3 wolves, 1 unconfirmed
Start of Day 2: 4 confirmed humans, 3 wolves, 1 unconfirmed
Start of Night 2: 4 confirmed humans, 3 wolves
Start of Day 3: 3 confirmed humans, 3 wolves (remember - wolves must outnumber humans during the day to win)
Start of Day 4: 2 confirmed humans, 2 wolves
Start of Day 5: 1 confirmed human, 1 wolf and it's KiB.

So, there's no way for the wolves to possibly win unless the humans get the first 3 out of 6 guesses incorrectly. I calculated the odds of this: there's a 5% chance of that happening, assuming dumb luck. And then the wolves need to win the KiB, bringing their total chances of winning the game down to a measly 2.5%.

In other words, assuming no successful guardianings, the humans have a 97.5% chance of winning the game, even higher if there's a successful guardianing and confirmed seers, etc. do their thing.

This is over, dude. I'm sorry.

Temote 02-12-2009 12:34 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
Wolves would've had a chance since I seered bullet, except they killed me the same damn night! D= Then Bullet claimed the preacher role to the preacher and yeah.

Also, everyone coming out with their actual roles led to the downfall of the wolves in this game just like it apparently would have without being a mystery game, as that's what ended up getting both Manti and Bullet killed in the end. Granted, there was a lower chance of it ending badly due to us not knowing the roles, but the fact that some of the roles would be mentioned in the PM removed that balance.

DarkManticoreX2 02-12-2009 03:28 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
Well it's not an auto win if the wolves are awesome like me and come up with an awesome role like the awesome watcher. which was totally believeable if I wasn't ****faced drunk and trying to play twg at 4 in the morning. =/

Knowing what color you seer is so gay. Temote shoulda been a miller.

pntballa18 02-12-2009 08:32 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 2980292)
****faced drunk

DarkManticoreX2 02-12-2009 10:49 PM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
Na, thats **** faced giddy when I cram your face up your cramhole in brawl.


DarkManticoreX2 05-22-2014 01:18 AM

Re: TWG LXXV - Postgame
Archived 5-22-2014 2:17 AM EST

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