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-   -   TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=152946)

tn5421 04-1-2021 01:57 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4757993)
I had games where everyone was voting a wolf, I was thinking that very thing and then I ended up being the only one wrong.
I think your last game was with me and we just had too many ??? people. I also remember voting poorly because I wasn't sure anymore what others were doing and why.
So, I went as far as making a notepad for the next game where I can just try to pinpoint what I did wrong. The thing I did wrong was not understanding how the newer players play and why. The game was winnable, but I guess that doesn't matter anymore.

In general, the first phase is often yeeted away because people usually don't go on a survey crusade to find as much info as they can while sharing info over hypotheticals. It's not even because they don't want to. It's often because others are trying to keep the game to themselves and while that's helpful on the mechanical part of the game, it can also be detrimental for solving the average local townie.

You don't need to survey people, necessarily. What you do is cause some controversy, typically with your early votes. There's always going to be someone that refuses to take the first day seriously. And that's on them.
Reading people you've never played with before is pretty much always going to be a crapshoot.


Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4757996)
i'm pretty sure it's just a rando d0 vote but yknow

i am not a fan of how you play twg haku it makes me wanna immediately scum read you but i'm pretty sure i've been wrong every time i've ever done that lmao (been awhile though so don't hold me to that)

Then you're going to hate me, too.


Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4757999)
I see you are a fan of interpreting what Haku is saying. I tried that too, and nearly went insane because of it.

6/10 would recommend again

Can't go insane if I'm already insane.


Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758000)
Right now, our little bird has said exactly four things:

1. Squawk
2. Kikikikik
3. R-r-r-r-r-r-r
4. Sqauwk (I interpret this as a Squawk, but more gangster)

So let's put our heads together Haku. What is squawk? What does Charu mean when he says squawk? Is he being friendly? Is it a sign to follow him in some form of dance? Is it a mating call for other birds? We will never know.

Kikikikik, I would interpret as a sign of playful laughter. The bird is having fun pecking at the keyboard and is pleased with himself with what he has written

R-r-r-r-r-r-r... Ahhh you see, this is a sacred chant, done by the holy birbs of Denmark. It is said that if, a mere human were to repeat this chant, their ears would explode and their eyes would shrink into the size of pennies!!

and finally, we have Sqauwk, which shows that our bird ain't no bitch and has seen some things in the hood.

The lesson we have learned here is that our bird, Charu, is having trouble with his words. Fortunately for us, Charu appears to be a breed of parrot, so I think once he's done being shy, he will talk with us

That is all the wisdom I can bestow upon you

It means he's dedicated to an unhelpful self-imposed post restriction.


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4758001)
Cant tell you all how glad I am to be town this game
I like wolfing, yeah, but 3 wolf rands back to back is stressful to anybody

narrows eyes

tn5421 04-1-2021 01:58 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Oh yeah, for the record: [twvg]Charu[/twvg]

tn5421 04-1-2021 01:59 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Cold Kitten 04-1-2021 02:07 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758031)
Unless moderators don't randomize wolf selection, I don't agree with this either.

The group of people that agreed to this post is also unfortunate. Shadow_God_10, Cold Kitten, mellonxcollie

it's a jOKE. yknow like literally today is entirely based on being (april fools, not necessarily d0 of this game, but d0 is also a joke)


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4758032)
Shadow God fell down the well?

go get 'em lassie


Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758034)
Does this forum not like nested quotes? Because I can't seem to do nested quotes.

it is possible but i do not know how because i am trash

Cold Kitten 04-1-2021 02:10 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758035)
Then you're going to hate me, too.

i didn't say i hated haku, or the way he plays. it just causes red flags in my mind that's all, can't help it. i am trying to purposefully ignore it for now though because it's usually (maybe always, i can't really remember honestly) wrong.

