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ffraxis 01-20-2011 12:19 PM

Whats your opinion on drugs? All of us have done drugs at least once in our life (even if we didn't know that said substance is considered a drug) legal or illegal.

Do you support specific drugs? Why do you support these drugs? What are the pros/cons to this drug? Do you support drug groups, anti-drug groups? Do you support the business behind it or no?

Please, do tell.

Also in trying to support your point of view please pull some actual facts.

rushyrulz 01-20-2011 12:28 PM

Re: Drugs
Since illegal drugs kill people, I can't help but saying illegal drugs are bad.

PS No way you're going to have a very stimulating conversation on legal drugs, and there's no reason to argue against them since the worst thing that can happen while taking them is some stupid side effect.

Trying cocaine once can kill you, taking an aspirin can save your life.

so in summary: Good drugs good, bad drugs bad.

badman7772 01-20-2011 12:31 PM

Re: Drugs
Enough said. There's no such thing as an opinion on drugs.

VarleyisDance 01-20-2011 12:35 PM

Re: Drugs
Marijuana should be legal just the same as alcohol and cigarettes, the effects arent near as harmful as other illegal drugs

XXXsmittyXXX 01-20-2011 12:37 PM

Re: Drugs
How is there no such thing as an opinion on drugs? What if you happen to LIKE drugs, good or bad,? Pretty sure liking them is an opinion.

I support earthly drugs to a very high extent. 8)
If it grows on the ground, or in the ground, i say go for it. Definitely weed. All that man made garbage is horrible for you.

rushyrulz 01-20-2011 12:41 PM

Re: Drugs
Marijuana is a legal drug in some states and countries. It would probably help the cause if it weren't a bunch of stoners shouting LEGALIZE MARIJUANA MANNN! Which probably leads the people whose decision it is to make it legal kind of weary that if it's legalized, all that will happen is there will be more people driving stoned and killing innocent people. But keep in mind, alcohol WAS illegal before, and has since been legalized (obviously)

I've never tried marijuana, although I'm sure it's not too harmful to your health. It's probably the best option out of the non-chem drugs. Stay away from the shrooms and chem and you'll be fine.

Also, don't chug cough syrup.

EDIT: Yeah, what smitty said. I still think shrooms are iffy tho.

VarleyisDance 01-20-2011 12:43 PM

Re: Drugs

Originally Posted by XXXsmittyXXX (Post 3400586)
If it grows on the ground, or in the ground, i say go for it.

i like that :)

who_cares973 01-20-2011 01:06 PM

Re: Drugs

Originally Posted by rushyrulz (Post 3400578)
Since illegal drugs kill people, I can't help but saying illegal drugs are bad.

PS No way you're going to have a very stimulating conversation on legal drugs, and there's no reason to argue against them since the worst thing that can happen while taking them is some stupid side effect.

Trying cocaine once can kill you, taking an aspirin can save your life.

so in summary: Good drugs good, bad drugs bad.

I can't tell if you're being serious with that post or not. Death is a very serious side effect like with any drug legal or not that's what overdosing does.

Originally Posted by badman7772 (Post 3400581)
Enough said. There's no such thing as an opinion on drugs.

I really hope you're kidding

Kilroy_x 01-20-2011 01:38 PM

Re: Drugs
I've come to the conclusion recently that I like Marijuana quite a bit, and it's legal in my state with a prescription. Alcohol to an extent but not so much, plus it's a contraindication to HRT; it could kill me, technically, as could cigarettes. Kind of funny in that context that illegal drugs are healthier for me than the legal ones. I'd like to try MDMA at some future date, but I wouldn't dare make a habit of it. Addiction to a neurotoxic substance doesn't seem like my cup of tea, but now that I know the kinds of experiences drugs can give to me I'm more interested in them to say the least.

I would say that if a person is cautious and intelligent, they can explore most drugs to an extent. Marijuana doesn't seem to be bad at all. Heroin can be pretty bad, cocaine can be pretty bad, and meth is something that nobody should touch ever, but as for most other stuff? Pot is fine, worst consequence of shrooms is a fever, LSD if you can actually find it and have a good environment to take it in is fine, MDMA if you don't overdo it is fine (although terrible if you do). Biggest problem with drugs isn't the drugs themselves but impurities, but again, that's just a matter of caution.

I'm still very much a libertarian at heart, or perhaps an anarchist of some stripe; certainly not the conventional stripe though. I have too much respect for capitalism but not enough to qualify for the anarcho-capitalist side of things anymore, I don't think. Even stupid people have their rights, whatever the hell a "right" is, and I would say that extends to drug use. Keeping drugs illegal drives their prices up by creating artificial scarcity and also ensures that the people who profit from them are those with the means to evade, bribe, and in the very visible cases of Central and South America, kill law enforcement officials in order to traffic their product.

