Flash Flash Revolution

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-   -   TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=150862)

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:11 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670822)
I saw that I had the gun a long time ago and out of fear of hitting PRs I decided that the best plan was to wait till closer to EOD and shoot the counterwagon but I'm open to suggestions

before you shoot, ask the person if they're a PR

ShadoWolfe 04-14-2019 05:11 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4670819)
just waiting for that purple text to come back now

Phase ends in 4 hours and 49 minutes, at 9PM server time.

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:12 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670823)
this does make me kind of want to shoot you

damn, my predictions are not on it today

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:13 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
shoot ShadoWolfe

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670824)
before you shoot, ask the person if they're a PR

if they say yes do I wait for someone to counterclaim PR :^)

ShadoWolfe 04-14-2019 05:16 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:16 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4670750)
this also works

i mean "need" is a strong word but i want support

i assume you're at least here to town the house down

there's some jokey-ness to this post that's making me stumble but it comes off weird regardless, just need to figure out why

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:17 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4670825)
Phase ends in 4 hours and 49 minutes, at 9PM server time.

 cYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQFy0lHSUtLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAECAwUGBwj/xAA5EAABAwIEBAQEBAUEAwAAAAABAAIRAyEEEjFBBVFhcQYTIo EykaHBQrHR8BQjM1JiBxVDcoLS8f/EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwAEBf/EACARAAICAgMAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAABAhEhMQMSQSIyUWH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APTkkkkRRJ2plTiK2UHsg8IK2cf4gwxcaliAT6TII5Ofl5lcli W0qU5jO8W/ILT8T8eALgy94kH9FweMxjnzyXIots7U6QZj+ME2bbqsSvU3Jn 3SqutcoZxV4xSJym2Jz1Ap0xVCREpJJFYA4SG6SlssFF+BpZnA LbxNh2QnBaGrlp1KMqUnktE56u+6rlxFrALUqYEAzE9NEP5eXQ QmsRq2ABx5lF0MPUILmmQLKVOg07fUrQw7iBlbYdEHIaMCjDw6/sehSLYciqGEgyDrqI+qbEU7ykspQZhLwtNrQAeyzMHotIGQpy2 VWjFqNkkoDGO2aL7dFutoa2QFXB3JzfTQcpTxYkkc8+QSDPWFf h8I6o7KySffsBbqja9AEyW+8wrMK0tEN9M6kG6p2IdDPxVGpTc abwWvbYtOototbg5qGBBjc7Rz6+ysZwsOEkEk7la2CwgYIBQbw GKpnFYmiWPcz+0ke230TASFt+JsLDg4amx9liscB3Tp2hGqYO4 Jla4SbKLmkGCmEIynBCUJZVjE2hOoAqxAKPqJJJJMSIV6gaJJh cT4j4u6oTTotJMXmwA3J5Bb/HMSf6bdTMk/C0dSuI47xVraZp0zY/1Kmhee/LoFz8krdHTxR9OW4sQCQXF7hqZ9IPJo+6wq1b3KIxVefSwW3KD LY6oxVIeTtlL5Oqg5WvVJKoibQyiU5STCjQphqiEVRZLZhBugx VlLqVpUqbJVgIEghE1aAaWEEHMxrjH4XGZaeohLY/U0eGthoC0g0LPwaPYkYxW6iq3YUHZFwnhLZRJALcCOiuZhQEVC RKDYaKRThCVmyUdVeqKbbrLIGTo0oRrG2VG6Lw6V7GWiuFS+kj CFU8oG2BuwgKZmEARYcpAI2CiLG7IikFAK5qNgaMLxOPQO65So F2HiUeiP8guTx7YIHS6rBkZr0olO506qCkFUih4SSBUwQgGhk8 pyxLy1g0fUSF4jixTYXG/IDUlEPdAWVj/UIOht2BQnKkJBWzj+L4yo8F7wQ0/gbvyE7yuP4lQf8VY5RHpaLALr/E3GqdIQ2C7QD96LzjH419Vxc4/oFzRTbOu0kQxOIBs0ADognvUqzhMN0581S4q6RNsZxTFJOnEIp NCSIw1NZujJWUOCvwT75eendRrN5dUOChtBvqzQdRBNtU2VzTB 2sp0Kof0dv16hE1VO6LpJ5QVhXQjmlZ2H0R1IoGouzKQcoFRlK 2MkXhyZxVYcq61eAkHoVRwV9BkrNw8vctehSIVFolIaLoqgUO5 t1dTbdK9jpfEIyoOqiarTEhY7a0EtOxSs0QoFW03oYPU2uQGoN arGqikVaXIiMzeMnRcbjKmZ7j1XUeIcVkb/AJOBA+5XIhX4l6Q5X4JSaokJwFUiglzZJVbmwp0Ar6rL2CS6Ld bQJE3Uc6vqNgmNFU8BFMRo+ncU8ARvEnkAuL8T8acxjvLGkXJi CbC26t43xIUS1jqpJ1qGPiv9AuE8RcZbVJAmJmfoAAoSk5MpCF 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vLgQNDOq2K2K9AYO5J27KTAEnUgU1gK8M60S6NjOhVlHDgku6/XdQ8qNFbhqoaCHX5d4tKLeA2O1oNjp+R5hDvztflmIvPMcwraL rdkVVZmg7jTtyQi6Y8knkjVoUKjQH/FzWDi+EFhOQ5mk67rUxLBHVAtx7mCDcKhB8fpHDi0K12HdyQbq +YyBCJbi3tESVkK+K9E2vKLwN3J0kzOdbNd2Ha+HE5Y+q1z6KH psSkkpSKx2DYjGGnRFKYaRJO5XO1Xw4xoUkkkS2hmwZnVNWZlO hM2TJLPDMso1sGx72+URLBeyErfzHto4emcxOUCfU4/ZJJNDLN+ncvcMBQFCl66zvVUOvqtoOWwCxKHBsRiCXvOQGSXO1 PYBJJaWWIpdVa2ywcJoNMElx6mfoNEuIYqnTIpsaGOiT6RMbXS SS0PHLyZmJxwN3OPYGAsirjWSTf5pJIloxVWZTqznOJBIB5ck5 eeZTpICkFY1iSSmx0F06VrLRw2HmDzSSSMDDcQRSplx2ErleAU XVKznhmYXJJ2nRJJUjpi+WdLiRFy0NPNY2PxdiImySSENm8AsG 8RfVGgpJKwo5Ck1xCSSBiTq3NQc4JJImK45IzDudzlJJBmRbjK Ppnl+W65vGjUe4TpJ1oG0V4Nh1hW1KoB1HzTJJjQl8T//Z