Cold Kitten 04-1-2021 02:34 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758037)

is there a reason you are also voting charu? like i get he's doing the bird thing and it's not exactly useful, but there are other people who haven't said much of anything, and given that there's already a vote on charu, i just don't know if i like this vote

Charu 04-1-2021 02:37 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758035)
It means he's dedicated to an unhelpful self-imposed post restriction.

tn5421 04-1-2021 02:38 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4758040)
is there a reason you are also voting charu? like i get he's doing the bird thing and it's not exactly useful, but there are other people who haven't said much of anything, and given that there's already a vote on charu, i just don't know if i like this vote

Charu is the lowest hanging fruit currently.

Hakulyte 04-1-2021 02:39 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4758039)
i didn't say i hated haku, or the way he plays. it just causes red flags in my mind that's all, can't help it. i am trying to purposefully ignore it for now though because it's usually (maybe always, i can't really remember honestly) wrong.

This is kind of like Vendetta's vote on Charu.
There's a stance, but no justifications as to why or how.
How am I supposed to even react to this ? Feels like a parking strategy.


Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758037)

Hey it's world time. Vendetta/tn5241/FFA.
The reason ? They all voted Charu.

Charu posted in sign-ups that his play would be low activity.
My surface level detective work is done.

tn5421 04-1-2021 02:45 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
we need to go deeper

flashflash account 04-1-2021 02:49 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4758043)
This is kind of like Vendetta's vote on Charu.
There's a stance, but no justifications as to why or how.
How am I supposed to even react to this ? Feels like a parking strategy.

Hey it's world time. Vendetta/tn5241/FFA.
The reason ? They all voted Charu.

Charu posted in sign-ups that his play would be low activity.
My surface level detective work is done.

OBJECTION! wrong game for this
I never voted charu

Hakulyte 04-1-2021 02:52 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4758003)
That sounds about right yep

Anyway charus a wolf I'll see you all later, maybe

I swear there was another post after this where you vote him huh.

Well, looks like I'm crazy now.

bugkid666 04-1-2021 04:01 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
good morning demons

bugkid666 04-1-2021 04:08 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4758040)
is there a reason you are also voting charu? like i get he's doing the bird thing and it's not exactly useful, but there are other people who haven't said much of anything, and given that there's already a vote on charu, i just don't know if i like this vote

Yeah pretty much this. I get he's not being particularly helpful, but considering we've still got 24+ hours before EOD, I don't know if jumping on an arbitrary vote is the smartest plan of action. Why would Charu put a target on his back right away if he was wolf?
That being said, that doesn't make me particularly sus of tn or Vendetta because of it. Well maybe Vendetta a little more so since his vote was the first...
Day 0 is almost definitely a crapshoot anyway. That doesn't mean we shouldn't take it seriously, but also... some people haven't even shown up yet.

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 04:31 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Good morning.. time to play catch up, I suppose

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 04:39 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758037)

I feel like you're just going with the flow of a joke vote here...

If this isn't the case, then why Charu? We're not even 24 hours into d0

Is this a RVS vote or is it serious?

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 04:46 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758031)
I'm still catching up, and don't want to make a single huge post. Here is part 1.


Probably, but also no.

Unless moderators don't randomize wolf selection, I don't agree with this either.

The group of people that agreed to this post is also unfortunate. Shadow_God_10, Cold Kitten, mellonxcollie

If you don't mind me asking, why charu? Is he known to only do the bird thing as wolf? Or do you just not like that he's committed to only squalking?

I've played a lot on mafiascum, and a few games on a bunch of other websites. Your post was a relatively generic "call to action" type post that attempts to get people to take the game more seriously.
Which is, incidentially, something I wholeheartedly agree with. Page 1 is slim pickings when it comes to forming reads.


My gut says I like this from TN, but my brain isn't working right now to explain why. I'm gonna use this as a placeholder and get back to it when I can

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 04:48 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4758032)
Shadow God fell down the well?


Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 04:50 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Mmm... I think that's about it for now, I didn't miss much it seems

I'll come back later and see what's up

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 04:53 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758042)
Charu is the lowest hanging fruit currently.


Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758056)
I feel like you're just going with the flow of a joke vote here...

If this isn't the case, then why Charu? We're not even 24 hours into d0

Is this a RVS vote or is it serious?

Ignore this post, I just found your reason

What about what Charu is doing makes him a low hanging fruit to you? Is it just because he's squawking and drawing pictures, or is there something you're seeing that we aren't?

Hakulyte 04-1-2021 04:57 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
So, Vendetta only has 1 post with most likely a random vote because I don't see a justification.

FFA likes tn5421 and the Charu stuff doesn't look particularly serious.

Charu is doing pretty much what he said he would do in sign ups thread.

Raeko (mellonxcollie) looks pretty normal so far. I think I like it.
bugkid666 feels a little like Raeko to me, just being here and trying to understand what's going on kind of vibes.

Shadow_God feels like a one trick pony playstyle where he just reacts to everything he sees.
tn5421's playstyle reminds me of FreezinIce a little. I feel like it's a good presence for eventually making things happen.

Roundbox typed one word and peaced out.
Sunfan is similar to Roundbox.
Choof / funnygurl didn't post yet.

@Cold Kitten

I feel like you're going in two directions at same time with me. It's like you said you don't like my playstyle, but didn't specify what exactly and then walked back and went like "well, I'm usually wrong anyway haha".

So, I'm just like.. what was I supposed to understand out of this ?

Hakulyte 04-1-2021 04:59 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758059)
Mmm... I think that's about it for now, I didn't miss much it seems

I'll come back later and see what's up


bugkid666 04-1-2021 05:01 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4758061)
So, Vendetta only has 1 post with most likely a random vote because I don't see a justification.

FFA likes tn5421 and the Charu stuff doesn't look particularly serious.

Charu is doing pretty much what he said he would do in sign ups thread.

Raeko (mellonxcollie) looks pretty normal so far. I think I like it.
bugkid666 feels a little like Raeko to me, just being here and trying to understand what's going on kind of vibes.

Shadow_God feels like a one trick pony playstyle where he just reacts to everything he sees.
tn5421's playstyle reminds me of FreezinIce a little. I feel like it's a good presence for eventually making things happen.

Roundbox typed one word and peaced out.
Sunfan is similar to Roundbox.
Choof / funnygurl didn't post yet.

@Cold Kitten

I feel like you're going in two directions at same time with me. It's like you said you don't like my playstyle, but didn't specify what exactly and then walked back and went like "well, I'm usually wrong anyway haha".

So, I'm just like.. what was I supposed to understand out of this ?


Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4757956)
2. listen to haku probably

trusty old number 2 is coming in clutch

mellonxcollie 04-1-2021 05:20 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

you guys are all a bunch of slackers this game shoulda been done by now!

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 05:24 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4758065)

you guys are all a bunch of slackers this game shoulda been done by now!

I am gut reading Rseko as town.

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 05:27 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I have just noticed this appears to be a game with no post count requirements

This is concerning

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 05:29 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4758054)
Yeah pretty much this. I get he's not being particularly helpful, but considering we've still got 24+ hours before EOD, I don't know if jumping on an arbitrary vote is the smartest plan of action. Why would Charu put a target on his back right away if he was wolf?
That being said, that doesn't make me particularly sus of tn or Vendetta because of it. Well maybe Vendetta a little more so since his vote was the first...
Day 0 is almost definitely a crapshoot anyway. That doesn't mean we shouldn't take it seriously, but also... some people haven't even shown up yet.

Now that my brain is more awake, I like this post coming from Bug.

bugkid666 04-1-2021 05:32 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4758065)

you guys are all a bunch of slackers this game shoulda been done by now!

are you a telephone operator??

mellonxcollie 04-1-2021 05:33 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4758043)
Hey it's world time. Vendetta/tn5241/FFA.