Don't get me wrong, I know people who have screwed up their lives in a serious way with drug use. But in the end, you'll never stop people from making bad decisions, and in this particular case trying to leads to greater death and suffering. It's counter-intuitive but true.

tl;dr drugs themselves are largely fine, those that traffic in them aren't, and as a corollary of that government regulations are far from fine because they're what drive drugs underground into the black market and turn a popular product into a source of revenue for terrorists, gangs, and criminals.

ScylaX 01-20-2011 01:45 PM

Re: Drugs
Lol what the ****.
Good drugs = good / Bad drugs = Bad ? Just were did you brought that from ? That's some frightening conclusion right there.

If cigarette was innoxious, it wouldn't kill that much people every year. Same thing for alcohol. Just compare marijuana (illegal) to tabacco (legal) with a serious method and you'll realize the first one is almost inoffensive compared to the second one.

@Kilroy_x Well, repression obligatory has its side effects and consequences that are basically symetrics from its nature and "pressure" over the population. It's kinda hard to find a fair media considering its consequences, even though you can judge by yourself, looking at its consequences, if that repression is good or bad for the nation. (compare the Prohibition from our today's laws over drugs if you want)

kommisar 01-20-2011 01:53 PM

Re: Drugs
anything in excessive amount is dumb as fuc, but some more harmful than others. really hard to base an opinion on that since some people will relate to overdosing or just taking something once.

I personally hate recreational use of drugs since I've seen its psychological effect on some people close to me. It's a pretty artificial way of enjoying yourself (I even hate myself for drinking at times). They shouldn't be illegal, since it's causing more problems than it's preventing. They are, however, mostly associated with people insecure/unhappy about their own lives. It's a coward's way out of reality.

Let's all get drunk and go on skype

ScylaX 01-20-2011 01:57 PM

Re: Drugs
@Kommi I have a strong opinion about drugs and I hate it too, but I wanted to ask you a question : Do you think you'd still consider drugs as an "artificial way of enjoying yourself" if it hadn't any bad consequence on the human being ?

zadkiel91 01-20-2011 02:11 PM

Re: Drugs

Originally Posted by XXXsmittyXXX (Post 3400586)
How is there no such thing as an opinion on drugs? What if you happen to LIKE drugs, good or bad,? Pretty sure liking them is an opinion.

I support earthly drugs to a very high extent. 8)
If it grows on the ground, or in the ground, i say go for it. Definitely weed. All that man made garbage is horrible for you.

I agree with this. Weed is the only illegal drug that you can try without being addicted, and it was proven that it doesn't burn your neurons. That is BS. Try cocaine, or heroin or other man made garbage like smitty said and your life will go down the drain.

ScylaX 01-20-2011 02:12 PM

Re: Drugs
It's kinda out of subject, but I don't see the point of living if it's about escaping from your perceptions that allows you to feel the world, just concentrate on how to be positive and the time will help you. Unless there is actually no way from escaping to your conditions.

aperson 01-20-2011 02:18 PM

Re: Drugs

Originally Posted by rushyrulz (Post 3400578)
Trying cocaine once can kill you, taking an aspirin can save your life.

The difference between a medicine and a poison is dosage. Also, cocaine is used medicinally to numb the mouth when needed for surgery. That is why it is schedule II in the United States and not schedule I.


Originally Posted by rushyrulz
I've never tried marijuana, although I'm sure it's not too harmful to your health. It's probably the best option out of the non-chem drugs. Stay away from the shrooms and chem and you'll be fine.

What on Earth does 'non-chem' drugs mean? Everything in this world that is composed of atoms is a chemical. Everything you eat is a chemical. Vitamin C? Calcium? Sodium? You're a machine made of a bunch of chemicals so let's not act like putting a chemical in you is a bad idea for the sake of it being a chemical.


Originally Posted by ScylaX (Post 3400643)
It's kinda out of subject, but I don't see the point of living if it's about escaping from your perceptions that allows you to feel the world, just concentrate on how to be positive and the time will help you. Unless there is actually no way from escaping to your conditions.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the only reason people take drugs is to "artificially enjoy themselves." I've taken a wide variety of drugs and my primary purpose in doing them was to understand myself better. I find that you learn more about what you are actually composed of, both physically and mentally, by jarring the flow of things and seeing how your body copes with it. There are many others who share the same view, try googling the term 'Entheogen.'


