Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 807: Lianne La Havas by Lianne La Havas
This is the second thing I've reviewed this year that uses Weird Fishes/Arpeggi as a basis for a track. I saw this on the chart and thought it was the most likely I'd enjoy. And I was right. Best Track: Sour Flower Rating: 8/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
What are you most looking forward to this year? I know that Architects are coming out with a new album in a month or so, but I was wondering what you might be looking forward to.
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 808: Big Science by Laurie Anderson
Let's start the year off by listening to some "canon classics" that I never bothered getting around to. I hear this one get called "groundbreaking" a ton. Aaaaaaand I only like two songs, Born, Never Asked and O Superman (For Massenet). The rest just doesn't do it atmospherically for me. It's definitely groundbreaking, but simultaneously sounds more dated than a lot of the electronic stuff that came before this (like I will 100% still jam out to some Silver Apples). Alright 2021 here we come! Best Track: you don't get a ding Rating: 5/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 809: Drunk Tank PInk by Shame
First 2021 album I'm reviewing in 2021 is the highest rated album on the 2021 RYM charts as of today. And this entire album slaps, there was not a single second I didn't absolutely adore. After finding almost no rock albums I liked last year, it's nice to have a art punk shredder be my first love of the year. Welp that's all I'm writing. Go to bed. Best Track: Born in Luton or Great Dog Rating: 8.5/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 810: I've Seen All I Need To See by The Body
Here's another band where my senior year roommate Cooper loved them and I was entirely unfamiliar but I THOUGHT I was familiar because of their similarity in name to Show Me The Body. This sounds nothing like that band, but is as face-shredding, soul-disintegrating and just plain ROCKING in a completely different way. I can see complaints from people because these songs all kinda sound the same, but they sound the same in a great way, just pure ugliness, aggression and sludge, and as a result of it being kinda short and the songs not being too long it doesn't overstay its welcome. This reminds me a lot of an album Cooper showed me from The Goslings but this is a completely different genre and style, and I think I like this better. Maybe 2021 is the year I find a fuckton of heavy shit that I like instead of hip-hop or electronic stuff. Who knows? It's still early. Best Track: They Are Coming Rating: 8/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 811: Isles by Bicep
Man I can't tell if everything thus far I've reviewed from 2021 (including Bob's Son even though I put it in my top of 2020) is a slapper because A. During COVID when they couldn't tour, musicians honed their craft more and strived for perfectionism to wow people at home B. COVID is making me love all music more because of how much I miss concerts C. I've just been getting high more often and more intensely recently and thus I enjoy music more. Anyways, another great album. This didn't wow me as much as any other 2021 album I've reviewed, but it's consistently great and groovy and a ton of fun while also being laidback. Go check it! Best Track: Rever (feat. Julia Kent) Rating: 8/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 812: Unbothered by Lil Skies
Well first album of 2021 I don't enjoy whatsoever. That's all I CAN say about this album, it's so bland and unremarkable while not even being enjoyable on a "brain turned off" sort of mindset and there is nothing else I can think to write. Best Track: I really don't know Rating: 4/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 813: Sound Ancestors by Madlib
RIP MF DOOM, is this album as personally important to my cracker ass as Madvillainy? Absolutely not. Is this album as good? Absolutely not. Is this album any good? Eh, it's decent, but nothing all too "wow" although it's smooth and pleasant. Best Track: One for Quartabę / Right Now Rating: 6.5/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
the breathing effect - photosynthesis
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 814: EP2! by JPEGMAFIA
Yeah it's okay. Why is he so calm nowadays? Best Track: They're all kinda same-y Rating: 6.5/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 815: Forever In Your Heart by Black Dresses
I forget if I reviewed one or two things by these guys forever ago. This stuff sounds the same as it did before, except now it's a longer album. Also, maybe I'm getting old but I don't remember being as annoyed by this music as I am now. Whatever. Best Track: Ragequitted Rating: 5/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