I am very scary and could definitely 100% beat you up so TAKE ME SERIOUSLY GODSDAMNIT

bugkid666 04-1-2021 05:34 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758067)
I am gut reading Rseko as town.

I am currently inclined to agree with this read.

For some reason I'm reading Haku as Bulletproof. I have no basis for this whatsoever.

mellonxcollie 04-1-2021 05:35 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4758070)
are you a telephone operator??

I work in a fabric store... seems perfect for me right??

everything is done on paper. We hand write receipts. like we have to write the fucking number that is normally on the bottom of a barcode, with our hands

There is literally no digital inventory at all

you know how you go into Joanns fabric and they have the little slip of paper that you scan? imagine manually entering all of that information, INCLUDING THE DATE AND YOUR NAME. It seriously takes so long to cut fabric it's ridiculous but this is like the cheapest damn company I've ever heard of.

bugkid666 04-1-2021 05:36 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4758076)
I work in a fabric store... seems perfect for me right??

everything is done on paper. We hand write receipts. like we have to write the fucking number that is normally on the bottom of a barcode, with our hands

There is literally no digital inventory at all

you know how you go into Joanns fabric and they have the little slip of paper that you scan? imagine manually entering all of that information, INCLUDING THE DATE AND YOUR NAME. It seriously takes so long to cut fabric it's ridiculous but this is like the cheapest damn company I've ever heard of.

that sounds really cute in theory but in practice? actual hell. i commend you. O7

mellonxcollie 04-1-2021 05:36 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
also im on the wrong account whoops sorry I will switch now

mellon_collie 04-1-2021 05:37 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
man this one needs a new avatar

bugkid666 04-1-2021 05:38 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4758079)
man this one needs a new avatar

what's this avi from? she cute

mellon_collie 04-1-2021 05:38 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4758077)
that sounds really cute in theory but in practice? actual hell. i commend you. O7

if it was a small store it probably wouldn't be that bad, but this place is the size of a Joann's lol. The people are SUPER nice so I'm gonna ride it out and see how it goes

mellon_collie 04-1-2021 05:39 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4758080)
what's this avi from? she cute

picrew!!! almost all of my avs are picrews (the one on my mellonxcollie account is the first non-picrew in years)

bugkid666 04-1-2021 05:46 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4758082)
picrew!!! almost all of my avs are picrews (the one on my mellonxcollie account is the first non-picrew in years)

oh hell yeah i love picrew!!!!

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 05:46 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4758072)


I am very scary and could definitely 100% beat you up so TAKE ME SERIOUSLY GODSDAMNIT

Oh no, not physical violence

Might get a warning for that/S

bugkid666 04-1-2021 05:49 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758085)
Oh no, not physical violence

Might get a warning for that/S

can't tell if /s = serious or sarcasm............. /s

Charu 04-1-2021 05:49 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758057)
My gut says I like this from TN, but my brain isn't working right now to explain why. I'm gonna use this as a placeholder and get back to it when I can

tn5421 04-1-2021 05:55 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4758046)
I swear there was another post after this where you vote him huh.

Well, looks like I'm crazy now.

No, that was charu voting FFR


Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758060)
Ignore this post, I just found your reason

What about what Charu is doing makes him a low hanging fruit to you? Is it just because he's squawking and drawing pictures, or is there something you're seeing that we aren't?

Due to my lack of experience with all of you, I can only really interpret his "post restriction" as harmful to town. In the absense of a strong scumread/wolfread/guilty/whatever its called here, I feel that my vote is currently best used to remove those that are detrimental to town.

I also remember that I never dropped the link to my meta, which I will do now:


This only includes games I played on mafiascum and mafia451. Maybe at some point I will track down all my other games and include them as well.


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4758061)
@Cold Kitten

I feel like you're going in two directions at same time with me. It's like you said you don't like my playstyle, but didn't specify what exactly and then walked back and went like "well, I'm usually wrong anyway haha".

So, I'm just like.. what was I supposed to understand out of this ?