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:17 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4670829)

oh heck I got him right in the eye

inDheart 04-14-2019 05:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4670819)
this chat is starting to become fire emblem
just waiting for that purple text to come back now

purple text is great though

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670828)
if they say yes do I wait for someone to counterclaim PR :^)

good question; obviously, if there is a cc, we need to resolve that, and if there's not a cc, we let the night phase sort it out.

if you're asking someone if they're a role though, you're committing yourself to always shooting someone

and if someone is using the gun to ask multiple people if they're a PR, we should lynch that person

just ask the one person

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:19 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
it's probably the last bit

"I assume you're here to town the house down"
What does that even mean? It almost feels like an awkward joke that a wolf partner would make to distance D0 but I don't think inD would do something as clunky as that as a wolf

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:20 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
yes inD I'm calling you out over joke quality

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:21 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
fuck it
first FE avatar from anyone not named "ShadoWolfe" decides my avatar for this game
pls make it cute

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:23 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:23 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:23 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
I will honor that but
I don't like it

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:25 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
tee hee

inDheart 04-14-2019 05:25 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670835)
it's probably the last bit

"I assume you're here to town the house down"
What does that even mean? It almost feels like an awkward joke that a wolf partner would make to distance D0 but I don't think inD would do something as clunky as that as a wolf

well i started out thinking about going just "you town?" but then that sounded nicer in my head

that's about all i got

star-crossed 04-14-2019 05:26 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
Is it just me or does FFA not sound like himself, on this page especially?