gang gang dance - eye contact
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 816: Collapsed in Sunbeams by Arlo Parks
HOOOOOOLY shit I'm getting old, this person was born this millennium? I mean, that's not exactly rare these days, but any time I see it, I just feel old as fuck. Maybe this is a heavily extended whiplash from when you go from listening to nothing but boomer music in your preteen and early teen years (up until 14 or so, and yes 90s music and Daft Punk are boomer now according to the interwebs) then going the complete opposite way and listening predominantly to newer music in your early 20s. Instead of dead or almost dead people, I have music from people who are probably gonna die after me, especially the way I tend to live life. Okay anyways, this album, when I first found it? It was higher ranked on the year charts, and you know I'm too lazy to find music more ways more than a few times a year or something. It's sank since, but I dunno if that's indicative of the quality or simply backlash. After all, the first ranked album for like the first two weeks of the year was half plagiarized and half pedophile. I like this a ton, this is probably better than half of the things ranked above it at the moment. It varies between smooth and subdued or... still smooth and subdued but really it's not all that same-y. Almost every track here is good, the lyrics are okay if not particularly memorable (I hear this girl is a poet?) and the production is just what I need. Good album. Man I can't wait til I get this Master's degree so I can get an actual job. Best Track: Caroline Rating: 8/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
pretty proggy for hardcore |
Re: Recommend me some 2021 albums halp
Day 817: Working With God by Melvins
I updated the thread title again. Will I ever do that retrospective thing I promised like almost 2 years ago now? I SWEAR I WILL I just don't... have time. Okay onto the music. These guys are a REAL throwback to me now, I still enjoy some of their classics, especially their earliest shit, from time to time but I don't listen to it often. There's a whole lotta sludge out there and I have to be in a specific mood for a specific band. Also, didn't Buzzo get cancelled for appearing on the podcast of the anti-homophobia buttplug squeeze Nazi Vice founder guy? I'm not sure if it took or if people just forgot and stopped caring as is the norm for most people attacked by the cancel culture boogeyman. Either way, I'm listening to this for free on Bandcamp, he's not getting my money, who cares? Aaaaand I wouldn't have paid for this either way. I see at the bottom of the page that they're boasting this is the 1983 lineup, which coincides with some of my all time favorites from this band, but this just feels... uninspired? These guys were never someone I came to for emotional honesty, but when you open a sludge album with a Beach Boys "cover" you start to wonder if things are just too stupid. A lot of this album is just really, really fucking stupid, and that was clearly the goal. What's lame is that there are some hard hitters in here, but they're a mere handful in a sea of stupid shit and boring shit. Now squeeze a buttplug out your ass, Buzzo. Prove your libertarian ass isn't homophobic. Best Track: Caddy Daddy or Hund Rating: 4.5/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2021 albums halp
Day 818: For the First Time by Black Country, New Road
Welp, this is currently #1 for the year on that website. You know it. Thankfully the year is still early because that's unlikely to remain. Double thankfully because this shit bores me to tears. I can respect the craft while still saying this does not appeal to me at ALL. Best Track: smd Rating: 3.5/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2021 albums halp
Day 819: Thru And Thru by Gang Gang Dance (Album Choice: housekeeper)
I used to always mix these guys up with Dance Gavin Dance which drove me away from them, even though they sound nothing alike. This album? I like the danciest parts, and I applaud their experimentation and eclecticism, but big chunks of this album just get grating to me, particularly whenever the vocals shine too bright. In spite of that, I'd say this is a fine, pleasant listen as background noise even with some moments being less than desirable. Okay back to the homework. Best Track: Adult Goth Rating: 6.5/10 |
Re: Recommend me some 2021 albums halp
Day 820: Alone in the Meantime by The Outside Agency (Album Choice: chob)
Well, this is a short one. Just one 15 minute piece. I like it a lot, I like the way it builds up, gets really aggressive, then fades out into nothing. It makes me miss raves. I have nothing more useful to say. Best Track: lmao Rating: 8/10 |
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