To me, it reads like they are making you aware of their natural bias against you, but are trying, and perhaps failing, to work with you despite that. Time will tell if it is simply posturing or not, but it bodes well.


Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4758076)
I work in a fabric store... seems perfect for me right??

everything is done on paper. We hand write receipts. like we have to write the fucking number that is normally on the bottom of a barcode, with our hands

There is literally no digital inventory at all

you know how you go into Joanns fabric and they have the little slip of paper that you scan? imagine manually entering all of that information, INCLUDING THE DATE AND YOUR NAME. It seriously takes so long to cut fabric it's ridiculous but this is like the cheapest damn company I've ever heard of.

Honest out of game question here: Are the owners and/or operators Amish, or simply afraid of technology?

At least Waffle House has a good reason for keeping most of their reciepts written; so that if/when power goes out, they can still serve most of their menu and nothing changes for the staff.

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 06:03 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4758088)

Perhaps when this game is over, can you do a sketch of my avatar?

My brain is a little bit more awake so I think I can explain a little now

You know when you don't know a bunch of people and you have a shit load of thoughts and questions and it's like "fuck it, let's just ping everybody"?

That's why

mellon_collie 04-1-2021 06:08 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758090)
Honest out of game question here: Are the owners and/or operators Amish, or simply afraid of technology?

At least Waffle House has a good reason for keeping most of their reciepts written; so that if/when power goes out, they can still serve most of their menu and nothing changes for the staff.

The answer is very simple and it's that updating would cost money. This company is incredibly cheap. They would rather have customers wait around longer than update even though in the long term, it turns people off from going there. It also holds up sales staff who have to physically look for inventory rather than having it digitized.

They also don't hire anybody to do inventory and expect the sales associates to do inventory WHILE THE STORE IS OPEN. If you've ever worked in a large retail store before, you know that's the worst idea ever and only the cheapest company would do anything like that

mellon_collie 04-1-2021 06:20 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I'm afraid of Charu normally and these menacing looking bird pics aren't helping me

Reason I am afraid of Charu: he has carried me as a wolf before and I know he can carry. Even if all the other wolves are fuckups Charu finds a way to spin it around and its SCARY

the sun fan 04-1-2021 06:35 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
you can't make me read anything that was posted before now; you just can't make me do it its that simple

Hakulyte 04-1-2021 06:35 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4758072)


I am very scary and could definitely 100% beat you up so TAKE ME SERIOUSLY GODSDAMNIT

That is music to my ears. I feel comfortable now knowing you can beat me up. I don't need to be concerned about you anymore.

btw, I only post this stuff to make people talk and I'm happy it works. Good luck with the job btw.
I've been through a similar meme where I had to debug computer hardware and I had to write by hand everything I would do which took me like 5 times longer than actually doing what I needed to do.
Really have to find your own pace for these things.

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758090)
Due to my lack of experience with all of you, I can only really interpret his "post restriction" as harmful to town. In the absense of a strong scumread/wolfread/guilty/whatever its called here, I feel that my vote is currently best used to remove those that are detrimental to town.

The funny part here is that how many times people post doesn't really matter all that much. It's more about if the posts lead to something meaningful. In this setup low activity early game is kind of acceptable, but if the setup was like vanilla town only, I'd be on a crusade to try to make things happens. The balance is fine here.

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758090)
I also remember that I never dropped the link to my meta, which I will do now:


This only includes games I played on mafiascum and mafia451. Maybe at some point I will track down all my other games and include them as well.

Not gonna lie, I'm unlikely to sit down and read all of this. I'll just try to play like when I play with someone I don't know. You're active so, I don't think you'll have to worry about me.

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758090)
No, that was charu voting FFR

Charu didn't vote anything. I don't think he said a single word yet.