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:27 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670843)
Is it just me or does FFA not sound like himself, on this page especially?

shade noted

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:27 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670843)
Is it just me or does FFA not sound like himself, on this page especially?

I am not especially pinged by him yet

star-crossed 04-14-2019 05:28 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
I just keep staring at his avatar and feeling confused it is coming from him.

It could be a good sign since the last games I really paid attention to he was mafia in.

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:28 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670846)
I just keep staring at his avatar and feeling confused it is coming from him.

It could be a good sign since the last games I really paid attention to he was mafia in.

I don't understand what you're saying with your second point here, my b

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:29 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
if I sound different for any reason it's probably because I have a frickin gun

inDheart 04-14-2019 05:29 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670843)
Is it just me or does FFA not sound like himself, on this page especially?

i'd believe if it's just because i shouted at him

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:30 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670848)
if I sound different for any reason it's probably because I have a frickin gun

yeah, gotta perform that factional nightkill with something, right?

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:31 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
the fact that I'm so hesitant to shoot anyone probably means I'm wrong

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:31 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670850)
yeah, gotta perform that factional nightkill with something, right?

with my Beretta 92 ayyy

star-crossed 04-14-2019 05:33 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
I mean The Steve Rodgers game, and the junior werewolf game.

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:34 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
right now my top shot is star
in hindsight I don't think inD is a good shot unless he suddenly got really bad at TWG
I don't think shooting sunfan would ever go wrong
I could also shoot someone else specifically and I think it's optimal but that's something to keep to myself for now

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:35 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670853)
I mean The Steve Rodgers game, and the junior werewolf game.

I barely posted in the steve rodgers game

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:36 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670854)
I don't think shooting sunfan would ever go wrong

 cYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQFy0lHSUtLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAECAwUGBwj/xAA5EAABAwIEBAQEBAUEAwAAAAABAAIRAyEEEjFBBVFhcQYTIo EykaHBQrHR8BQjM1JiBxVDcoLS8f/EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwAEBf/EACARAAICAgMAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAABAhEhMQMSQSIyUWH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APTkkkkRRJ2plTiK2UHsg8IK2cf4gwxcaliAT6TII5Ofl5lcli W0qU5jO8W/ILT8T8eALgy94kH9FweMxjnzyXIots7U6QZj+ME2bbqsSvU3Jn 3SqutcoZxV4xSJym2Jz1Ap0xVCREpJJFYA4SG6SlssFF+BpZnA LbxNh2QnBaGrlp1KMqUnktE56u+6rlxFrALUqYEAzE9NEP5eXQ QmsRq2ABx5lF0MPUILmmQLKVOg07fUrQw7iBlbYdEHIaMCjDw6/sehSLYciqGEgyDrqI+qbEU7ykspQZhLwtNrQAeyzMHotIGQpy2 VWjFqNkkoDGO2aL7dFutoa2QFXB3JzfTQcpTxYkkc8+QSDPWFf h8I6o7KySffsBbqja9AEyW+8wrMK0tEN9M6kG6p2IdDPxVGpTc abwWvbYtOototbg5qGBBjc7Rz6+ysZwsOEkEk7la2CwgYIBQbw GKpnFYmiWPcz+0ke230TASFt+JsLDg4amx9liscB3Tp2hGqYO4 Jla4SbKLmkGCmEIynBCUJZVjE2hOoAqxAKPqJJJJMSIV6gaJJh 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nKQCCPVfaPzXPYthY9zP7THcbH5QjHJrLX1bQFQXSEwUHOTimY +WvPULS4cRN/ZAYl3rat7g7WAHM250nSO6ombUTG4nwuSXMjqFi1cM5uoK9IbQ bEFogiLfvVc35QzOm4kgJlIi4KWUcuEVhK8Gd1t4jA03EBzMpO 4QeJ4BUZdsPHTX5JrTJuLiWcZeHjMN2g+4UKTw5odpDfqEGXuj KREc0+DqemOU/VCsGvJ3WBx5NMQRcXKf+L6rnMHWOSFM1igkK3RbnT5ka+kxw9J TMwrdyj2QOjLOC4c1KzWgTuewXbVcFLg0gR+7LC4XjmUB6QAT8 yimcVqVJyAxuVCb7MtCLiB+JOF0spi3ZcacCabnX2lda/DVKji83pt5c1l41jSZ1JGnJaLoerOew+Ac4y6wWzg4ZMmAAqnh wsdU9Jsm/v0VExJL1EH4p0+kW5lQxWKa5sEFxG20o2vgT5fmN+HQdU2Bhty 3MUrDExeIV2FrW5Yyi3da3gnw214/jK4mixxFNh/5qo5j+xu/MiNJWlh/C7sW+BDRq92zW7+66Wo5lCmyiB6KTcrBABNyXuPdxJ90VKkaSt lFejXxDi87/AInWCyv4BlGoKjyKrmGzDZs7E7lG4zjbi3KDlHT9ViVcSSbXUy qTOrZ4uqFuoadYY0AAciXSZWDxXHufJMEky4xcrOZSqk2pu+UD 6q11F41In5o3YOqWhPxQ5H5LD4/WJLcsz9uqIfWqudlaPdEDhYAzOcCd1nNIPQwGUzuVeDaAAEViK gmAAEO1qVysdKhNapsYFbTpyrqdFLY1D4OlJAW3inZKOaNIFuu qGwNDfcaLK4txRz3eX8x1TRFq2Xv4iBAaI6uJnuYTY1pcc5i+p E3PMzos6lgySBeey33w2mSYlMqGmkkZAUXpw7ZXilpz3WJma7B vLgQNDOq2K2K9AYO5J27KTAEnUgU1gK8M60S6NjOhVlHDgku6/XdQ8qNFbhqoaCHX5d4tKLeA2O1oNjp+R5hDvztflmIvPMcwraL rdkVVZmg7jTtyQi6Y8knkjVoUKjQH/FzWDi+EFhOQ5mk67rUxLBHVAtx7mCDcKhB8fpHDi0K12HdyQbq +YyBCJbi3tESVkK+K9E2vKLwN3J0kzOdbNd2Ha+HE5Y+q1z6KH psSkkpSKx2DYjGGnRFKYaRJO5XO1Xw4xoUkkkS2hmwZnVNWZlO hM2TJLPDMso1sGx72+URLBeyErfzHto4emcxOUCfU4/ZJJNDLN+ncvcMBQFCl66zvVUOvqtoOWwCxKHBsRiCXvOQGSXO1 PYBJJaWWIpdVa2ywcJoNMElx6mfoNEuIYqnTIpsaGOiT6RMbXS SS0PHLyZmJxwN3OPYGAsirjWSTf5pJIloxVWZTqznOJBIB5ck5 eeZTpICkFY1iSSmx0F06VrLRw2HmDzSSSMDDcQRSplx2ErleAU XVKznhmYXJJ2nRJJUjpi+WdLiRFy0NPNY2PxdiImySSENm8AsG 8RfVGgpJKwo5Ck1xCSSBiTq3NQc4JJImK45IzDudzlJJBmRbjK Ppnl+W65vGjUe4TpJ1oG0V4Nh1hW1KoB1HzTJJjQl8T//Z

