Flash Flash Revolution

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-   -   New to FFR? Say Hello Here! (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=116784)

aperson 01-7-2011 05:25 AM

New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome to FFR! We've got lots going underway right now and are working on many different things. The first thing I'd like to tell you about is our multiplayer beta that we are working on. You can access it from this link. It's in beta right now, so don't expect everything to be working, but we'll have it live very soon.

On top of that, we've got some profiles with a chat room built in so you can chat with any other users you'd like and customize your profile to build your own FFR identity. you can find them by clicking on the profiles link along the top navigation bar.

We'll be bringing some other features to the site soon, such as a streaming radio for you to listen to some tunes by our very own DJs, and you might even become one yourself once it's up!

Most importantly, post in this thread to say hello! New users can't make their own threads or post until at least 24 hours have passed since their registration, so take a day to check out the forums and post here to let us know what you're all about ;)

FFRGreen 01-7-2011 06:08 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by aperson (Post 3389900)
Most importantly, post in this thread to say hello! New users can't make their own threads until they have one post, so why not do it here and let us know what you're all about ;)

Oh sweet thats a great idea and its also good for spammers.

Hi new members :D

25thhour 01-7-2011 08:04 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Smart, maybe this will cut back on those Viagra spammers. :P

Welcome all new members!!!!!!!!!!

BethanyBangs 01-7-2011 08:28 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome new people. :D

XxRazgrizxx 01-7-2011 11:35 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
*pokes head in the room* hello there! seems im the first new guy to post in here....... dont hurt me.. haha :P

igotrhythm 01-7-2011 02:42 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Reminds me of something we did on my other site: No PMs until you reach 10 forum posts.

Great idea, AP. Forces people to get into the swing of reading a topic and replying appropriately. Just wondering if GB posts count for this.

Brandi183 01-7-2011 02:50 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
cool, btw im new around here and i dont know about posting.

sakura080789 01-7-2011 02:51 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
nice AP welcome all new arrow smashers

littlecigarinmouth 01-8-2011 08:24 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello Here!

LoneW0lf 01-8-2011 12:13 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by littlecigarinmouth (Post 3390595)
Hello Here!

Welcome to the newbs =P

flashpantss 01-8-2011 12:20 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome all new FFR'ers.

PrawnSkunk 01-8-2011 12:22 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Welcome all new FFR'ers.

ddrxero64 01-9-2011 04:48 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello FFR Community.

I'm not necessarily new, but this is my first time visiting the forum after the whole absence of the site.

I'm ddrXero64 (apparently back then I didn't have my X's capitalized haha), and I am an administrator at stepmaniaonline.eu, otherwise known as the new SMO. I came here to register and was surprised to see that my old account was still here, all the way from 2008 (it's been a while).

Anyways, I hope to be a part of the community and enjoy the forum, so I'm glad to be a part of the new FFR. Anyone know what I should do first?


EzExZeRo7497 01-9-2011 05:23 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
lol hi Xero

rparty89 01-9-2011 10:33 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
hi ddrXero64 and EzExZeRo7497! :)

I still haunt you.

Adnama69 01-9-2011 11:54 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey, just wanted to say wassup :)

rushyrulz 01-9-2011 12:01 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Amazed at the amount of new users already :O


Smart, maybe this will cut back on those Viagra spammers. :P
Step 1: Bump ancient thread for 1 post
Step 2: Viagra spam

Welcome to:

FearItSelf! 01-9-2011 01:56 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

star reaper 01-9-2011 03:15 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Just wanted to say welcome to all the new players! so... WELCOME.

TC_Halogen 01-9-2011 04:11 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hey guys, welcome to the site! Feel free to ask some of the more known players your questions; we won't bite. :)

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