Charu 04-1-2021 06:38 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4758094)
I'm afraid of Charu normally and these menacing looking bird pics aren't helping me

Reason I am afraid of Charu: he has carried me as a wolf before and I know he can carry. Even if all the other wolves are fuckups Charu finds a way to spin it around and its SCARY

bugkid666 04-1-2021 06:40 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4758096)
you can't make me read anything that was posted before now; you just can't make me do it its that simple

nothing that important anyway
tldr; two votes on charu atm seemingly bc he has only spoken in bird code

bugkid666 04-1-2021 06:41 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
also i have class soon and then cybernaut after, so i won't be active again here until late tonight

tn5421 04-1-2021 06:49 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 (Post 4757984)
my boss is in the office tomorrow and i have ddoctors appt after that so i will post in the afternoon/eveno after i get poked and prodded, going 2 bed now

might post earlier if work allows

thinking about charu

Okay, it was the other bird person that voted Charu. I got them mixed up.

mellon_collie 04-1-2021 06:53 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4758100)
also i have class soon and then cybernaut after, so i won't be active again here until late tonight

oh my fucking god I forgot about cybernaut whyyyy does this all start at the same time lmao it's cool though

Vendetta21 04-1-2021 06:53 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4758035)
You don't need to survey people, necessarily. What you do is cause some controversy, typically with your early votes. There's always going to be someone that refuses to take the first day seriously. And that's on them.
Reading people you've never played with before is pretty much always going to be a crapshoot.

Then you're going to hate me, too.

Can't go insane if I'm already insane.

It means he's dedicated to an unhelpful self-imposed post restriction.

narrows eyes

wow 80 pages with zero votes and purely white noise posts and we got two walls of quotes someones trying too hard to "whats up my fellow kids"


Vendetta21 04-1-2021 06:58 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
i too, am in tune with the background radiation of the universe and can sense the actual radio waves in my ccold hard dome -- pshspspspspspspspspspshshshspsps << thats npr, ari shaffer is talking

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 07:03 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4758096)
you can't make me read anything that was posted before now; you just can't make me do it its that simple

What if I read every post out loud to you in an Australian accent? Will that make you feel better?

Vendetta21 04-1-2021 07:05 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
am concerned about funnygirl not being here, two reason:
a.) she was the one who pressured me to play why am i here if she is not

b.) why go to the trouble and then ghost

i9ts a :thinking: right not but not yet a :thunk:

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 07:06 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4758094)
I'm afraid of Charu normally and these menacing looking bird pics aren't helping me

Reason I am afraid of Charu: he has carried me as a wolf before and I know he can carry. Even if all the other wolves are fuckups Charu finds a way to spin it around and its SCARY

I don't really have any experience with Charu being a wolf, so I'm not sure I understand this feeling you have, Raeko.

Is there any sort of tell? Or is it just you gotta narrow it down to world building and he just kinda has to be in the correct world?

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 07:07 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 (Post 4758108)
am concerned about funnygirl not being here, two reason:
a.) she was the one who pressured me to play why am i here if she is not

b.) why go to the trouble and then ghost

i9ts a :thinking: right not but not yet a :thunk:

I share this concern because she can, AND has done this sort of play as town and wolf.

Also choof, can't forget about him.

Vendetta21 04-1-2021 07:09 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
chooof who?

mellon_collie 04-1-2021 07:13 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758109)
I don't really have any experience with Charu being a wolf, so I'm not sure I understand this feeling you have, Raeko.

Is there any sort of tell? Or is it just you gotta narrow it down to world building and he just kinda has to be in the correct world?

I can't think of any tells off the top of my head but he's definitely someone I feel better about reading late game vs early, and look at his entire game all together rather than single posts

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 07:13 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 (Post 4758112)
chooof who?

I can't tell if you're joking or not...