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:37 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670856)
 cYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQFy0lHSUtLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAECAwUGBwj/xAA5EAABAwIEBAQEBAUEAwAAAAABAAIRAyEEEjFBBVFhcQYTIo EykaHBQrHR8BQjM1JiBxVDcoLS8f/EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwAEBf/EACARAAICAgMAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAABAhEhMQMSQSIyUWH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APTkkkkRRJ2plTiK2UHsg8IK2cf4gwxcaliAT6TII5Ofl5lcli W0qU5jO8W/ILT8T8eALgy94kH9FweMxjnzyXIots7U6QZj+ME2bbqsSvU3Jn 3SqutcoZxV4xSJym2Jz1Ap0xVCREpJJFYA4SG6SlssFF+BpZnA LbxNh2QnBaGrlp1KMqUnktE56u+6rlxFrALUqYEAzE9NEP5eXQ QmsRq2ABx5lF0MPUILmmQLKVOg07fUrQw7iBlbYdEHIaMCjDw6/sehSLYciqGEgyDrqI+qbEU7ykspQZhLwtNrQAeyzMHotIGQpy2 VWjFqNkkoDGO2aL7dFutoa2QFXB3JzfTQcpTxYkkc8+QSDPWFf h8I6o7KySffsBbqja9AEyW+8wrMK0tEN9M6kG6p2IdDPxVGpTc abwWvbYtOototbg5qGBBjc7Rz6+ysZwsOEkEk7la2CwgYIBQbw GKpnFYmiWPcz+0ke230TASFt+JsLDg4amx9liscB3Tp2hGqYO4 Jla4SbKLmkGCmEIynBCUJZVjE2hOoAqxAKPqJJJJMSIV6gaJJh 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C77qWHaBE7KiwiTyzPexUuRjnZn9JQtYXVESkiASTJJhB0kkyx hJwmU6IlwWMbmGEAIsHdD0xZX0L2F+QFz7LmkdkHRocJwHmvv8 Dbu+w9/sruL4jM7KLBtgFoVG+RRDB8Wrj/kdb/IeyxiJuVzXbLIHAg3CKp01JtOyvoU0dmbLcNRNiinkMEypuGRs rC4lxAaSq6wT2FV+IwIm8/b9/Jc/xVjnQXH/AMd/dTbiYMgElSoUsxzO7lNFVkbpePCfDcHGW37Gq0amqsIAFuUfO/5QszjNfJSJGrvSPfX6Sttgk0jB4ji/MqE7Cze3P3QhUVNxldKVHC3bscJKIUkQEUThPiCoIT0nQVjI9W 8C1wH1GafAQu34c6KtVvMtd82heN+F+KkVmA2m1vovSuHcS/nnq0a9FK8juODrgUsyCGLHNY/EPFFGk/I6o0HldN2E6nnOQ5rzc36rTGJzQz8UwOyzXuJunwbyHZvZSnBd aLxm+1hPHcGXQG/h+Iofh9Roa46kac1tPxAdSIbZ2/VcbVpPYTyJuow/GX/psOrZ6T3OOrtFjBmd8bBF41wDWxyuFscB4W0UfOdqbx0TfU12c pxamxrgGnuAq8REWV3FC01DlG6qrU7gKq0iTAogyh6uqvq6qly qiUispk5TJiYkkk4EkAXJsALkk6ADcrGEi+F0HOf6QTluY0Hc7 LouFeCneX52LcaNPZg/qvPvZg+Z7Lp+DYfzR5NCk1lJvxQOfNxu55jUlTnPxFYcb29GTw bhgA8+s0eW34Wu/wCR3/qPrEc0ZjPELnGBAHQAe1kNxqrUcXBoJpg5GdRTkEgcte8SsFvo guvMqLhJ5ZZTibX+4nQ37qnK1xkS08tj+izG156LTwDJIUZR6l kXspkG/stDCUt1oHCtyAOjb/6ga7sjXbcv33WiK3Zm8YxkWmwt3K59z5Mm5ReL9ZVH8MVVMpH4 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vLgQNDOq2K2K9AYO5J27KTAEnUgU1gK8M60S6NjOhVlHDgku6/XdQ8qNFbhqoaCHX5d4tKLeA2O1oNjp+R5hDvztflmIvPMcwraL rdkVVZmg7jTtyQi6Y8knkjVoUKjQH/FzWDi+EFhOQ5mk67rUxLBHVAtx7mCDcKhB8fpHDi0K12HdyQbq +YyBCJbi3tESVkK+K9E2vKLwN3J0kzOdbNd2Ha+HE5Y+q1z6KH psSkkpSKx2DYjGGnRFKYaRJO5XO1Xw4xoUkkkS2hmwZnVNWZlO hM2TJLPDMso1sGx72+URLBeyErfzHto4emcxOUCfU4/ZJJNDLN+ncvcMBQFCl66zvVUOvqtoOWwCxKHBsRiCXvOQGSXO1 PYBJJaWWIpdVa2ywcJoNMElx6mfoNEuIYqnTIpsaGOiT6RMbXS SS0PHLyZmJxwN3OPYGAsirjWSTf5pJIloxVWZTqznOJBIB5ck5 eeZTpICkFY1iSSmx0F06VrLRw2HmDzSSSMDDcQRSplx2ErleAU XVKznhmYXJJ2nRJJUjpi+WdLiRFy0NPNY2PxdiImySSENm8AsG 8RfVGgpJKwo5Ck1xCSSBiTq3NQc4JJImK45IzDudzlJJBmRbjK Ppnl+W65vGjUe4TpJ1oG0V4Nh1hW1KoB1HzTJJjQl8T//Z

