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-   -   TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD] (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=151148)

the sun fan 08-13-2019 10:59 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
xiz I fucking tried
I can't fucking believe it
the town that is voting xiz is misplaying

roundbox 08-13-2019 10:59 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4693052)
roundbox why
stop it
I should be killing xiz for that but I'm not
I have forgiven him

what do you want me to do??

Xiz 08-13-2019 10:59 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
prec confirmed wolf, kill em next phase

Xiz 08-13-2019 11:00 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Kill prec next phase, TRUST ME TOWN <3

the sun fan 08-13-2019 11:00 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
that one is for you, Xiz
roundbox deserves death for that vote

Precarious 08-13-2019 11:00 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4693056)
no one is following this vote you need to vote between xiz and larl
your suspicion of antori is noted; truly, it is
but you need to vote elsewhere

I already did; I was making a point.

Xiz 08-13-2019 11:00 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4693061)
that one is for you, Xiz
roundbox deserves death for that vote

He could be a wolf
but like
id be sad if so

i still dont think so

the sun fan 08-13-2019 11:00 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
fucking larl

Charu 08-13-2019 11:01 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

psychoangel691 08-13-2019 11:02 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Ugh if I have to choose between the two, which for the record I'm not convinced for either right now I'd probably have to go MML for the things I'd mentioned earlier. All I have on Xiz was the snap react

Charu 08-13-2019 11:04 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
If this is not correct, please let me know privately






Charu 08-13-2019 11:10 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
A KitB Has Occurred

...RNG dictates...

Xiz has been lynched!!!

They were TOWN

Charu 08-13-2019 11:10 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
You CANNOT post

SoD is on 8/14/19 at 10AM SERVER TIME
Any actions casted at 10:01AM Server Time will NOT be counted

Sweet sweet dreams~

Charu 08-14-2019 11:01 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Hateandhatred has been killed!!!

They were TOWN


jessiebessie has been killed!!!

They were TOWN

Charu 08-14-2019 11:01 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
You may now post

EoD is on 8/15/19 at 10PM SERVER TIME
Any votes casted at 10:01PM Server Time will NOT be counted


the sun fan 08-14-2019 11:02 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

the sun fan 08-14-2019 11:02 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
n2/n4 jailor targeted roundbox n2

the sun fan 08-14-2019 11:04 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
btw if ur the town vigilante and you targeted either of those players
you're actually throwing

i'm just going to assume that was a mafia shot

the sun fan 08-14-2019 11:06 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
the town between roundbox and precarious, if there is any, should feel bad for that xiz vote

MixMasterLar 08-14-2019 11:13 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
First off, I targeted Pyschoangel for a check but got no result back because some fucking mudshit probably blocked me

Which brings me nicely to point number: your fucking garbage EoD

It's amazing to me that no one even tries to read me. I was getting my ass lynch because of what again? I wasn't aggro this game? I mean I fucking was on Funny all of phase 1 and screaming at DBP when he went full derp but I guess that would require you all to read at like a 4th grade level and that shit ain't possible now is it?

Oh is that crossing the line? I would have just told you to read my posts over and over in a hopefully comedic fashion but you know if I don't just act out SunFan will lynch me every single fucking game he can even though I've been mislynches the exact same way for the exact same reasons like 6 times before.

The only way you guys attempt to read me is if I'm spamming posts and the minute I'm not around it matters not my content, or my reads, or whatever else it's I don't see Lar and that means he isn't mad and that means he a woof guys like fuck off. Goddamn half the game misses the first EoD with no content NO DON'T LYNCH LOW POST COUNTERS LAR I miss one with plenty of reading material on the floor and you people start shitting your pants in primal.

This is getting fucking old. I'm tired of everytime I can't make EoD FFR invents a reason I'm wolf that's easily disapprovableif they bothered to actually play the fucking game but OH NO CAN'T DO THAT

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