Vendetta21 04-1-2021 07:20 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
btw not having a vote out is only beneficial to wolves you should literally always have a votr on someone arent most of you like veterans wheres youre hygiene

Vendetta21 04-1-2021 07:25 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
d1 youre only going to get anywhere with the ebb and flow of votes, and the chance of insta-ing someone is super low and if someone did get insta'd thats a pretty nuclear option that speed up the tempo of the game drastically

everyone can throw out little questioning remarks here or there and make a light joke or talk about their meta but the stochasticity of voting is where non-random patterns emerge whjere they shouldnt

the sun fan 04-1-2021 07:32 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4758106)
What if I read every post out loud to you in an Australian accent? Will that make you feel better?

no, it will not

the sun fan 04-1-2021 07:33 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 (Post 4758118)
btw not having a vote out is only beneficial to wolves you should literally always have a votr on someone arent most of you like veterans wheres youre hygiene

man, I do love you sometimes
most of the time, really

the sun fan 04-1-2021 07:38 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

he rolled wolf a lot lately and I haven't read nor am I going to but people probably thought his posts were wolfy, I'll bet

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 07:38 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4758074)
I am currently inclined to agree with this read.

For some reason I'm reading Haku as Bulletproof. I have no basis for this whatsoever.

Basis aside... Can you give me an idea as to what led you to think this?

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 07:39 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
FG get in here. You wanted Vendetta to play and you are absent.

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 07:40 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
iight I'll come back in a bit. Toodles y'all

mellon_collie 04-1-2021 07:43 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Screw u V u can't make me vote early

tn5421 04-1-2021 07:50 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 (Post 4758118)
btw not having a vote out is only beneficial to wolves you should literally always have a votr on someone arent most of you like veterans wheres youre hygiene

And yet you're mad that I have my vote out. That's some doublethink right there.

Charu 04-1-2021 07:54 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 (Post 4758118)
btw not having a vote out is only beneficial to wolves you should literally always have a votr on someone arent most of you like veterans wheres youre hygiene


Hakulyte 04-1-2021 08:06 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4758133)


wait- what.

Raeko -> V -> Charu -> Raeko.
V cancel into tn5421.

less red words, more talk please.

Hakulyte 04-1-2021 08:09 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4758121)
man, I do love you sometimes
most of the time, really


Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4758123)

he rolled wolf a lot lately and I haven't read nor am I going to but people probably thought his posts were wolfy, I'll bet

Not sure if voting or shitposting tbh.

flashflash account 04-1-2021 08:16 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4758123)

he rolled wolf a lot lately and I haven't read nor am I going to but people probably thought his posts were wolfy, I'll bet

Oh my gosh you suck
sunfan is the impostor
This is a legit vote, the real sunfan would never vote me day 1

flashflash account 04-1-2021 08:25 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I have serious suspicions of raeko with no intention of pursual
Their post about chary being a scary wolf felt mildly pockety to me, and their immediate compliance to vendetta's vote request was unusual for raeko

I also want one of shadow God and hakuna to be a wolf because they always roll town and it's boring
But it's definitely not haku
Funnygurl absenteeism is regrettably expected and probably nai
Vendetta feels aight to me so far I know they're an experienced player but I dont care
I think haikus wariness toward xk is fairly justified at least makes a good d1 talking point
Bugkid is threadspewed town

the sun fan 04-1-2021 08:26 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4758139)
Oh my gosh you suck
sunfan is the impostor
This is a legit vote, the real sunfan would never vote me day 1


Charu 04-1-2021 08:27 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4758143)
I have serious suspicions of raeko with no intention of pursual
Their post about chary being a scary wolf felt mildly pockety to me, and their immediate compliance to vendetta's vote request was unusual for raeko

Squawk ❤️

Hakulyte 04-1-2021 08:35 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Anyone played with a wolf Shadow God before ?

Shadow_God_10 04-1-2021 08:42 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4758146)
Anyone played with a wolf Shadow God before ?

Can confirm that there are exactly two people who I have wolfed with in this roster:

Raeko and Roundbox

Sunfan has played a game that I was wolf and he was town.

Other than that, no one has played a wolf game aside from that to my recollection

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