dude im 12 years old

star-crossed 04-14-2019 05:38 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670845)
I am not especially pinged by him yet

I feel like this is incongruent with you calling him probably town

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:39 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670858)
I feel like this is incongruent with you calling him probably town


the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:39 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670858)
I feel like this is incongruent with you calling him probably town

pinged is like
to me

I originally typed bothered in that posted and replaced it with pinged

star-crossed 04-14-2019 05:42 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
I do not think that really changes it. Like he is the main person you seem to have a basis of a real lean on, but then your sentiment feels neutral with the "yet" part

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:45 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670861)
I do not think that really changes it. Like he is the main person you seem to have a basis of a real lean on, but then your sentiment feels neutral with the "yet" part

what makes it a neutral observational assessment rather than a direct response to your thought about me "feeling different"?

inDheart 04-14-2019 05:46 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
Look, here's what's going to happen:

We're going to lynch someone, probably someone in the perceived lower half of skill level of the players in the game that had the most uninspired d1 by t0an and/or volume; hopefully we're right

The wolves are going to SPK someone, probably sunfan if he's a villager and/or has something that could be minimally construed as a correct fakepeek, and then some other shit may or may not happen and we'll have NK/mechanical stuff to talk about

It's hard to gin up enthusiasm when the real game isn't actually going to start for the better part of 18 hours, and having ffa act like he's all clever for shooting me because there's a 25% chance he could be right and have gotten in on the ground floor is just stupid, and it's insulting that you think it would be at all productive regardless of my role

star-crossed 04-14-2019 05:46 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
It felt like a more broad statement than that to me in spite of being a quote response, but I could,be wrong.

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:47 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670861)
I do not think that really changes it. Like he is the main person you seem to have a basis of a real lean on, but then your sentiment feels neutral with the "yet" part

I guess I see where you're coming from?
I didn't mean it like that tho

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:47 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4670863)
Look, here's what's going to happen:

We're going to lynch someone, probably someone in the perceived lower half of skill level of the players in the game that had the most uninspired d1 by t0an and/or volume; hopefully we're right

The wolves are going to SPK someone, probably sunfan if he's a villager and/or has something that could be minimally construed as a correct fakepeek, and then some other shit may or may not happen and we'll have NK/mechanical stuff to talk about

It's hard to gin up enthusiasm when the real game isn't actually going to start for the better part of 18 hours, and having ffa act like he's all clever for shooting me because there's a 25% chance he could be right and have gotten in on the ground floor is just stupid, and it's insulting that you think it would be at all productive regardless of my role

