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-   -   New to FFR? Say Hello Here! (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=116784)

mrpreggers 04-26-2015 11:27 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by DarkBlaze347 (Post 4308093)
Hello, I am new to this game. Please don't kick me around too much.


jupiterian 05-4-2015 11:54 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello, hello!

Zageron 05-4-2015 12:18 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by jupiterian (Post 4311211)
Hello, hello!


HeZe 05-4-2015 02:54 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by DarkBlaze347 (Post 4308093)
Hello, I am new to this game. Please don't kick me around too much.

Don't believe the rumors of FFR causing carpal tunnel syndrome. You are more likely to get brain cancer while reading the forums.

But yeah, welcome aboard!

themastergrant 05-5-2015 07:49 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey there, im not new but i thought i could say hi to people on the forums

Kawaii025 05-5-2015 09:25 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
I'd say hi to DarkBlaze, but I dun like that name. (j/k) :P

Hi jupiter & grant~ Welcome to the site/forums. Feel free to ask questions if you have any, pretty sure someone will have an answer. :)

Ninjaturtletime 05-31-2015 09:51 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
im not really new but i thought its a good time to get into the community. also how do i find ppl for multiplayer

Red Blaster 05-31-2015 10:14 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Ninjaturtletime (Post 4319956)
im not really new but i thought its a good time to get into the community o how do i find ppl for multiplayer

There's a thread for multiplayer. I think it's like "official multiplayer callout thread" or something like that.
Otherwise you just gotta hang around a wait for some peeps to pop in

Red Blaster 05-31-2015 10:15 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by DarkBlaze347 (Post 4313527)
Should've said that I'm actually a new ChaosBolt account. (not that anybody really knows that guy.)

Why are you not using chaosbolt? :(

_Zenith_ 05-31-2015 10:18 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
MP is particularly inactive as of late but yes, as Red mentioned, there is a thread that you can post in to call out that you are on MP and are willing to play. Even though that thread is mainly dead besides a handful of people, you'll catch a few here or there. The thread name is "Official Multiplayer Challenge Thread" or a reiteration. Have fun and welcome!

TwyEevee 06-8-2015 07:50 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello! Not that new--about 6 months new--but I have to post 5 times on the forums in order to post url's for the tourney I'm in.

TwyEevee 06-8-2015 07:54 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Reply to Ninjaturtletime:
Hi there! You generally have to just wait, see, and test your chances when finding people in mp. However, befriending people and messaging them to see when they play is a good way to know when to get on mp. Or you can do what I do and tell rl friends, ones that have never even heard of FFR, to make an account and come play with you. xD

Spaceturnip 06-25-2015 10:47 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Well, hai. My name is Spaceturnip and I've kinda been lurking on here for a bit but I've mainly just been playing Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows (I am a small kid in a teen's body, believe me).

Red Blaster 06-25-2015 10:51 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
What color are the unicorns?

Spaceturnip 06-25-2015 02:14 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Pink! *Waves hands in a hyperactive manner and possibly knocks out a flying squirrel*

Samus Aran 06-25-2015 08:12 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
hi everyone :D

lovehina90 07-23-2015 10:34 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey, my names Gabe. Im not exactly new here for gameplay but this is my first time on the forums. Im known as lovehina99 or lovehina91 on most other places. I want to step for FFR, although I've never stepped/mapped before, I am decent at VSRG's, so I think maybe I could do it. Anyways, thanks for reading. -Hina

Mr.Burner 07-26-2015 01:33 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
I just realized I didn't make an introduction even though I registered months ago.


Either way,I'm MrBurner,The Duck,Roy The Duck.

That is all.

nub juice 08-12-2015 02:38 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
testing testing 1-2-3

hopefully this works, its been a while

Nawatcrow 08-25-2015 04:21 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Oh hey i can post now. Hello crazy people!

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