Originally Posted by zadkiel91 (Post 3400642)
I agree with this. Weed is the only illegal drug that you can try without being addicted, and it was proven that it doesn't burn your neurons. That is BS. Try cocaine, or heroin or other man made garbage like smitty said and your life will go down the drain.

Some people can go shopping without getting addicted; some people are addicted to shopping and are in financial ruin. Some people smoke weed every once in awhile and go about their lives normally; some people spend all their time smoking weed and lose any motivation or direction in life. Some people try heroin once and their lives go into a downard spiral; some people try heroin a few times and decide it isn't for them.

Don't make blanket statements unless you know exactly what your blanket is covering.

Reincarnate 01-20-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Drugs
Use your best judgment

Yieldsign 01-20-2011 02:24 PM

Re: Drugs

Originally Posted by rushyrulz (Post 3400578)
Since illegal drugs kill people, I can't help but saying illegal drugs are bad.

PS No way you're going to have a very stimulating conversation on legal drugs, and there's no reason to argue against them since the worst thing that can happen while taking them is some stupid side effect.

Trying cocaine once can kill you, taking an aspirin can save your life.

so in summary: Good drugs good, bad drugs bad.

Are you serious? Are you serious?

While I'm no longer naive enough to support a fully libertarian blanket legalization of drugs, I'm certainly not naive enough to spout what you just said.


Since illegal drugs kill people, I can't help but saying illegal drugs are bad.
Yeah because nothing legal has the potential to kill you if used irresponsibly. It's not like people regularly overdose on alcohol or anything (yeah, when you're vomiting your guts out over a toilet, this is an overdose). By the way, it's pretty factually wrong to say that the worst alcohol can do is a few "stupid side effects." Pretty sure alcohol causes a far larger amount of deaths than marijuana. So does oxycodone, hydrocodone, benzodiazepines (which, incidentally are one of the most commonly used suicide medications), skeletal muscle relaxers, and a variety of other legal medications. There are many very dangerous prescription medications out there that are often more addictive than a lot of street drugs. Oxycodone is more addictive than non-freebase cocaine, physically. So is morphine. Get your facts straight.


Trying cocaine once can kill you, taking an aspirin can save your life.
This is so over the top it disgusts me. What are you, straight out of D.A.R.E.? The great majority of people who try cocaine do not die after cocaine use, especially the first time. Britain consumes 50 tons of cocaine each year, and I doubt you see 1,000,000 + Brits dying each year from first time cocaine use.


PS No way you're going to have a very stimulating conversation on legal drugs
how presumptuous, but it turns out not everyone has the same high school opinion as you on drugs. In fact, some people actually know anything.

Reincarnate 01-20-2011 02:27 PM

Re: Drugs
It all comes down to how responsible you are when using a particular substance. However, I think sometimes it's hard to say something like "responsible heroin user" and have it be accurate in most cases. Some substances are simply harder on your system than others and screw with things in various ways. Your best bet is to simply educate yourself and understand the risks before you go do something incredibly stupid.

kommisar 01-20-2011 02:31 PM

Re: Drugs
if you guys are going to base effects on statistics, this thread is done for lmao.

% of people who die from first use of drug
% of people who die from overdose
% of people who develop mental illness from drugs
% of people who use drugs regularly with no physical side effects


there isn't a "responsible" way to take drugs, but there are obvious dumbshits who go over the top

JenovaSephiroth 01-20-2011 02:32 PM

Re: Drugs
I'm really not liking the level of uninformed opinion going on in this thread.

Rather than drawing the line between what is illegal and legal, you have to more think about the potential to harm yourself in the process. Opiates (cocaine, heroin, oxy, etc) happens to provide a massive rush. Massive is a severe understatement here, though, as the effects would actually cause so much happiness that you would literally never experience that same level of happiness again, even on subsequent attempts, which is the big danger here. Chasing the dragon is what sends people on the dark road of opiate addiction, and it is incredibly difficult to turn back, both physically and mentally. My opinion on it is that you would need an insane amount of self control, which most people do not have, so if you get sucked in, I won't judge you, but don't come crying to me. Have I tried opiates? No. Would I ever want to? No, because I am very sure that I wouldn't have what it takes to make it back.

As for drugs that are not as dangerous (LSD, shrooms, MDMA, etc), it all depends on your state of mind. How you feel going into it can make or break your experience, and a horrible enough bad trip can potentially put your mind into a state that it can't return from, but from various trip reports I've read at erowid (everyone, seriously, look up erowid.org before talking), there were massive mistakes that they have made. I've had E, and have had both good and bad experiences from it. Does my brain have holes in it? That's yet to be seen. :P

tl;dr: be objective about it and do some research before blabbering on about what DARE told you

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