9/10, haven't seen it in a long time

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:47 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

I think our boy wv appeared in a proZD video

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:49 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4670863)
Look, here's what's going to happen:

We're going to lynch someone, probably someone in the perceived lower half of skill level of the players in the game that had the most uninspired d1 by t0an and/or volume; hopefully we're right

The wolves are going to SPK someone, probably sunfan if he's a villager and/or has something that could be minimally construed as a correct fakepeek, and then some other shit may or may not happen and we'll have NK/mechanical stuff to talk about

It's hard to gin up enthusiasm when the real game isn't actually going to start for the better part of 18 hours, and having ffa act like he's all clever for shooting me because there's a 25% chance he could be right and have gotten in on the ground floor is just stupid, and it's insulting that you think it would be at all productive regardless of my role

I don't like this outburst at all
is this game related

the sun fan 04-14-2019 05:51 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670868)
I don't like this outburst at all
is this game related

its a copypasta from 2+2, with the names changed to fit this game

shoutouts to legendary Hearthstone player, CPHoya

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:51 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670866)
9/10, haven't seen it in a long time

I need a better take than this help me break it down

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:51 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670869)
its a copypasta from 2+2, with the names changed to fit this game

shoutouts to legendary Hearthstone player, CPHoya

okay gotcha thank you

flashflash account 04-14-2019 05:53 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670864)
It felt like a more broad statement than that to me in spite of being a quote response, but I could,be wrong.

okay back to star crossed
can you think of anything specific about the way he said it that made you interpret it as an unconnected thought rather than one opposing yours

Funnygurl555 04-14-2019 05:55 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
omfg i love being able to read pages of THREAD

Funnygurl555 04-14-2019 05:57 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670780)
I cannot seem to get past the history lesson to actually do the game.

wait fr? that's weird idk what's up

ah well the game's not that epic anyway

star-crossed 04-14-2019 06:00 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
It is just kind of aloof, it does not feel like it brought the prior context of his leaning on ffa with it. Which is arguably because it is a direct answer, or just that it was not clear enough what I was referring to in the first place. It feels slightly dispassionate to me, for being about how he's reading the person he seems to feel strongest about I guess. Maybe it is overly projecting how I think. I am bringing it up partly to sort through that.

star-crossed 04-14-2019 06:01 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
I think I need some food or something, my brain feels like mush.

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:02 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670875)
It is just kind of aloof, it does not feel like it brought the prior context of his leaning on ffa with it. Which is arguably because it is a direct answer, or just that it was not clear enough what I was referring to in the first place. It feels slightly dispassionate to me, for being about how he's reading the person he seems to feel strongest about I guess. Maybe it is overly projecting how I think. I am bringing it up partly to sort through that.

do you think if the thought was genuine he would have phrased it differently?

mellon_collie 04-14-2019 06:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
hi everybody what's goin on

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:19 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4670878)
hi everybody what's goin on

I've been grilling star and it made her hungry

star-crossed 04-14-2019 06:22 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
The main thing I take from it is that he is less invested, in wanting people to agree with his leans, than I expected or seems usual. But I do not want to hyperfocus on one thing.

Funnygurl555 04-14-2019 06:23 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
i mighta missed it but ffa could you give us reasoning for ind vs star?

rn i see star fighting for her life but idk if that's alignment indicative; no one wants to get shot

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:23 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
why is sunfan the only one who hasn't hidden his name
just for that I'm not shooting him yall wimps smh

Funnygurl555 04-14-2019 06:24 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670812)
but ffa is probably town for the read about neither being vt; idk if he says that if he is a wolf

i staunchly disagree with this after ffa's shenanigans last game

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:25 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670880)
The main thing I take from it is that he is less invested, in wanting people to agree with his leans, than I expected or seems usual. But I do not want to hyperfocus on one thing.

if it's okay I'd like you to keep hyperfocused on one thing. How do you think he would have phrased his followup comment to you if he was more invested in getting you to see me as town like he allegedly did at the time?

the sun fan 04-14-2019 06:26 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670880)
The main thing I take from it is that he is less invested, in wanting people to agree with his leans, than I expected or seems usual. But I do not want to hyperfocus on one thing.


I mean, I hardly have leans, so I guess this is potentially a thing but
idk fam

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:26 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4670881)
i mighta missed it but ffa could you give us reasoning for ind vs star?

rn i see star fighting for her life but idk if that's alignment indicative; no one wants to get shot

it was a post that inD made that felt really awkward, I dissected it a few pages back

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4670884)
i staunchly disagree with this after ffa's shenanigans last game

this is exactly what I did not want happening

the sun fan 04-14-2019 06:27 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4670884)
i staunchly disagree with this after ffa's shenanigans last game

yeah, I know, its why I didn't lock him into town
I don't really think he was rolehunting that game because he could throw a dart anywhere and find someone beneficial for him to kill

he seems alright just off of feels to me tho

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:28 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670888)
yeah, I know, its why I didn't lock him into town


the sun fan 04-14-2019 06:31 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670889)

you're my top town so
you should be happy, not disappointed

inDheart 04-14-2019 06:32 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
not too much that's making an impression on me rn

i think sunfan's 2 statements about ffa are consistent enough with each other

star-crossed 04-14-2019 06:33 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670885)
if it's okay I'd like you to keep hyperfocused on one thing. How do you think he would have phrased his followup comment to you if he was more invested in getting you to see me as town like he allegedly did at the time?

"Seems alright"
"Not sure I see it"
[more detailed explanation of thoughts on things ffa is doing]
etc ???

Funnygurl555 04-14-2019 06:34 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670887)
it was a post that inD made that felt really awkward, I dissected it a few pages back

i'm gonna go through your posts another time, but after reading the thread 2x i'm still not catching on to what's up with ind

star-crossed 04-14-2019 06:34 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
Raeko, are you still happy with your vote?

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:36 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4670892)
"Seems alright"
"Not sure I see it"
[more detailed explanation of thoughts on things ffa is doing]
etc ???

does it bother you that so far none of his thoughts this game have been that in depth?

the sun fan 04-14-2019 06:37 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
this pains me to say, because I haven't played with her in what feels like forever, but I think star-crossed is a fine vote for now.

I, like, barely follow her thinking on why my thoughts were "incongruent" and I think that she might've just been looking for something to pick at as a wolf

I feel like we're never on the same page but screw it

star-crossed 04-14-2019 06:39 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670895)
does it bother you that so far none of his thoughts this game have been that in depth?

That is a complaint I have about basically everybody

Funnygurl555 04-14-2019 06:40 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670887)
it was a post that inD made that felt really awkward, I dissected it a few pages back

ok i found it it was the joke huh LOL c'mon dude. ind's still null for me 'cause i'd need more than that to make a read.

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:42 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4670898)
ok i found it it was the joke huh LOL c'mon dude. ind's still null for me 'cause i'd need more than that to make a read.

I take jokes seriously

the sun fan 04-14-2019 06:43 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4670899)
I take jokes seriously

wanna hear a joke?

inDheart 04-14-2019 06:44 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
sunfan/star/ffa is max one wolf

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:44 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD
fg is town
I can't make this up

flashflash account 04-14-2019 06:44 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4670901)
sunfan/star/ffa is max one wolf

I frickin want this to be true but I'm not certain it is

Funnygurl555 04-14-2019 06:45 PM

Re: TWG Turbo XXVI - Kiss and Kill - GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4670896)
this pains me to say, because I haven't played with her in what feels like forever, but I think star-crossed is a fine vote for now.

I, like, barely follow her thinking on why my thoughts were "incongruent" and I think that she might've just been looking for something to pick at as a wolf

I feel like we're never on the same page but screw it

IIRC star's never played a wolf game before. is she playing differently than she had in other games?

ik i've played with star before but as i unfortunately revealed in the last game i played with her, idr playing with star @.@

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